The old settings have a slightly different XML format. When you open the file it should start with <WarlockSettings> and end with </WarlockSettings>. If you replace WarlockSettings with ClassSettings it should be compatible again. Edit: Nvm I just read that you were talking about hotkey settings. Different hotkey saves were never possible. Only class settings. If you want to port them from one char to another you just need to copy it and rename the file to Hotkeys_CharName.xml
Cokx/Toizi, Is the auto targeting/dotting broken for leveling now? I seem to remember this working perfectly sub-90 and leveling a new Warlock, it no longer seems to be dotting enemies in range. I've tried both PvP and PvE modes as well as turning on the newer "Auto target" option in the "Semi AFK botting" portion (something I've never had to do prior) and still nothing. Was this changed for content below level 90-100? I don't have the cash for a boost so I can't verify it works there. ***EDIT*** Looks like this is disabled pre-level 14 which is strange, but certainly not the end of the world.
Is there a way of keeping the CR from aggroing everything? I was In Ashran and it was dotting things up and I noticed even creatures and other critters were swarming to me because the bot hit them too
How is this CR in its current state (rbgs/bgs/wpvp)? Is there some issues I should be aware of before I potentially buy it and invest time in my lock? Going pure affliction only if I decide to lock.
Just as a heads up. An update for 6.2 will be coming soon for all classes since some spells have been removed and settings have some issues with loading when created by previous version of the store
Does it work for Wod Season 2 now again for warlocks affli or do i need to wait to purchase it? Thank you.
are u going to reenable it for arena since honorbuddy is working for arena again or in the next release i wil buy this then
Delete your settings until the next update and it should work without issues. If it doesn't there is no helping you without a log
6.2 has been out for a bit longer. just sayin. can you stop slacking and care about your customers or whats the deal with you money grabbing apes?
Let's just look at the facts. Arena has been disabled, which was what 99% of the customers were using it for. The Cr was still working fine in BGs since 6.2 was not a very big update. During the time arena support has been dropped we didn't even make enough money to pay for food so I'm sorry we didn't provide nonessential updates but instead focused on other things. But hey good job with the insults for no reason. Also I'm pretty sure I remember your name from ownedcore where you were always being negative as well so nice going friend.
whats your problem? cant you accept true facts? what does it have to that you "couldnt buy food" when arena was disabled. ofc no1 buys your products then because the porting to r3b0t takes ages. problem of the customer? not really. if you wanted to make money and pay for your food you could have realsed the product or put more effort into it. meanwhile you didnt realse a single shit but also didnt update this one which some ppl MIGHT have used for rbg or anything (ofc most ppl used it for rbg - but not being ready when its time to be ready is another thing. maybe you will get a real job so you can pay for food if you think about that for a sec). now you get rant, ofc - what do you expect? the support we get since you moved to buddystore is bottom line shit. but hey, go ahead and whine some about food (which has NOTHING to do with this) - could just get a real job or change the payment plan on this to monthly - would lose some (most i am pretty sure) customers but there is your steady income. the product would be worth it - dont get me wrong. its great when its... working as intended... up2date ... and actually has support. im not being negativ, sorry if you just cant handle the truth.
So we just should put out the port even though it's not ready, which is 100% because of the devs not fixing the issues we reported and not because we didn't feel like working? Alright mate you really know your stuff. Just FYI I'm done with this conversation since there is no convincing you anyway