yes i am using th german client now cus i moved to germany for my job isn't there a way that it still does auto mining/herbing?
der deutsche HB client hat einige einschränkungen .... hier kannst du nachlesen welche genau das sind... Honorbuddy Deutsche Version alles was vom client nicht unterstützt wird kann auch der GB nicht umgehen... also zu deiner frage Nein er kann keine Kräuter noch Erze farmen.. . grüße
Do you plan on supporting the gathering of Timber in the ice version? I want something that takes care of my garrisons and timber.
This will be in my opinion the best bot to ever be on honorbuddy once trapping beasts and improved mission logic is implemented. Thanks!
I'm not sure about anything that goes outside the garrison being awesome. When you start adding features that go outside the garrison, two things happen: 1) You open yourself up to the public gaze while AFK. In almost all cases of banning that I have seen, player reports are the top on the list for reasons. 2) Building on #1, it might start bringing attention to this addon, and further inquiries into what else this addon does may start and Blizzard may target it. Both are long shots, but I would imagine that a separate botbase would be better suited for lumber/trapping/etc. I agree, however, that improved mission logic would be huge.
Please stop resorting the Bags if there is not enough Bag space! Or do an Option for enable/disable it, please.
there is a trial when you login in buddy store and choose the bot base - if you not logged in only purchase is possible....
Tonight i ran GB after HB update and my hunter acted all weird trying to sell stuff running back and forward I eneded up starting and restarting the bot then selling the greys myself and all was ok from then. I then shut everything down, restarted and then set GB to run on my druid and he finally mounted up BUT still doesnt attack..using Tuanha, same thing happened with my mage...doesnt attack. My mage for some reason hasnt produced a log this on attached is for my druid...i think Also wondering about we have to do anything or is it automatic? Is there a point in which the bot with do the pigments for scribe at some point? View attachment 6116 2015-01-25 18.59.txt
Just to clarify my druid just stood there and casts healing spells...i had to manually change to cat with my mage i had to manually cast...she actually died before i noticed what was happening
have you activated attack out of combat in tunaha settings? - try activate Full AFK mode in combat routine settings - this should work fine. which CC youre using with your mage? try singular and the default settings - they are working fine for me.... regards
Just trying out the trial version atm to decide to buy it or not. Don't know why, but my char just runs, stops at next click-to-move-point, runs again, stops again... this just looks extremely, EXTREMELY botlike! This problem wasn't there with the old beta version. What can I do about it?
Someone else in here had this too, he/she found out it was an addon that interfered. Do not know which one though.
So when's the next update going to be pushed out? Looks like y'all have a lot of stuff already ready to go and it's been a while since last? Just wondering Cheers and thanks for a great bot and excellent service
Yhep,it's been a while since last update. I hope it's just Deams internet connection not working,like he mentioned . And not,we are going the Akatosh way,muahaha. Oh well,we still got garrisonboss available ,that one seems very active,"still".
We're still there. Prepping the next version to make it as good as possible! Check the trello board to see all the work already done or left to do. If we can we will push it live tonight with a few surprises!