Alright - New version is up for approval - Which also brings a working Gladiator rotation ... I hope. Version ==================================================== * Updated the Casting-Type hotkeys to properly reset after usage (or after 2500ms). * Revamped the Item Class. * Prot: Fixed the settings for the Tier abilities in Single-Target. * Gladiator: Added the basic rotations - Lots of tweaking required as not all aura's are known yet. * Fixed a bug which prevented proper detection of Deep Wounds and Rend remaining ticking time. * Added experimental "target next target" funtion in massive AoE sitations - Cannot be turned on via GUI yet. * Further extended the interruptor revamp - Work in Progress! Logfile please .
I have a recurring issue in the way that the bot doesn't use any abilities, so my character just stands there auto-attacking. Happens both in raids and at target dummy. Check log below: [HIDE] [21:11:47.274 N] * Enyo (Buddystore) [21:11:47.274 N] New bot added!: Combat Bot [21:11:47.274 N] New bot added!: Raid Bot [21:11:47.274 N] New bot added!: Enyo (Buddystore) [21:11:47.809 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\Thaer\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config [21:11:47.815 N] ItemForAura - Questhelper - Version 2.0 Loaded. [21:11:47.815 D] ItemForAura: Loading config file: C:\Users\Thaer\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Plugins\ItemForAuraQuesthelper\ItemForAura.config [21:11:48.037 N] Installed plugins [21:11:48.037 N] Anti Drown - Disabled [21:11:48.037 N] DrinkPotions - Disabled [21:11:48.037 N] Questhelper - ItemForAura - Disabled [21:11:48.037 N] Refreshment Detection - Enabled [21:11:49.324 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list: [21:11:49.325 D] Singular v4.0.0.3826 v4.0.0.3836 [21:11:49.325 D] Fury Unleashed II - IR (Premium) v1.0.0.0 [21:12:01.469 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS' or args[2] == 'SWING_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SPELL_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' [21:12:01.810 D] Activity: Initialization complete [21:12:01.815 D] UICulture: en-US [21:12:01.815 D] UseFrameLock: True [21:12:01.815 D] SendUsageInformation: False [21:12:01.815 D] CombatRoutinesPath: Routines [21:12:01.815 D] ReloadRoutinesOnFileChange: False [21:12:01.815 D] PluginsPath: Plugins [21:12:01.815 D] ReloadPluginsOnFileChange: False [21:12:01.815 D] BotsPath: Bots [21:12:01.815 D] ReloadBotsOnFileChange: False [21:12:01.815 D] QuestBehaviorsPath: Quest Behaviors [21:12:01.815 D] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Thaer\AppData\Local\Bossland\Honorbuddy\Meshes [21:12:01.815 D] KillBetweenHotspots: False [21:12:01.815 D] AdvancedSettingsMode: True [21:12:01.815 D] LogoutForInactivity: False [21:12:01.815 D] LogoutInactivityTimer: 20 [21:12:01.815 D] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False [21:12:01.815 D] ProfileDebuggingMode: False [21:12:01.815 D] LogLevel: Normal [21:12:01.815 D] SeperatedLogFolders: True [21:12:01.815 D] SelectTalents: True [21:12:01.815 D] ClassProfileName: Warrior - Fury [21:12:01.815 D] AutoEquip: True [21:12:01.815 D] AutoEquipBags: True [21:12:01.815 D] AutoEquipWeapons: True [21:12:01.815 D] AutoEquipArmor: True [21:12:01.815 D] AutoEquipBoEEpics: False [21:12:01.815 D] WeaponStyle: Automatic [21:12:01.815 D] RollOnItems: True [21:12:01.815 D] RollDisenchantWhenGreed: True [21:12:01.815 D] MaxBoEDisenchantQuality: Uncommon [21:12:01.815 D] TicksPerSecond: 35 [21:12:01.815 D] FoodAmount: 0 [21:12:01.815 D] DrinkAmount: 0 [21:12:01.815 N] RecentProfiles: [21:12:01.816 D] AHBot@@!@@C:\Users\Thaer\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Default Profiles\Professionbuddy\AHBot.xml [21:12:01.816 D] SelectedBotName: ProfessionBuddy [21:12:01.816 D] UseFlightPaths: True [21:12:01.816 D] FindMountAutomatically: True [21:12:01.816 D] UseRandomMount: False [21:12:01.816 D] MailRecipient has no value yet! [21:12:01.816 D] FoodName has no value yet! [21:12:01.816 D] DrinkName has no value yet! [21:12:02.230 D] MountName: White Skeletal Warhorse [21:12:02.230 D] FlyingMountName has no value yet! [21:12:02.230 D] LootMobs: True [21:12:02.230 D] SkinMobs: False [21:12:02.230 D] NinjaSkin: False [21:12:02.230 D] LootChests: True [21:12:02.230 D] HarvestMinerals: False [21:12:02.230 D] HarvestHerbs: False [21:12:02.230 D] UseMount: True [21:12:02.230 D] PullDistance: 100 [21:12:02.230 D] LootRadius: 45 [21:12:02.230 D] LastUsedPath: C:\Users\Thaer\Desktop\HonorBuddy\Default Profiles\Professionbuddy\AHBot.xml [21:12:02.230 D] MountDistance: 60 [21:12:02.230 D] RessAtSpiritHealers: True [21:12:02.230 D] GroundMountFarmingMode: False [21:12:02.328 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete [21:12:02.328 N] Honorbuddy Startup Complete [21:12:04.353 V] [FUP] Fury Unleashed - Diagnostic Logging is Reinitialized. [21:12:04.354 V] [FUP] [21:12:04.354 V] [FUP] ========== Misc ========== [21:12:04.354 V] [FUP] is the used revision. [21:12:04.354 V] [FUP] Current race 0 with None as spec and level 0. [21:12:04.388 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS' or args[2] == 