well i am guessing antispam quit due to the recent bans. was wonder if anyone had and good disc crs thanks!
Why never used holy fire? No glyph, you should use a cd to accumulate five stacks With glyph, deveria global store when hunter trap within their range and stopcasting.
would someone so kind to share his discipline settings for RGB with me? I get it simply not set correctly! =(
Why never used holy fire? No glyph, you should use a cd to accumulate five stacks With glyph, deveria global store when hunter trap within their range and stopcasting.
I no longer play due to the Banwave but I will still log on and share the settings with people who want them, just PM me and ill check it once a week or so.
Priest 2.28 has been submitted and is waiting for approval Changelog: - fixed Warlock SpellLock cooldowns (this should fix any smart interrupt and fake casting issues) - fixed CombatReach zone - added the correct Penance spellid to the default healing interrupt list - added "Field of View unit casting" (under the general tab), if this option is enabled the combat routine only sees units that are visible on your screen. - improved performance by caching rotation angles to units - interrupted players now count as CC'd if they have been interrupted on the classspecific school
How does this bot work. I am new to botting in general and I don't fully understand what I do with this. Is this something I set and let run while I watch? Is it something I queue manually and then let it attack/heal for me? I am happy to pay for the routines and what not I just don't know what to do with them.
The point of this to still actively play while using the bot (botbase for example would be Enyo). You are still going to do the targeting/movement and the bot will do the rotation and the automated features you have enabled. In addition you should use the provided hotkeys or regular macros (that you have to set in the CR). I would suggest you use the trial to see for yourself. It should be next to the buy button on the store once you're logged in
not sure if there is a designated place for this but I'm looking to find others using this routine to play with. I have rival title achievement. add my skype if u like to skirm bg arena or whatever ... I have every class except rogue shaman druid paladin skype: jboyd0618 just list that u are from gsl thanks
Loving this routine, a few notes: Disc- 1) Any chance we can get Holy Fire on CD and smite occasionally to gain 5 stacks of evangelism? This will make our Archangel much stronger. 2) Doesn't seem to use trinket on "player low hp" 3) Leap of Faith tooltip shows cyclone's tooltip. Shadow- 1) Start of arena as shadow is really awkward with pw: shield and mending, no where near as smooth as disc.
Hi, I have just clicked on the two day trial, and I can confirm it has worked as it is in my purchases list. However, when I load my priest, the option for Glad Suite is not there. Is there a solution for this? Cheers.
Disc 1) I could see adding either a combined or for each spell a different configuration option that would use holy fire/smite if no nearby ally units are below a certain health percentage to build archangel stacks. 2) + 3) That is true and should be fixed with the next update. Thanks for the report Shadow 1) Maybe your settings are a bit high for shadow? One thing you can try is turning off heals/shields for shadow with the toggle hotkey at the start and only enable it when you see you need to go defensive Let me know what you think about those
Those 3 for disc would be amazing if you can get them out. I'll have to give that a try on the shadow settings. Thanks!