anyone have a guide to settings? Seems like PoM is prioritized too much since it really doesn't seem as useful being a hard cast. wondering what the healing %s should look like now for disc
We have implemented a "Shadow Magic" logic to prevent getting interrupted. This one reads out several cds from our enemies and checks if they could use it to interrupt us. It currently doesnt directly fake cast, it still tries to prevent getting interrupted by juking casts But the latest test of our fake casting method which "cast->stop->cast->stop" didnt worked out very well. For now I would suggest you use two macros 1. /cancelaura Spectral Guise and the 2nd one /stopcasting bound to the "Short Pause list" so that the cr stops for 300ms after you stopped the cast this means not that we arent looking further into it. But we felt that its more important to release a stable lvl 100 combat routine. The "Shadow Magic" logic is pretty solid and is the most important part. The default value is 60%, but I would recommend to adjust that setting based on your comp since it has a 1.5min cd
Hi little suggestion about Clarity of Will when you have allready stack max absorb maybe be it will be good to cast one before it's fade (4 or 5 second before end)
hey id been using ur profile for some arena's now and so far its pretty slick but there is some minor things i'd like to ask since it seems a bit odd to me 1. some times it fake cast flash heals to death even tho people have used their interrupts and im LoS 2. how does the dispel option work? I see its X < HP but for me it doesnt really dispel magic unless I do it myself and i have setup the keys for it. 3. In the keybind settings for fear I have one key but if I change the talents lets say for mind control have the same key, I cant use it - do I need two different keys for it? - and is there any chance u can make glyph of inquisitor viable as the new SWP for poly and traps? any one?
Hi Cokx, Had a weird thing happen in arena since the new update, the routine tried to heal the enemy team and my partner received no healing and died. I have attached the log. My team had a rogue and their team also had a rogue, my rogue needed healing but the routine was trying to heal the enemy rogue instead. We were alliance, the enemy was horde. The arena match starts at [06:21:53.988 N] in the log
Suggestion, I wonder the possibility of auto LOS'in enemy cc. If the enemy is casting a cc the CR takes control of the movement and goes behind pillar to make sure sure that cc is lined of sight.