Toizi, Was there any additional Concussive Shot logic taken out of the CR in previous builds? Specifically in regards to enemies running out of range (Melee in particular). I know it uses it for melee attacking you or Healers in range, but I always thought it used to snare the targets you were chasing as well. Haven't seen that lately. Figured it might also have more to do with me using the CR in more Random BGs than rated/Arena lately.
Nothing that I know of. It should still use it on your target if it's not already snared. The only exception is if you're using frost ammo it won't bother using it on your current target
Can you add auto kill shot on any possible target pls. And some more rotation options like murder of crows on cd or on burst, stampede or barrage on cd/burst. Most important would be the killshot procc, because kill shot is not casted anytime, always manual.
Please check if you have enabled PvE or PvP mode It will KS everyone who is below 20/35% HP And there is a MoC on Burst on Trinket proc The tooltip says: Determines when to use the spell A Murder Of Crows. Burst enabled will use it when burst is activated Trinket proc enabled will use it when the trinket proc from the custom spell ID list is active Burst and Trinket proc disabled will use it on CD.
Is that so? Dont know the option PVE/PVP Mode, is that inside the cr or in enyo? I am actually not able to look, so I will reply later that day. Thank you for the fast reply, bot works great, on the run to 2,5k in 3s, actually without Killshot Imagine what happen whit KillShot !! Thank you.
Could you share your settings pls? I've got this CR but still don't know how it should work(( with default settings no burst, no rotation, no automatic trap launcher and etc... Please, help me with correct settings.
well to be honest, it really depends on the comp you're playing, but initially I would recommend this guide which you can see on the main post already: the rest is just fine tuning for yourself and your needs, which you will get into with time. you can't expect a default setting to get you to 2.4k right away. have fun and enjoy!
How do the traps work? for example if I want to drop a trap on the floor or using the trap launcher is there hotkeys for both?
I use the trap manually. it doesnt work on Focus Target for me. Have a Hotkey for Trap FocusTarget but dont work.
All Hotkeys are working, If sth is broken please do a clean install of HB and check if you havent enabled PVE mode under the general tab
Cokx, how does all the trapping work. Does it use trap launcher or will it not use it for faster trapping when close range?
how do I disable counter shot entirely? I unticked everything under the interrupt section except the explosive trap. I even bound a hotkey to enable/disable interrupt, but still every game, the CR interrupts some random CC. but all I wanna do is manual interrupt like a deep-sheep a or deep-ring. can you help me out please?
Really can't seem to hit anybody with the trap launcher... no way to add an option to turn of launcher so I can just put it on the floor with a hotkey?
There is a hotkey to use it on your mouse location. Alternatively use a macro with cancelaura trap launcher and cast freezing trap. Put that macro on the short pause list and use it whenever you want to put a trap in front of you
im 2900 cr with 2 hunters , i wana tell u cokx and toizi 2 important things you should change to make our hunters look 100% legit: 1. an option to increase 0.5 secs delay to flare rogues 2. some distance on the binding shot . its very suspicious to binding shot the SAME pixel of the target . specially vs casters (RMD mages at 3k blame me) who stay on same pixel casting 3. same that 2. but with freezing trap . an option to throw the trap like 2 cm away from the EXACT pixel. btw: ty for the CR aiming atm to R1. i can share my settings and give some private lessons how this CR works/ how play the hunter with the team/ and how hit glad Cr easy. just PM me and we will talk skype