Changing to 0 results in getting stuck behind the piles. Changed it to 10. Seems to work unless he kills the close ones. But better than 40 yards. Another Question - would you recommend to only pickup yellows or even pickup nothing except gold for more gph?
Okay, then I just need to let this run until it gets those loot spawns and I'll have to babysit it. Though, the servers are about to go down for Tuesday maintenance, so it may be a little bit until I get the extra Waypoints it'll need to prevent the stuck. Edit: On second thought, for anyone who gets stuck on this profile, take screenshots of what your character is doing. I.e. I need a visual to see where you are stuck and add an additional waypoint. Also, make sure that your skills are not setup improperly - right now the generic combat class, is well, generic. Find a setup with your class and abilities and time them appropriately so that you're not doing something retarded like a vault or teleport that gets you stuck.
So each time im using the generic combat behaviour my toon gets stuck right at the beginning in town. screenshot + log attached.
any reason it doesn't use the waypoint to go back to town and leave game? rather then teleport? seems like using waypoint would be faster.
Seems to be working now. [19:39:00.019 N] Number of games completed:3 [19:39:00.019 N] Last run acquired 12865 gold. [19:39:00.019 N] Current Gold per Hour: 332122.2 Wiz/60 GF: 260 MS: 25 PR: 33 Thx Farix.
Np man. Glad it works and is helping you, keep looking for updates - this is not something blizzard can nerf, and if they do it'll just require moving up to the next difficulty. I will keep this profile evolving over time
After your latest update it runs a lot better. Getting approximately 160k/h without getting stuck as a barb.
I am DH and it gets stuck on the walls and basically after dying to rare pack it ignored the rare pack on next time when running back (and yeah i downloaded the profile like 10 mins ago)