I play with soul and double rejuv + vigil I change my glyphs every arena Against melees I like the shift heal glyph To score a kill I stack 5 cps then cast sotf+ns regrowth + vigil = 40k noncrit dmg which is pretty insane as a rdruid and hit for 20-30k noncrit with FB
It stops casting when someone is casting poly to not activate the gcd (like the priest cr for inquisition) and shifts in the right moment Its not a 100% success chance but I would guess I've shifted ~ 80% of the polys
Is there anyone skilled and exp who wants to try this with a hunter (or PHD later?) I'm using the hunter cr, please add/mssg me. EU ally only. Keep up the good work!
if ya 2.4k sxp on hunter this season might consider blasting some phd with ya Edit soz for spamming thread should of pmed my bad
turned off mushroom cast cuz it burns thru all mana seems to be doing a lot better now shapes hex/poly well
Thoughts so far: Instead of NS + Healing touch, it should use NS + Regrowth. Tries to spam hots pre arena, which causes it to stuck without casting anything (solution, make it pause pre arena). Looks a bit dum, that it goes into travelform while you are pillar healing (hiding behind pillar and going out to heal). In 2s it would be nice if you could have an option that's called (stack 5 combo points as resto (logic could be: (if 0 combo points and energy at 100, go into cat form and do 3 shreds (shred costs 40 energy, but you will have regenerated enough by the time of your 3rd shred, or if target has 3 combo points and energy > 80, do 2 shreds etc.), right now when you press the spam damage hotkey, it uses Heart at the start, which you don't want to do. Instead of all the genesis at x% hp etc., an idea would be to have set rotations if someone is at a certain % hp.. fx if someone is low: "How to pick someone up from dangerously low health--especially when enemies have kicks / silences up. Rejuv, swiftmend, rejuv, genesis, rejuv, rejuv. Alternatively that can be, rejuv, rejuve, genesis, swiftmend (you can swiftmend a genesis HoT) rejuv rejuv." - copy pasta from Twitch .. he's not the worlds best druid but he is at 2800 almost in 2s and 2700 in 3s..
all this, also i changed the heal to 99% instead of 100 which stops the prehealing before arena starts
overall still doin pretty good im just facerolling with hunter atm currently undefeated on a brand new druid in all blues 1900 cr