Okay, great! Next problem: HB won't load the profile from store:///[Giwin][Questing][Alliance] 1-90/Profile/Start.xml How can I fix this?
Hi ajnbuddy, Please create a thread in Honorbuddy Support as unfortunately I am unable to re-produce this error message, I am able to successfully load the profile from the store. When it comes to these types of errors thebuddyteam would be able to help you out on this occasion as I am not able to do anything further than to test to ensure I can load the profile. Thank you.
I tried the trial. It made 3 Levels and stops at fly point stormwind. It keeps saying. "I'm doing one quest and go to Ironforge" But doesn't fly.
Hi trashfrog, Would it be possible to get a log from you, just so I can investigate this issue for you. Thank you.
Sry I can't find out which one is the right log. I'm gonna try it again and see if I can recreate it.
I could recreate it. There might be a problem on my side tho. First Run which I don't find the log for was an human WL. I tried again with human hunter. I startet and it run immediatly to fly point goldshire- stormwind. Standing there till the bot closed and used hearthstone EDIT: My bad. I mean it flew to stormwind with the goldshire point and stood at the stormwind fly point.
I used it when I navidated manuel. And found a bug (I guess ) http://www.wowhead.com/quest=25905/rams-on-the-lam It searches for ram, targets it but whistles without target. Might be because I have the german WoW version. New problem: http://www.wowhead.com/npc=41167/torrention#comments "This NPC will only spawn when you use the Thelgen Seismograph for the quest Down In Thelgen Rock. I missed this the first time through the cave on my level 80 main and had to wait for someone else to come along in order to kill it and get the Floodsurge Core." I guess someone killed my Torrention and now I'm stuck because the bot is searching for it in a loop. How can I make this skip? Profile 19-21 Another Problem: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27432/zaeldarr-the-outcast Bot runs in crypt without checking for mobs. Ends up in having aggro of 5 mobs and dieing over and over. Had to do it by hand. Lvl 42 The profile really needs some finetuning in Eastern Plaguelands, this happens in similar situations after above quest . Dieing way too much. Another issue: lvl 47 in Badlands. I had to abort http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27709/the-sentinels-game because someone killed me right after. Bot waitet for the quest to start but the statues where already gone. After I aborted the quest it started it again by itself. I bought it after the trial and I'm quiete happy so far. I set up the auction character and I had some trouble till I noticed your first start guide isn't up to date. its store:///[Giwin][Questing][Alliance] 1-90/Start.xml instead of store:///[Giwin][Questing][Alliance] 1-90/Profile/Start.xml Sry for only one Log . I have to look for the log before I fix the problem in future. I always forget =/
Hello, i have few question : If you could puy a % on the actual progress of 90-100, how much will it be? How is the progression of garrison unlock with this bot? I started the bot from scrach but its look like he's stuck doing nothing but mail>AH>mail>ah, is it because my char is only < LVL 30 ? Thanks! Anyway i have buyed it, and with theese years of experience i could say you did a lot of work, congratulation and thanks on that.
I have a damn problem.. When i launch the AH profile on my alt, its fucking keep buying bags, i spend over 300 golds with that mess.... And its seems like it keep buying until i have no money enough anymore and then its try to put things to AH, but without money for fee its messed up..
Submitted for approval, long overdue update, thank you for your comments, the folder structure is correct on the guide and on the client version which is now being submitted for approval to reflect that on the server side
I will investigate all of these however, "Another issue: lvl 47 in Badlands. I had to abort http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27709/the-sentinels-game because someone killed me right after. Bot waitet for the quest to start but the statues where already gone. After I aborted the quest it started it again by itself." This is a known issue, I'll most likely add to StuckDetector and try and see if I can resolve this in the profile, I'm very sure I can, haven't come this far to be stopped the Horde. . I will investigate everyone one of these quests (I insert 'Halt' customBehaviour which stops the bot at these quests by force, with the comments you've added so it reminds me why its stopped). Thank you for reporting them.
Thanks for reporting, Known issue, resolved in (unreleased), added a different point and also split (which I don't like doing unless it's really necessary) the file, from Start.xml to Main.xml and Auctioneer.xml, guide will also be updated in future. Also added an alternative route so it doesn't go to Stormwind City (although treated as a 'via' from Goldshire).
Should be fixed eventually I assume but it's the weekend, can't really fix the site as I don't own the site. Sorry.
Hello, I sent you an email about this 14 hours ago but I haven't received any reply. I followed your guide to set up the questing character and the auctioning character. Unfortunately the auctioning character is also trying to do questing. I followed your guide to the line and I'm baffled as to what is causing the questing character to start doing quests instead of just working with the auction house. Could you please help me on this?
Hello again, Quest #25866 seems to be bugged in your profile. It will stay close to the cage but not close enough to open it. Also, instead of moving around and opening the different cages, it will just sit there, close to that one. Then autostuck will kick in and either hearth or completely restart WoW and HB.