'SWING_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SPELL_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' [21:12:04.388 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler HandleCombatLogEvent from event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED; it is not a member [21:12:04.388 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnTalentGroupChanged from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:04.388 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:04.388 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnGlyphUpdated from event GLYPH_UPDATED; it is not a member [21:12:04.388 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member [21:12:04.388 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnPlayerLevelUp from event PLAYER_LEVEL_UP; it is not a member [21:12:22.887 V] [FUP] Fury Unleashed - Diagnostic Logging is Reinitialized. [21:12:22.888 V] [FUP] [21:12:22.888 V] [FUP] ========== Misc ========== [21:12:22.888 V] [FUP] is the used revision. [21:12:22.888 V] [FUP] Current race Orc with Warrior Fury as spec and level 90. [21:12:22.892 V] [FUP] Horde is your faction [21:12:22.892 V] [FUP] 0.9 days since Windows was started. [21:12:22.921 V] [FUP] 64 ms of Latency in WoW. [21:12:22.921 V] [FUP] C:\Users\Thaer\Desktop\HonorBuddy is the HB path. [21:12:22.921 V] [FUP] BotBase - Namespace: Bots.Professionbuddy - Name: ProfessionbuddyBot [21:12:22.921 V] [FUP] [21:12:22.922 V] [FUP] ========== General Settings ========== [21:12:22.922 V] [FUP] AuraIdValue: 0 [21:12:22.922 V] [FUP] DiagnosticLogging: None [21:12:22.922 V] [FUP] PerformanceLogging: None [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] PerformanceLoggingHotkey: False [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] TreePerformance: False [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] PreCombatBuff: True [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] PreCombatHotkeys: False [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] RangedAttacks: False [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] InterruptMode: FromList [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] Racials: Always [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] RacialsHpValue: 60 [21:12:22.923 V] [FUP] RacialsMpValue: 60 [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] Vigilance: OnRaidMember [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] VigilanceValue: 10 [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] Movement: False [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] QuestingRotationMode: Agressive [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] HotkeyChatOutput: True [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] ShowWarnings: True [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] OpenSpecSettings: True [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] ArmsRotVersion: Normal [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] FuryRotVersion: Normal [21:12:22.924 V] [FUP] GladiatorRotVersion: Normal [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] ProtRotVersion: Normal [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] LastStatCounted: 315 [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] DisableScriptErrors: False [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] SpellMitigationThrottle: 250 [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] AutoTargetBestTargetInAoE: False [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] ========== Hotkey Settings ========== [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] HeroicLeapKey: None [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] Tier4AbilityKey: None [21:12:22.925 V] [FUP] Tier6AbilityKey: None [21:12:22.926 V] [FUP] Tier7AbilityKey: None [21:12:22.926 V] [FUP] HotkeyModeSelection: Automatic [21:12:22.926 V] [FUP] ModifierKey: Alt [21:12:22.926 V] [FUP] PauseKey: None [21:12:22.926 V] [FUP] CooldownKey: None [21:12:22.926 V] [FUP] MultiTargetKey: None [21:12:22.926 V] [FUP] [21:12:22.927 V] [FUP] ========== Fury Settings ========== [21:12:22.927 V] [FUP] BerserkerRage: Always [21:12:22.927 V] [FUP] Recklessness: OnBoss [21:12:22.927 V] [FUP] Tier4Abilities: Always [21:12:22.928 V] [FUP] Tier6Abilities: Always [21:12:22.928 V] [FUP] Tier7Abilities: Always [21:12:22.928 V] [FUP] Tier4AoeAbilities: Always [21:12:22.928 V] [FUP] Tier6AoeAbilities: Always [21:12:22.928 V] [FUP] Tier7AoeAbilities: Always [21:12:22.928 V] [FUP] ShoutSelection: BattleShout [21:12:22.928 V] [FUP] Tier4AbilitiesBuff: Buff Name [21:12:22.929 V] [FUP] Tier6AbilitiesBuff: Buff Name [21:12:22.929 V] [FUP] Tier7AbilitiesBuff: Buff Name [21:12:22.929 V] [FUP] DieByTheSword: True [21:12:22.929 V] [FUP] DieByTheSwordValue: 30 [21:12:22.929 V] [FUP] RallyingCry: False [21:12:22.929 V] [FUP] RallyingCryValue: 10 [21:12:22.929 V] [FUP] EnragedRegeneration: True [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] EnragedRegenerationValue: 50 [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] HealthPotion: False [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] HealthPotionValue: 10 [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] HealthStone: