any news regarding this problem? i tried fresh install on both, my desktop and my notebook and a friend also tried fresh install... still not casting froststrike... edit: both of us are 2h!
When i use the frost cr it spams this spell is not ready all the time and do like 6k dps in the arena 2h it trys to use every time howling blast when its on cd and it doesnt use frost strike. I attach a log tomorrow btw: The Unholy cr works fine its pretty nice in 3s and rbg
Hello, Frost, 2h DK, I have toggle prepare burst hotkey and burst hotkey. I cannot get it to stop preparing burst after i have bursted. It just continually pools rune power. Ill try to toggle it off but it just doesnt turn off.
Having the same issue as a 2h frost dk, rp doesnt get used. Somebody earlier mentioned that setting howling blast to only be used on procs earlier fixes it, and it does.
Just started using this trial have a few questions 1. does the paid version offer more features/custom ability 2. im already a 2kcr player in 3s/5s/rbgs i mainly purchased this for 2s to get arena master and I feel like its not working at its full potential my toons walking around slowing and dpsing target but its not ccing the focus healer on cool down it only cc's "ashyxiate" when bursting or about to die not sure how to fix this
when is the fix gonna be approved still not FS with out HB Checked and when HB checked it doesnt dispell
I don't know when it will be approved but it has been submitted a few minutes after my last post. Usually it doesn't take that long but maybe it's because of the weekend
Hey guys, I recently purchased Gladiator suite for Death knights and I'm really enjoying it compared to TuanHa, Better PvP logic. I do have one big problem with Gladiator Suite though.. and That's Auto Presence. How do I turn it off? Completely off! Where It doesn't change presence at all. I've been running Breath of Sindragosa and It always changes presence and kills all the runic power. I hope to find a solution for this annoying problem! Thanks in advance.
Hey there! Just made a clean install of windows and for sure HB + GS and everything concerned... Still got the problem that my 2h frost dk pools way too much RP... he's at 100 RP for more than 5 sec before he uses frost strike... Shouldn't this issue been solved with the last patch?
ok maybe i was a bit to fast with claiming... right now it's working perfectly... will keep an eye on it and post a log as soon as i notice the issue again