So any news on the updates to shadow? Its kinda useless right now because of cascade hotkey missing for example.
Hi, HB works well with singular but if i want to log with Gladiator Suite Priest CR, it doesn't works. It just log until it displays "initialized rotation" and do nothing. If i try to click on "Class config" button, it crashes. If i do nothing, it just don't works. View attachment 5024 2015-05-28 00.27.txt I try to reinstall many times, reboot, delete wow cache folder, delete settings folder, switch between direct x 9 and 11, i don't understand. I'm running wow in 32 bits Thx for your answer
seems everyone is having the same issue, got this cr for priest / druid / dk and none work, gief update so i can slack in rbgs again :>
these routines are very good ... hope you find a bot or something I can use them again .. wow game only for pvp.
Priest 2.18 - Added AFK botting options for movement/facing/targeting - Added: Honorbuddy overlay for notification - Added: Option to disable high priority interrupts - Added: Interrupt next CC hotkey - Added: Option to reset toggle values on entering/leaving BG or arena - Added: Option to delay CR execution after a loading screen - Update: Slow immunity spell IDs - Update: Default spell ID for trinket procs - Update: Highest Priority interrupt now only contains Demonbolt
Thanks a lot, it works fine ! Edit : I've played about 3 hours last night with no lag nor low fps as i had with singular
Hello Cokx! Can you tell me that can i somehow set that that the bot only attacks/dots only 1 target?
Is it possible to make the bot dont spam so much VP when u have AOE toggled on? feks make it only spam shadow word pain on all targets, then dot up a 3-4 with VP? I want this for RBG.
Hi i just bought this routine, my honorbuddy keeps crashing and it does not allow me to change class settings, i would like my money refunded if possible
THanks for the reply, it says i will not be able to buy it again? Will you guys be able to fix it in the future? Then i would like to keep it. Is any suite currently working? Will i be able to switch to a working one if so? Edit: Any news on this?
Hello. Do i have to pay for new suite when GS have been moved to *****? i have like 3 suites on HB at the moment. And second question; how is the progress going on with porting the suites to *****? Is there any posibility to say any approx? like, 1 week or 3 months? thank you
Just as a heads up. An update for 6.2 will be coming soon for all classes since some spells have been removed and settings have some issues with loading when created by previous version of the store