what comp are you running? are they using honorbuddy also ? im goign to try your settings and see if this helps me im stuck at 2100 cr atm
tried couple of games and it uses both dark soul in the beginning.... idk if that is useful cause by the time the trinket procs again dark soul isnt available.....
just hit 2200 with your settings i also disabled auto burst. working flawless now. should reach 2400 soon hopefully
I'm 100% sure he said this before but with grimoire of supremacy talent the imp dispel is bug you can't even use it manually.
I feel like an idiot here because I'm not seeing it but is there an option to NOT dot up certain pets, ie BM hunter pets that do more damage when they are low health?
Anyone know how to make the CR work with sac pet? Doesnt seem to use the dispel and it auto summons the pet when possible.
I have try the trial, use aff lock, but I can't use "Shadowfury" immedaitely when I want to use, also happen when I want to fear, it keep casting the dot, how can I solve this problem? Have any "short pause hotkey" funtion like the Druid suit what I had bought? Thanks
cokx, do you have anything like Tuanha multi-purchasse so you can buy many of your CRs for a discounted price rather then all seperate? That one thing small thing is preventing our entire clan from any purchase.
We don't at the moment since the buddy store doesn't offer than functionality. We constantly remind them to add it but so far no ETA.
Cokx and Toizi, Apparently some of the Trinket Proc aura IDs have changed and it seems to be affecting the Auto Burst on Trinket Proc functionality of this CR as well. Vitallic already had to put in a hotfix for his, so if you guys could take a look, that'd be awesome. I noticed my Lock's On-Use wasn't being used on some dummy tests (previously was prior to patch).