True [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] HealthStoneValue: 10 [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] ImpendingVictory: True [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] ImpendingVictoryValue: 75 [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] VictoryRush: True [21:12:22.930 V] [FUP] VictoryRushValue: 75 [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] Hamstring: True [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] SpellReflection: True [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] Interrupts: True [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] IntimidatingShout: True [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] PiercingHowl: False [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] PiercingHowlValue: 5 [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] TrinketSlotOne: Always [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] TrinketSlotTwo: Always [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] MultiTarget: True [21:12:22.931 V] [FUP] MultiTargetValue: 3 [21:12:22.932 V] [FUP] HeroicThrow: True [21:12:22.932 V] [FUP] RotationalImpendingVictory: True [21:12:22.932 V] [FUP] [21:12:22.932 V] [FUP] ========== Glyphs ========== [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] Glyph of Intimidating Shout [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] Glyph of Unending Rage [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] Glyph of Blazing Trail [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] Glyph of Death From Above [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] Glyph of Subtle Defender [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] Glyph of Enraged Speed [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] [21:12:22.933 V] [FUP] ========== Talents ========== [21:12:22.935 V] [FUP] Talent: DoubleTime [21:12:22.935 V] [FUP] Talent: EnragedRegeneration [21:12:22.935 V] [FUP] Talent: SuddenDeath [21:12:22.935 V] [FUP] Talent: StormBolt [21:12:22.935 V] [FUP] Talent: Vigilance [21:12:22.935 V] [FUP] Talent: Bloodbath [21:12:22.935 V] [FUP] [21:12:22.936 V] [FUP] ========== Racial & GCD ========== [21:12:22.986 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS' or args[2] == 'SWING_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SPELL_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' [21:12:22.986 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler HandleCombatLogEvent from event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED; it is not a member [21:12:22.986 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnTalentGroupChanged from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:22.986 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:22.986 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnGlyphUpdated from event GLYPH_UPDATED; it is not a member [21:12:22.986 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member [21:12:22.986 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnPlayerLevelUp from event PLAYER_LEVEL_UP; it is not a member [21:12:25.520 V] [FUP] Fury Unleashed - Diagnostic Logging is Reinitialized. [21:12:25.521 V] [FUP] [21:12:25.521 V] [FUP] ========== Misc ========== [21:12:25.521 V] [FUP] is the used revision. [21:12:25.521 V] [FUP] Current race Orc with Warrior Fury as spec and level 90. [21:12:25.521 V] [FUP] Horde is your faction [21:12:25.521 V] [FUP] 0.9 days since Windows was started. [21:12:25.521 V] [FUP] 64 ms of Latency in WoW. [21:12:25.522 V] [FUP] C:\Users\Thaer\Desktop\HonorBuddy is the HB path. [21:12:25.522 V] [FUP] BotBase - Namespace: Enyo - Name: Enyo [21:12:25.522 V] [FUP] [21:12:25.522 V] [FUP] ========== General Settings ========== [21:12:25.522 V] [FUP] AuraIdValue: 0 [21:12:25.522 V] [FUP] DiagnosticLogging: None [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] PerformanceLogging: None [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] PerformanceLoggingHotkey: False [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] TreePerformance: False [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] PreCombatBuff: True [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] PreCombatHotkeys: False [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] RangedAttacks: False [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] InterruptMode: FromList [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] Racials: Always [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] RacialsHpValue: 60 [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] RacialsMpValue: 60 [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] Vigilance: OnRaidMember [21:12:25.523 V] [FUP] VigilanceValue: 10 [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] Movement: False [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] QuestingRotationMode: Agressive [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] HotkeyChatOutput: True [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] ShowWarnings: True [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] OpenSpecSettings: True [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] ArmsRotVersion: Normal [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] FuryRotVersion: Normal [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] GladiatorRotVersion: Normal [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] ProtRotVersion: Normal [21:12:25.524 V] [FUP] LastStatCounted: 315 [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] DisableScriptErrors: False [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] SpellMitigationThrottle: 250 [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] AutoTargetBestTargetInAoE: False [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] ========== Hotkey Settings ========== [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] HeroicLeapKey: None [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] Tier4AbilityKey: None [21:12:25.525 V] [FUP] Tier6AbilityKey: None [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] Tier7AbilityKey: None [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] HotkeyModeSelection: Automatic [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] ModifierKey: Alt [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] PauseKey: None [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] CooldownKey: None [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] MultiTargetKey: None [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] [21:12:25.526 V] [FUP] ========== Fury Settings ========== [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] BerserkerRage: Always [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Recklessness: OnBoss [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier4Abilities: Always [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier6Abilities: Always [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier7Abilities: Always [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier4AoeAbilities: Always [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier6AoeAbilities: Always [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier7AoeAbilities: Always [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] ShoutSelection: BattleShout [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier4AbilitiesBuff: Buff Name [21:12:25.527 V] [FUP] Tier6AbilitiesBuff: Buff Name [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] Tier7AbilitiesBuff: Buff Name [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] DieByTheSword: True [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] DieByTheSwordValue: 30 [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] RallyingCry: False [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] RallyingCryValue: 10 [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] EnragedRegeneration: True [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] EnragedRegenerationValue: 50 [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] HealthPotion: False [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] HealthPotionValue: 10 [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] HealthStone: True [21:12:25.528 V] [FUP] HealthStoneValue: 10 [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] ImpendingVictory: True [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] ImpendingVictoryValue: 75 [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] VictoryRush: True [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] VictoryRushValue: 75 [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] Hamstring: True [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] SpellReflection: True [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] Interrupts: True [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] IntimidatingShout: True [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] PiercingHowl: False [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] PiercingHowlValue: 5 [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] TrinketSlotOne: Always [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] TrinketSlotTwo: Always [21:12:25.529 V] [FUP] MultiTarget: True [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] MultiTargetValue: 3 [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] HeroicThrow: True [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] RotationalImpendingVictory: True [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] ========== Glyphs ========== [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] Glyph of Intimidating Shout [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] Glyph of Unending Rage [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] Glyph of Blazing Trail [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] Glyph of Death From Above [21:12:25.530 V] [FUP] Glyph of Subtle Defender [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] Glyph of Enraged Speed [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] ========== Talents ========== [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] Talent: DoubleTime [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] Talent: EnragedRegeneration [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] Talent: SuddenDeath [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] Talent: StormBolt [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] Talent: Vigilance [21:12:25.531 V] [FUP] Talent: Bloodbath [21:12:25.532 V] [FUP] [21:12:25.532 V] [FUP] ========== Racial & GCD ========== [21:12:25.586 D] Applied filter to event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED. Filter: return args[2] == 'SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS' or args[2] == 'SWING_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SPELL_DAMAGE' or args[2] == 'SWING_MISSED' or args[2] == 'SPELL_MISSED' [21:12:25.586 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler HandleCombatLogEvent from event COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED; it is not a member [21:12:25.586 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnTalentGroupChanged from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:25.586 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event CHARACTER_POINTS_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:25.586 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnGlyphUpdated from event GLYPH_UPDATED; it is not a member [21:12:25.586 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnSpellsChanged from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member [21:12:25.586 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler OnPlayerLevelUp from event PLAYER_LEVEL_UP; it is not a member [21:12:32.002 V] [Enyo] [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] Diagnostic Logging [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] Enyo Revision: [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] HardLock Enabled: True [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] Ticks per Second: 40 [21:12:32.003 V] [Enyo] [21:12:32.004 V] [Enyo] ====== Settings ====== [21:12:32.004 V] [Enyo] ChatOutput: True [21:12:32.004 V] [Enyo] ClickToMove: False [21:12:32.005 V] [Enyo] ContinuesHealingMode: False [21:12:32.005 V] [Enyo] ForcedCombatMode: False [21:12:32.005 V] [Enyo] PluginPulsing: False [21:12:32.005 V] [Enyo] RaidWarningOutput: False [21:12:32.005 V] [Enyo] UseSoftLock: False [21:12:32.005 V] [Enyo] PauseKeyChoice: Q [21:12:32.005 V] [Enyo] ModKeyChoice: Alt [21:12:32.006 V] [Enyo] LastStatCounted: 311 [21:12:32.006 V] [Enyo] [21:12:32.006 V] [Enyo] [21:12:32.006 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] ChatOutput enabled! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] Click to Move disabled! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] Continues Healing Mode disabled! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] HardLock (Framelock) enabled! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] SoftLock (Framelock) disabled! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] Force Rotation disabled! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] Plugins are disabled! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] Q is the pause key, with Alt as modifier key. [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] New TPS at 40 saved! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] Interface saved and closed! [21:12:32.010 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:12:33.647 N] Starting the bot! [21:12:33.647 N] Currently Using BotBase : Enyo (Buddystore) [21:12:33.647 D] Character is a level 90 Orc Warrior [21:12:33.648 N] Current zone is Shrine of Two Moons (Shrine of Two Moons - Zone - World of Warcraft) [21:12:33.663 D] Enyo: StatCounter has been updated! [21:12:33.938 V] [Enyo] [21:12:33.938 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:12:33.938 V] [Enyo] Diagnostic Logging [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] Enyo Revision: [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] HardLock Enabled: True [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] Ticks per Second: 40 [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] ====== Settings ====== [21:12:33.939 V] [Enyo] ChatOutput: True [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] ClickToMove: False [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] ContinuesHealingMode: False [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] ForcedCombatMode: False [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] PluginPulsing: False [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] RaidWarningOutput: False [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] UseSoftLock: False [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] PauseKeyChoice: Q [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] ModKeyChoice: Alt [21:12:33.940 V] [Enyo] LastStatCounted: 315 [21:12:33.941 V] [Enyo] [21:12:33.941 V] [Enyo] [21:12:33.941 V] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:12:34.078 D] Downloaded tilemap AllianceBeachDailyArea [21:12:34.277 D] Downloaded tilemap HordeBeachDailyArea [21:12:34.505 D] Downloaded tilemap HawaiiMainLand [21:12:34.584 D] Changed map(s) to AllianceBeachDailyArea, HordeBeachDailyArea, HawaiiMainLand [21:12:34.609 N] Changing current profile to Empty Profile [21:12:34.610 D] BlackspotManager forcing unload of meshes - New profile loaded [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] Enyo (Buddystore) has been started. [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] Fury Unleashed II - IR (Premium) is loaded. [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] Supported World of Warcraft version: 6.0.2 (WoD PrePatch). [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] Special thanks to the following persons: [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] Honorbuddy Team. [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] Awesome Coding Minds. [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] Author of Enyo: nomnomnom. [21:12:34.611 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------- [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Alchemy (105206) | Archaeology (078670) | Armor Skills (076268) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Auto Attack (006603) | Battle Shout (006673) | Battle Stance (002457) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Berserker Rage (018499) | Blacksmithing (110396) | Blood Fury (020572) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Charge (000100) | Cold Weather Flying (054197) | Command (021563) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Commanding Shout (000469) | Concussion Blow (175708) | Cooking (002550) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Cooking Fire (000818) | Crazed Berserker (023588) | Cruelty (165383) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Defensive Stance (000071) | Die by the Sword (118038) | Double Time (103827) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Elixir Master (028677) | Enrage (013046) | Enraged Regeneration (055694) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Execute (005308) | First Aid (110406) | Fishing (131474) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Flight Master's Li.. (090267) | Garrison Ability (161691) | Guild Mail (083951) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Hamstring (001715) | Hardiness (020573) | Hasty Hearth (083944) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Heroic Leap (006544) | Heroic Strike (000078) | Heroic Throw (057755) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Inspiring Presence (167188) | Intervene (003411) | Intimidating Shout (005246) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Languages (079743) | Mass Resurrection (083968) | Master Riding (090265) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Mobile Banking (083958) | Mount Up (078633) | Path of the Black Ox (131228) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Jade S.. (131204) | Path of the Mogu K.. (131222) | Path of the Necrom.. (131232) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Scarle.. (131231) | Path of the Scarle.. (131229) | Path of the Settin.. (131225) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Path of the Shado-.. (131206) | Path of the Stout .. (131205) | Piercing Howl (012323) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Pummel (006552) | Raging Blow (085288) | Rallying Cry (097462) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Recklessness (001719) | Shield Barrier (112048) | Shield Charge (156321) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Spell Reflection (023920) | Sudden Death (029725) | Survey (080451) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Taunt (000355) | The Quick and the .. (083950) | Unleashed Rage (175710) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Victory Rush (034428) | Vigilance (114030) | Weapon Skills (076290) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Adding known spells: Whirlwind (001680) | Wild Strike (100130) | Wisdom of the Four.. (115913) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Bloodbath (12292) overrides Unleashed Rage (175710) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Bloodthirst (23881) overrides Heroic Strike (78) [21:12:34.705 D] [SpellManager] Shield Barrier (174926) overrides Shield Barrier (112048) [21:12:34.739 D] [SpellManager] Dragon Roar (118000) overrides Concussion Blow (175708) [21:12:34.739 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler from event LEARNED_SPELL_IN_TAB; it is not a member [21:12:34.739 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler from event ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:34.739 D] [Lua.Events] Could not detach handler from event PLAYER_SPECIALIZATION_CHANGED; it is not a member [21:12:34.847 D] Set query filter to Horde [21:13:09.937 D] Pause pressed. [21:13:09.960 N] [Enyo] Rotation Paused! [21:13:10.665 D] Pause pressed. [21:13:10.670 N] [Enyo] Rotation Resumed! [21:13:29.708 N] Stopping the bot! [21:13:29.708 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button [21:13:29.713 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------ [21:13:29.713 N] [Enyo] Shutdown - Performing required actions. [21:13:29.713 N] [Enyo] ------------------------------------------- [21:13:29.715 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped[/HIDE] Edit: I'm guessing it has to do with the fact that I switched a talent? Previously I've been able to do this with Fury Unleashed I, is it not possible anymore?
