First off, I want to thank you Fpsware for a great CC. I'm sure you get lots of people whining about "X isn't working...", but don't let that distract you from the awesome job you've done. Now, to sound the complete hypocrite (lol), one thing ravenx has noticed, and I have too, is the bot doesn't seem to use Divine Purpose when it procs. I'm not sure if it's a bug with the CC, or if it simply isn't coded to do that.
A new build will be up soon (tm). I've been working on all of my CCs in an attempt to address as many bugs as possible.
if you do so plz make sure you post it so we can test it out - ofc if the author approves as many of us waits for updated CC (4.0.6)
I think it would also be really useful for Draenai Gift of the Naaru ability to be used as heal outside of combat if available.
Great CC! Is there a way to make this cast Guardian of Ancient Kings? It's an extra CD that seems like it would be fairly simple to implement. I went through the .cs files, but couldn't figure out how to add it in. I just want it to use whenever it's in combat and the CD is up.
Guardian of the Ancient Kings should be used only in the burn phase, below 20% health or so, in bossfights like IB /combat helper bot.
Would love to see Inquisition added. 1. Have Inquisition up at all times 2. Focus on having as much uptime with Zealotry as possible, with the rotation Zealotry - Inquisition - Crusader strike - Templar verdic - Crisader strike - Templar - Crusade strike (untill Zealotry wears off) 3. Only higher priority on the above is Word of glory @ 3 holy power if health is < X % and if instant Hammer of Wrath pops up. Edit, oh... and an option to use Avenging wrath only when Zealotry is active. should be: zealotry - awenging wrath - inqusition if < 10 sec left - (Templar - crusader strike - templar - crusader strike) etc instant hammer of wrath should be used instead of what is in the ()
Just so people are aware, FPSware lives in Christchurch, New Zealand. They had a rather severe earthquake just under 2 weeks ago, with some damage done to FPS's house. This is info from another thread, located there. Give the poor guy some time.
Post it in the Singular thread, someone might take up the challenge there while FPS is recovering in the "Shaky Isles" as us in OZ like to call NZ. G
Suggestions are good. I'm still reading everything posted here. Though, I may not be able to reply or develope in a timely manner. All of my CCs will undergo a major rewrite when I have the time. The more suggestions you can offer the better I can make this CC.
View attachment 07.03.2011_20_42 2196 Log.txt Hi my RetPala doesnt use ArtofWar . Thats much dmg and time loss for me can you help me ? *Fixed i use German Client had to Change "ArtofWar" to "Die Kunst des Krieges" - const string AoWBuffName = "Die Kunst des Krieges"; thats all !
Getting error I started getting an error today with some of the Fpsware cc's. I tried making a fresh hb install and install the cc's as specified in the instructions. Before starting the paladin I had shamwow running without any problems. When I was done I installed the paladin CC, I started HB and got the error in the log. It happened on the hunter earlier aswell, but I think it was the rogue cc it had a problem with. It said something about main/off-hand poison. Sorry if this isn't the right place for it. Edit: After some testing it seems to give this compiling error if the Fpsware Hunter CC is installed.
Sorry to hear about your home, hope it ends up well.. I have done some testing to this CC. Changes you might want to add is Blessings in dungeons? Ressing when someone die? some more settings might be good to.