I'm having huge problems too on CCs. A lot of time the manual casted Cyclone on healer goes on DPS, it seems just random from the CR. I can't really find a solid CR setup to CC like I want. Any of you can share yours? Do you just use your own macro and put the key into the CR interrupting list? I would like not to stop the CR but instead use its automation to cast CCs when i push the hotkey. Cheers.
Any way to get routine to stop targeting/attacking everything that comes in range while Boomkin specced? All targeting settings are off.
Druid 2.17 - Updated interrupt DMG list - Updated interrupt CC list - Updated interrupt Heal list - Updated defensive Buffs list - Updated Snares list - Updated Roots list - Updated Stuns list - Added several lists for different mechanics and dispel types - Fixed LoS issues on Shado Pan Arena - Fixed range calculation for cone spells and spells that travel along a path - Fixed Bear Form Attacked By x Units option - Resto Druids should stay more often in Bear Form now -Improved Genesis
I havent updated the tooltip behind the "edit" box yet for the custom list which should reflect the default interrupt list.
Hello I need your help once comes to Gladiator Suit for Balance Druid and indeed it comes to one position can me who help times since ?
@Cokx few problems ive run into so far 1) no keybinds for nature's cure (party 1/2/3) 2) no keybinds for clones (arena 1/2/3) - theres only a keybind for 1 dps 1 healer 3) no keybind for displacer beast or stampeding roar 4) doesn't shift incoming polymorphs or try to shadowmeld incoming CC 5) doesnt keep up faerie swarm up on rogues
Have a friend with macro pauselist not want to be going all chewed. /cast [@arena1] ciclon - keybind pauselist /cast [@arena2] ciclon - keybind pauselist /cast [@arena3] ciclon - keybind pauselist
Couple questions: Is there nothing for Soothe? I have went over the configuration multiple times and didn't see anything. I'm guessing I have to make a hotkey macro? Second question: I have it set to cast Nature's Vigil on burst, but it casts it as soon as it's off cd still (or however it's doing it, but definitely not when I burst).
Is it possible to add a auto focus like Vitalics and also a toggle for Faerie fire (looks very suspect in BGs hitting rogues that are not even near you with a FF the second they jump out on someone while on another target but its great for Arena)
you can use the Short Pause Hotkey for your macros it does shift poly but it wont meld I will look at fs on rogues, maybe it is refreshing it too late No there is currently not soothe logic, I can implement sooth against (M)SR I dont know if its worth it against rage effects since fury warriors arent that popular at the moment. #2 which spec? yes its possible and will be added in the future I'm currently writing an option for all classes which limits the visible units for the combat routine to units you can actually see on your screen.
Hi Cokx, thanks for your response. If you think adding soothe isn't really necessary, then that's fine. I'll take your word on it. It was for feral, but after a couple of restarts on HB, it finally started doing it only on burst.
Im using this routine with enyo but in bgs there is often the message your target is death but the bot try to heal it. It looks really bottish, can you fix it ?
I've been using this routine and i noticed that it causes my fps to drop hard. With it running i will get a bit less than 2/3 my normal fps. I am running on low settings and turned off all the icons. I normally get 10-20 less fps while running other glad suit routines.