Just bought premium - tried it. Is it supposed to face targets? using enyo... If not - can I get a refund?
The routine isn't supposed to face while using Enyo - That goes against all principles of user-controlled movement and bot-controlled combat - Which is the sole function of Enyo. It can face and move when using different botbases like questing, grinding and more. I'm sorry that the product doesn't seem to meet your expectation. If you could clarify a bit more what you're trying to achieve, maybe I can assist you and give advice on how to proceed. If you insist on getting a refund, you can do so yourself via the Store. Nope, talent switching should work with the latest version. I can't see anything wrong witht he log either. Would you be so kind to make a 100% fresh installation and try again, and if it happens again post a logfile? Cheers, keep in mind that it requires tweaking as I need to check into aura's etc.
That is not accurate at all -- I have several routines and they all face the boss or target I am trying to fight. If I press tab - I want the bot to turn around and face the mob I just targeted. doesn't mean I have to move - I control the movement. Portal by millz faces, demonic, most of the tuanha ..hell even singular faces. For the record- I mean with Enyo. I am actually botting right now using Enyo - using Portal - I click on lich king - turns around to face LK and not the shambling ghoul etc. Would also be nice if the routine targets the next mob when the one that it is fighting dies - again like other routines.
As I said - It goes against the purpose of Enyo , even if other routines do so. My statement is very accurate as I created Enyo, I know exactly what it's purpose is. It's not a difficult function though. I'll put it on my todo list, but will be a setting. It's your choice to refund or not - Keep in mind that once refunded, you cannot acquire the product again.
hey i am testing the Trial and will be buying this Routine one question tho i have how do i update the Routine when a new Version is up`?
Yo Nom ! Cr doesnt use execute on Arms spec, both sudden death procs and on low hp target, kinda suck !
strongly suggest you dont as this routine is as good as it gets, plus the fact if u refund u cant buy it again
Nom, will arms get more love i WoD? Read alot of the specc to go is arms in many of the fights. I understand fury got a special place in you heart, but would be awesome with a strong arms rotation also. Thx for all your work u put in to this cr.
Whenever I click on the paynow for this one it just times out. I've bought at least 15 other profiles but this wont allow me to check out in the buddy store. Any help?
# That is a store issue and should be directed at Explain your issue and they can and will help! best wishes, Weischbier
Don't mistake me - the DPS numbers are awesome. But I definitely like/want the ability to have the bot do facing. I can totally handle the movement aspect. Targeting the next target (any target) when the first one is dead is also great because the bot can do this quicker than a human - usually.
I honestly haven't used the routine that much cause I am a baddy and need the facing lol. I am using Tuanhas which does facing.
I was wondering if im doing something wrong... I got trial version to check it out, cause my mate said it was rly awesome and I did see him wtfpwn dps charts with it. But now Draenor hit, it doesn't use whirlwind on aoe packs, doesn't use burst CDs on bosses in dungeon. Anything could be wrong with my settings? Or is trial version limited to some point in it's performance?