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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by nomnomnom, Aug 22, 2014.

    1. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      Numpad + and Numpad - to go along with numpad 1-0 PLEASE!!

      This is waaaay overdue and for those of us (im sure yourself included which makes the missing of the keys all the more strange) using a naga... well yea :) wtb!
    2. klepp0906

      klepp0906 Banned

      Apr 25, 2013
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      wait.. wow is an mmo? used to be anyhow.
    3. bestdamnwarrior

      bestdamnwarrior Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      I meant MMO as in MMOWorldOnline the forum user name.
    4. BuddyLover69xx

      BuddyLover69xx New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      Honestly, nothing I said was out of line or not true. Maybe my tone was lost through translation. Most of what i have read have been ignorant claims from people who aren't making an effort to try and get the most out of the CR, but want results with that 0% effort.

      Just to clarify, before this CR I had never played a warrior or used a CR. At the beginning I was overwhelmed and confused some, but despite all of that I was still able to sift through the pages of this routines discussion, warrior discussion on other sites, and warcraft logs of top warriors to figure out what I should be doing. Within a few days I had the whole routine figured out. Literally all the info anyone needs is right in front of you. All a person has to do is make the effort instead of sitting here and making comments that the CR is under performing when in reality it is awesome. I honestly can't believe you would stand up for the people who's excuse is "I literally don't know anything about my class nor do I want to take the time to read up on the readily available info of the world wide web. Can you teach me?"

      Everything a person needs is out there all they have to do is look for it!

      EDIT: Glad you could help MMO and others out there though. It just should have never been necessary....
    5. orthofunk

      orthofunk New Member

      Jun 24, 2013
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      After experimenting and struggling with Fury for several weeks and not being very happy with the performance, I switched back to Glad.
      This CR kills it with Gladiator stance.
      665 ilvl using close to default CR settings I was able to rank top 100 in several fights in heroic HM... 33k dps on butcher.
      Thanks nom
    6. nomnomnom

      nomnomnom Well-Known Member

      Feb 18, 2011
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      I'll be responding to posts tomorrow again :). Just a FYI for everyone.
    7. Berthughesey

      Berthughesey New Member

      Aug 21, 2014
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      Not sure if it's just me or if others have noticed that Bloodbath is not being used hardly at all in the arms developmental rotation. I have set the ability to be used always but the CR does not use it. I was testing this out as on a target dummy and the routine only used it a handful of times. Maybe this is just me and a fresh HB install may fix it, but thought I would post here. Also when switching settings in the CR I have to restart HB or my toon just auto attacks.

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      Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
    8. MMOWorldOnline

      MMOWorldOnline New Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      Hey Buddy..

      If you READ my posts I've said I know this CR is working for other people. I said it was user error or my pc or something. I stated i am not experienced with warriors.. I bought this bot for MoP. It worked AMAZING and I was beyond happy. I then tried it in WoD and it didn't work for me like it did in MoP. I've never blamed the CR or NoM.. I've never posted this bot is shit and nobody should buy it. I've simply asked for some help, asked what I am doing wrong and trying to figure out how to do better with it. Your over reaction to this is uncalled for. I'm sure glad the rest of this community is more patient then you. I'm happy this routine works perfectly for you and you didn't need any help. Good for you.. here is a gold star... Anyway, I said Nom was awesome for helping me, I stated that I know I need to do more manual cooldown management and let people know who are having the SAME issues as me that they can get it to work that it's the user not the CR.. my experience is different then yours. everyone's usually is. I am going to pay Bestdamnwarrior for all his help. I do not expect special help for free ... maybe READ what I posted as your going off the deep on me for simply saying I need help to figure out how to get it to work better. I will say one more time.. In MoP I turned it on and topped dps charts.. didn't do anything. so when I used it in Wod that was my expectation. WoD is totally different warriors are different the routines are different. I understand this and have already learned alot from last night and improved my dps by up to 10K in my very first raid after his advice.. if your mad I'm passing this on to anyone who thinks its the CR's fault in this forum then I have to say I don't understand your point of view. I am not going to stoop to naming calling you or getting upset. You are allowed your opinion but if you think my intention was to bash the CR then you clearly have not read my posts. I am a paying customer and think Nom does a great job and has great customer service.. the majority of this community is great save one or two apparently. You have yourself a great day and in the words of Aaron Rodgers " R E L A X" nobody is getting killed, its a game dude!

    9. MMOWorldOnline

      MMOWorldOnline New Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      I noticed this last night in Arms also. I had to do it manually as well most of the time. I did a fresh install. It works in Fury mode no problem.

    10. Berthughesey

      Berthughesey New Member

      Aug 21, 2014
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      thanks for the reply MMO, thought it was just me. I also tried the fresh install and that never worked. I am sure nomnom can fix this now that he is aware of the issue :)
    11. MMOWorldOnline

      MMOWorldOnline New Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      This post is for those struggling who want to hear an update. (Those of you who are mad I asked for help need not read) Just did Impernator fight and I use to finish this fight with a sustained overall dps of 17k.. I just did it and finished at 32k. I know I can do much better and others crush that number but that is some huge progress in the last day. Owe it BDW and Nom for their tips and help.
    12. mrlahey

      mrlahey New Member

      May 26, 2014
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      Getting insanely low FPS drops using FUP. Everything used to work fine but as of yesterday I am now dipping extremely low in framerate when entering combat. Tried TuanHA and Singular both of them worked flawless with no loss in framerate.

