Was is den mit dem Update wann kann man den endlich damit rechnen`?? Werden Immer versprechen gemacht und es kommt nix......
Depends a bit on my spare time, maybe tonight. That shouldnt happen, can you post a log or tell us where it loses his Moonkin form?
Druid 2.13 Changelog: - Improved Performance - Improved Force Bear Form behaviour - Improved Bear Form Kite hotkey - Added indoor roots/snare shifting - Added Overlap CC value option for manual and automated CCs (in ms) - Added Skull Bash Target hotkey - Removed "always prioritize last CC'd unit" - Added "Extend CC Chain on Focus" for DPS and "Extend CC Chain" for healer - Added Intelligent Interrupt for CC casts - Added Smart Interrupt - Added Latency check for interrupts - Added an option for the min rejuv duration for Genesis - Added auto Bear Form when attackers could stun you - Removed Binding Shot from default Natures Cure CC list - Added another check to NOT leave the bear form while stunned (Blizz pls fix your Auras) - Fixed manavalue for Catform - Fixed Genesis range Description: Overlap CC is considering the casttime from Cyclone/Roots So if you set your overlap value to 500ms it will start casting Cyclone @ 500+Cyclone_CastingTime Bear Form Kite: When you are holding down the bear form kite hotkey it wont go to human form anymore if one of the current attackers could stun you. Keep in mind that Stormbolt/Shockwave cd changes depending on the warriors talentchoice so this wont be accurate for warrior stuns. Intelligent Skull Bash (Target) Hotkey: - This Hotkey is active while held down + your hotkeys active time - It will interrupt your target asap (it doesnt instant kick but its VERY FAST) < the intention behind it is that it should feel like a manual kick without getting juked - It checks for auramastery and other immunities - It will only interrupt if your target is actually casting/channeling Smart Interrupt: - Smart Interrupt checks if a friendly unit could interrupt - If the friendly unit hasn't interrupted the enemy unit until his cast has finished 90% our bot will intervene and interrupt the cast - Remember only casts, not channelingcasts - It's only considering Ally DPS units as viable - In its current form it doesnt check for facing (I might change this based on your feedback) Intelligent CC Interrupt: - This one checks if the incoming CC can be dispeled by a friendly unit - example #1: You are playing a Mage, the enemy Shaman is casting Hex on your Priest. The Mage wont interrupt the Hex when he has Remove Curse ready. - example #2: You are still playing a Mage, the enemy Shaman is now casting Hex on you. The Mage will interrupt the Hex since he cant dispel himself.
Anyway to add a way to ignore OTHER players targets to the CC tick boxes for Cyclone esp would help the Auto cyclone work a lot better IMO. So many times in a BG it will cyclone a target players are switching to and I cyclone it XD.
I've uploaded a new version with the following changes (keep in mind that the buddystaff has to approve it first which may take up to a few days): Changelog: - Some small minor fixes to increase overall performance - NPCs will now be ignored in Ashran unless they are attacking you (this should also increase the performance)
i appreciate putting skull bash on a hotkey. I want to revisit the request to add the mousewheel to the hotkeys. I know in the past you've said its a pain to rework the hotkey system for 2 hotkeys but its more than that. Its at least 6 hotkeys with shift and cntrl and another 2 with alt. Many ppl use mousewheel for interrupts and with your shaman routine I use the MW up for purging (shift, ctrl, etc..) Being able to hotkey MW would really really be helpful.
I was looking to get this for Feral Pvp. can anyone tell me how it does? also Dowerz I use the Gladiator Suite for warrior and yes it is unable to have mousewheel in hotkeys but I have used mousewheel just for attacks/macros on the normal keybindings in game. hope this helps.
Hello, i recently achieved 2k5 rating in 3s as Resto Druid using this CR. So thx GS team ! I would like to suggest some advanced options that would be very usefull and maybe make resto cr almost perfect : - add an option to only NS regrowth with soul of the forest up if the talent is chosen. I feel the NS is too often wasted because the cr prefer to use it with an other spell. If its too critical, i ll just NS manually. An hotkey - add options to manage soul of the forest. For example if target's hp < X% and can be interupted, just refresh hots then genesis even if its full duration instead of trying to cast regrowth. Or if target's hp < X% keep the buff up in case i have to NS. - add an option to preshot treants if the talent is chosen when the mage is coming to deep freeze, just like the travel form option. thanks in advance
Anyone experiencing some issues with the fakecasting ? Seems that it's faking waaay to much, even if opponent is being cc'ed. Any good settings to suggest? Thanks!
@Nyamka As healer you have a lot of situational choices to make not as dps who just need a perfect rotation. So its not possible to play fully automated. I suggest you to bind all spell in short pause key in case you have to use them. I use regrowth, swifmend and NS manually with short pause key when i play soul of the forest ; if i play treants i use default setting. Genesis increased to 55% bloom increased to 90% for others Iron bark and Barskin manually blink manually etc... basically i recommand to use all cd manually. I strongly recommand this macro, use it with short pause key : /cast !Bear Form(Shapeshift) /cast Frenzied Regeneration it will cast bear form without going out of bear form, so it will reset rage and give you 10k free heal + break root and snare. It help a lot when you re focused.
Thx man, i'm using CD manually and dont want fully automate, only heal rotation. I was interested in regrowth settings, because I feel that CR goin' OOM too fast