Do you guys change many settings at all? apart from setting your own hotkeys If so what have you changed, doesn't seem to be using spell reflect on anything Incase i'm doing somethign wrong can someone upload their xlm file it's located > honorbuddy > settings > gladiator suite > warrior
Just wait for the guides I guess. There are many ways to configure it, ranging from only doing damage rotation to doing everything like breaking cc and interrupting.
You have it breaking cc and interupting? if you would take the time to upload your xml file i'd greatly appreciate it, you don't have to put it here just pm if you have time
I haven´t done many adjustments, I only have a hotkey for interrupt next heal and burst, which I turn on when we are nuking a target. As for CC break, I prefer doing that myself, berserk rage turned off, just put it on easy binding so you can break it fast but naturally.
How to claim your key:
I actually sent you guys an email atleast a month ago saying I'd lost access to the SVN as I couldnt find my username and password for it. Can you check for me?
How does one acquire a trial of a routine? I currently own the Hunter routine from here and after some tinkering it is pretty good, and I'm interested on trying the Warrior routine. Thanks.
hey cokx... could u please implement the option to use execute or not to? just a disable/enable button for execute (so we can use rotation even for prot spec for tanking is really good only downside is that it spams execute when any enemy around is 20% or less hp therefore wasting all our rage that we would need for avoidance for example....).... it would be an easy update and it would be really cool if u could do it ..... thanks for ur work and waiting for ur answer/update
Ok with the next update it wont use execute if you are not in a PVPZone and your health is below your shieldblock value (from the options)
Cokx if it's not too much trouble, could you show your interupt settings please. Edit: damage part is down pact, just needs to be tweaked a little from my end with the cc's i'm hoping cokx will show his settings lol. Here's a bg i did, i'm using rallying cry glyph, i love it.
Cokx Hotkeys are not workingh at all for me ... Used to be perfect, got 2.6k with this last season. Ive tried already checked "hotkeys always active"and tweaked the number .... but its just not working ... skills not getting qued at all. Any ideas ? Tyvm.
Not in a pvp zone?, or not engadged in pvp?, this could cause havoc outside of Ashran wpvp. Maybe let people make the descision with a option or hot key rather than automating it.
I'm not sure how to set this up correctly to achieve maximum results? Could someone who has been successful share their settings?
When do you expect the settings and guide is here? i am considering buying it and playing gladiator warrior this upcoming season got rbgs ^_^
Is there any way to turn off or delay zerker during a fear? CR does it too fast and it looks really questionable. Either off or a delay like pummel would be great. Thanks!~