So stoked to see you released a druid routine. Your routines for the other classes I have tried work better than everyone elses for arena play. Just purchased, can't wait to try it out!! Thanks!
Bought the routine... got reciept and everything. still says i didnt purchase. Weird stuff ? Can i please get some support ?
Does this routine travel form poly/roots and bearform on rogue burst? I also bought the suite and still don't see this coming into HonorBuddy. It's enabled in the store.
If you want to use some abilities by yourself, simply add your keybinds to the "Short Pause Key" list this will stop the routine from working for 300ms if pressed once or if you hold it will stop the cr till you release that button. ///// If you have bought the cr and its not showing up, please go to and check if its enabled. If it is enabled restart your honorbuddy. If its still not showing up please contact the store support here:
Hi again Can everyone tell me the settings for resto druid in Enyo ??? Enable Continues Healing mode On or Off ??? Enable Forced Combat mode on or Off ?? Thanks
same problem. happened with this and with oracle II. getting no supprot from either thread. both have been bought and paid for hours ago. sigh
You got your support a page ago! Make sure it says enabled, if it does and its not showing, reinstall HB. Ask for support all day but if you dont bother to look for it when you ask it its your own fault!
I purchased this routine this afternoon and it is not showing up in My Purchases despite having receipt a receipt from paypal for the purchase. Help please?
My Cyclone dps hotkey is working pretty well, not super responsive but seems to work. My cyclone healer key doesn't work at all though, can anyone else confirm?
Waiting for this routine to work properly as well as i am leveling my druid right now. Seriously guys, it's the first release... there will always be hotfixes needed. Patience, Patience, Patience
Clone generally seems to be a bit funky so i've personally disabled automatic cc usage as it seems to be getting caught up on cloning the heal, i think for now it's just better use target 1 2 3 cyclone macros