So how do you 3v3 priests handle mages in arena? It seems like if a mage wants to sheep you you're fubar. It's hard to avoid instant deeps->poly or insta silences. I'd be 2600 if I could consistently beat mage teams but as of now, I completely suck vs them and find NO way to outplay the mage comps. Poly/Deep is just so damn OP!
You are not alone, you cannot avoid deep freez but polys you can u just need to pillar, stay in the middle of the pillar so if he blinks you go other way to avoid deeps but its hard.
These changes look really nice for shadow! the - "Saving Grace isnt allowed to refresh its debuff anymore if its running out in 2 seconds" is also a really nice change, will help out a lot of Disc priest who use the CR to heal. The - "Added PsychicHorrorTarget Hotkey" was very needed for Shadow as well. Thanks Cokx for these awesome changes! might mess around with shadow now.
You have a team for a reason, whatever comp your running; I'm gonna assume its RMP, Your rogue should shadowstep kick the mage when he see's the deep on you, if he can't do that your mage should always save his Counterspell for it, shouldn't ever use it on healer unless theres a chance you can get the kill on him. Same goes for any comp you run with though, your team members should stop the poly right when they see the Deep on you. Call it out if you've been deeped if they don't have good awareness.
Saving grace set now to 3 with new buffs !? And weakened soul has buffed but prob good against what comp !? ( or is reflecting still in the overhand?) And i see shadow priest is way to go now !? Nice buffs indeed ! Tnx for help !
Just a few tips: Shadow: You can bind "Psychic Horror Target Hotkey" and "Consume Orbs/Procs Hotkey" on the same key, it will always cast Horror first. Psychic Horror is only used with 3 Orbs and when your target has no incap dr. Silence on Burst will be used if your target has your Psychic Horror OR it has any cc which doesnt break while dmg (most of them are stuns) or your DP and the Burst Toggle is active. Disc: In its current version Saving Grace has a lower prio than flashheal, my intention behind this was that if you are standing still you want to use flash heal to top someone and if you are moving its using saving grace. I already received feedback on this and they didnt like it. So with the next patch I'm adding a more dynamic logic between flash heal and saving grace, where the rotation changes on how much pressure your team has.
Anyone have issues with Pain suppression not being used? Just started playing this season again and never had a issue last season. @Cokx the trinket usage will that be going in the next patch or is it a lower down on the list?
you are talking about the "low hp trinket"? Since thats the only one not working atm but all other options are working
Cokx as shadow u only use the burst key when u have 3 orbs or more ? (Trying to learn shadow) Got more good tips !? And tnx for last tip will both combine the keys! And awesome as disc .. This will be better i think !!! @wybjoker: antispam 2400
You can use it as 5 if you want, that will just let you get the 3 for devo after. He's saying the CR will always use Horror before Devo if their off Horror DR. The set bonus of shadow gives you orbs back after your Horror so thats why you use it first with your burst. Usually your mage will deep poly healer and ull horror the kill target at the same time.
@Cokx I bought your Botbase from ******* but I think it interferes with interrupts with the Combat Routine, With the botbase loaded my CR's wont use the auto interrupts on any CR I use. Is there any fix for this? I had to completely re-install Honorbuddy to fix it. I really enjoyed the Morpher option.
The botbase shouldn't interfere with the CR. Are you sure it's not due to your TPS setting being too low? Try using static TPS or increasing the min TPS setting and see if it persists
Priest 2.23 Changelog: - Improved Performance - Fixed PvPZone - Changed disc rotation when the primary friendly target is below 75% hp If a primary friendly target exist (the most attacked friendly unit) and he is below 75% hp, the rotation looks like this Saving Grace > FlashHeal > OffPWShield > Greater Heal otherwise its OffPWShield > FlashHeal > GreaterHeal > Saving Grace
Hi friends. If anyone has a decent set up for me to start with for DISC that would be awesome if you could send it to me Just need something to get a good solid foundation to build on.
I've uploaded a new version with the following changes (keep in mind that the buddystaff has to approve it first which may take up to a few days): Changelog: - Some small minor fixes to increase overall performance - NPCs will now be ignored in Ashran unless they are attacking you (this should also increase the performance)
Hello Cokx, I bought Priest and Hunter back in MOP and my accounts aren't working anymore. Sent you a PM with the accounts in question. Is the Mop to Wod upgrade include ? Thanks
I go oom so fast. I use this and druid, druid can last forever on mana, but priest goes oom too fast, why?