Anybody else having issues with traps just flat out missing? I've seen trapbots where they almost never miss, and sometimes even at close range with the character slowed the glad suite is missing. Any solutions?
misses all the fucking time lol. Throws it like 10 yards left of somebody standing steal spamming flash heal.
They nerfed the radius if I re call. Anyway, just get close to the healer/dps and it'll never really miss.
how does the tranq shot dispels work? sometimes it dispels alot and sometimes not at all... I use prepare and burst keys btw, anyone?
Not a matter of it just just missing but sometimes its totally off. Healers is at a pillar and the trap goes to stairs or some thing.
Is there anyway to use the following macro with Pause Hotkey? /cancelaura Trap Launcher /cast Freezing Trap The problem with that macro is that you have to hit it twice, and pause hotkey is only when held down. If I spam the hotkey super quickly it will work, but it has to be insanely quickly.
If you read the tool tip for prepare burst you'll see that it will dispel the target if it has to wait for some proc/you don't activate burst. Not at all is most likely the default high priority list only
I found a possible bug, in 2s as Hunter vs. Warrior/Resto Shaman If you have the Resto Shaman on Dot blacklist and the Warrior as target: Warrior cast mass spell reflect, and the CR auto apply serpent sting to the Resto Shaman, making it impossible to trap afterwards unless you are running Glyph of Solace. I can provide a log if it's needed.
Could someone explain what "RB" stands for in the tooltip for some of the hotkeys? For example: "W/O RB: Launches your explosive trap at your mouse position, RB: Launches your explosive trap at your focus target"