Class config > Routine (default tab) > Custom spell IDs trinket proc > Edit Now enter the new spell ID in a new line
@Toizi, the burst toggle hotkey isn't working. Haven't tested the others, but so far that's the only thing i've noticed.
I think the 6.1 update broke the CR a bit, the fear hotkeys dont really work anymore before they were working. They bug out sometimes now and it just doesnt do anything when i press them. And yes please make it stop haunting pets :/
Same issue here, but it's all hotkeys even toggles. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't even with hotkeys enabled at all times.
Since 6.1 Warlock cr is not working properly, i've lost around 8k dps in arena. It doesn't cast Ua on multiple target + No aoe doting exept Corrupt and Agony and it also stop doing things randomly.
A setting would be nice like in your other routines to interrupt channeled casts after "x" ms because right now it tries to lock penance like 60% into the casts
Is there a way to turn off Auto Dark Intent? That makes it pretty obvious that your using a bot when your Dark Intent gets dispelled and then it is instantly reapplied.
good players will reapply the buff anyways especially when they see the kill target is been cleaned but im sure it has a delay built in for it not 100% sure cant stand lock
I've never had the CR auto rebuff dark intent for me, lol. I always just have to mash my dark intent pause routine keybind zzz.
Awesome! One more question Thanks man! Other than that, I find this cr to be way better than the Demonic Millz routine (WAY BETTER). I love the fact that I can run with felhunter / soul link. It's great vs lock / mage comps where I can cs their fear / polly then it automatically will sac my pet then get the next polly / fear and resummon my felhunter once the soulburn summon pet is off of cd. These are things that I used to do on my lock, but this is like driving a taxi, love it! What I would like to see is a (preferred) setting for this routince mainly for 3s. I know there is no perfect setting, but if someone could share their settings. Thanks!
Good afternoon! I'm a fan of your rutiny.No my Demonologist does not use burn the soul. How Come? Maybe there any settings? So I do not see the use of talent grimoire service (again Demonology) Sorry for my english
Warlock 2.10 has been submitted and is waiting for approval Changelog: - Fixed an issue with Darksoul on x dotlines where it was always active even when the checkbox was unticked - Updated DRTracker for 6.1 - Fixed IsPlayerBehind - Added interrupt channel customization to GUI - Fixed ImpSwarm not being used correctly - Possible fix for Druid interrupt bug - Added delay to Dark Intent rebuffing - Added Burning Rush on incoming CC option - Fixed Soulfire usage - Removed Cancelaura if demonic leap has been used manually - Added option to disable banish