      Framelock set @ 15
      Tried Gladiator, Protection, Arms
      FPS is solid 50+ then drops to 10 or lower as soon as I enter combat
      This also happens when attacking training dummies, as well as raid bosses.
      World bosses see fps drop as low as 2fps seemingly immediately as adds spawn
      Even if I stand back from a dummy, and cast a heroic throw, the drops occur immediately.
      Does not happen in TuanHA's routine or Singular (but FUP so much better)
      Tried a fresh install of Honorbuddy without any plugins or routines, same issue occurs.
      Tried with a previous install of Honorbuddy 764, same issue occurs, yet slightly better performance (could be me imagining things)
      Tried fresh install of WoW, although the issue only happens when HB is attached, started, FUP loaded and in combat, same issue.
      Issue also occurs regardless of Botbase (Raidbot, Combat Bot)
      Arms rotation appears to give even LOWER framerates than that of Gladiator or Protection, yet all are still quite awful.
      Vsync enabled and disabled both give same result.
      Issue DOES NOT occur with Framelock disabled, however routine performs poorly without a Framelock.

      Nothing has changed since it WAS working fine. Not sure what else to try.
    13. bestdamnwarrior

      bestdamnwarrior Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      @Mmoworldonline - thank you for the kind words and I'm glad to see my help and suggestions caused nearly a double in DPS on Imperator than what you're used to. I certainly appreciate the paypal but it also means a lot to me that I get to help a fellow warrior.

      @mrlahey - I do agree with you that using this CR does cause a FPS drop but I'd suggest you try what someone posted a few pages back regarding all their CR settings and see if that changes anything. I'd also suggest that you maybe adjust your graphical settings as well while in raid to maybe some lower settings to help with the FPS loss.
    14. Kiroshin

      Kiroshin New Member

      Jun 17, 2012
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      Hey guys, great combat routine! I was just looking for a bit more assistance so I can reach the maximum DPS my character is capable of. Would any of you guys mind uploading your settings? I already have my CD's, trinkets, etc, on manual cast (left control key), but I can't help but feel like I'm missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any specialization settings uploaded would benefit me greatly. Thanks!
    15. mrlahey

      mrlahey New Member

      May 26, 2014
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      After alot more testing, turning options on and off, the only time these fps drops occur is when "Enable Multi-Target (AoE)" setting is set to "True"

      Disabling this makes everything run smooth as silk, but it would still be nice for LFR/Casual norms and such if Auto-AoE wouldn't cause so much framerate loss.

      Also, enabling the AoE Rotation via hotkey-mode does NOT cause the drops, so it's almost as though something in your AoE in-range scan is to blame.
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
    16. BuddyLover69xx

      BuddyLover69xx New Member

      Mar 7, 2011
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      Like I said my tone might have seemed off because your reading it and not actually verbally listening to me. I'm glad you got the help that you needed. I am sorry I used your name specifically and that was completely uncalled for. I meant what I said as more of a general statement originally about everyone who is having issues and putting your name there made it something it wasn't. I should not have said it at all.

      This is my advice and opinion to anyone experiencing dps issues

      Learn about how the class and specs work.
      Make sure you are using correct talents/glyphs per encounter
      Make sure your gear is enchanted/gemmed correctly
      Learn how to use simcraft and develop an understanding of stat weights
      Use cooldowns on your own and this includes looking up information on the warrior class to know when to actually use said cooldowns correctly.
      Make sure you are "pre-pot'ing".
      Don't make a judgement of your personal dps on a training dummy - hop in lfr
      Try to look through FU2 thread to see if anyone else has had a similar issue(chances are they already have and have figured out the issue)
      Multiple times people have posted a general idea of settings to use and can probably be found by searching "settings" or something of the like
      Try a fresh install of HB and FU2
      If you've done all of that and are still having problems then I would make a post about it and dont just post a "my dps is x. help me." Attach a log as well

      These are all things that have been said and repeated for about 150 pages now. The information is their you just have to actually seek it out.
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
    17. Fluid

      Fluid New Member

      Nov 17, 2012
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      I've also noticed this but manually use it in raids.
    18. dj16921

      dj16921 New Member

      Jun 19, 2013
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      All of this... was perfect in MOP, I don't understand why its different now but I do understand its not the CR's fault, I've shelved my warrior and will be using a hunter.

      Thx for all the memories in MoP, Nom.
    19. tobinopowa

      tobinopowa New Member

      Nov 13, 2012
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      Pls nomnomnom the only real issue now is bloodthirst delayed in rotation this is a dps Loss we lost enrage uptime and raging blow proc overall this is the only real problem on routine,you Can easy notice this Even in a dummy pls Fix this and routine will become perfect imho
    20. carterl2

      carterl2 New Member

      May 24, 2011
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      Bloodbath set to "always" seems to either not pop it at all or very late and recklessness set to on aura seems to be late too and is popping it half way through the aura in most cases. It was fine before the last update =(

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