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  • Gold price sunk?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by lmarty, Dec 23, 2014.

    1. Butty26

      Butty26 New Member

      Aug 26, 2014
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      Tell me your reseller, those prices are waayy too high, for MoP and for now, call yourself lucky you found an idiot to sell to ^^
    2. Soullinker

      Soullinker Member

      Jan 12, 2011
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      Who the hell buys for .45 cents. I have couple of resellers and they all tell me the same price. I have even a chineese auction type site that shows what orders are up on which server that all the resellers use.
      The price on most servers are 15-17 max to 20 yen or whatever.

      If you idd have a reseller that pays so much he is an idiot for sure. Or you are selling to private buyers.
    3. virtual

      virtual Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Decline in player base ? lower demand ?

      What are you going to do when the game tokens become available?
      I cant imagine selling gold will have much appeal if blizzard steps in ?
    4. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      you will just be selling your gold for these ingame tokens. im sure within hours there will be a vendor out there somewhere that will trade these token back for cash at a reduced rate. Pr3cious, im talking to you, get on that shit.

      nub buys tokens with cash, trades you for ingame gold
      you trade your ingame currency for token, then sells the token to a reseller for cash or uses the token for game time.

      Reseller buys the tokens from you at a low price, then sells them on their service with a slight markup.

      everyone gets a cut of your gold. just like irl.

      it will take a bit for the market to decide exactly what a token is worth. tokens are expected to be slightly higher than gametime. so lets say 17usd. at current wholesale prices, thats what about 85k. but at retail, 17usd will buy you 35k. so in this example. a nub would purchase the token, and expect for it to sell at 35k ingame.

      i can sell my gold to the wholesaler @.2, or i can buy these damn tokens for 35k and have two tokens for the same amount of gold.

      now here is where it gets funky, wholesaler @current price, will want you to sell your token to them for 85k, remember 17usd, .2 per k. is 85k gold. there is going to be some crazy market fluctuation,

      two things will have to happen. either retail price is going to tank, or the wholesalers will have to raise their buy price. because honestly, who would purchase a token from the wholesaler at that stupid high 85k price.

      holy crap, if any of this makes sense when i wake up, ill be surprised.
    5. iamnotme

      iamnotme New Member

      Mar 20, 2013
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      Hey guys,

      Not sure why some people is calling those buying higher than around $0.20 an idiot. That's not very nice. Please put yourself in that person's shoes, you'd be offended.
      What do you think would happen if she/he saw this thread.....?

      They are not idiots!!! OK!? You should be thankful, someone out there is still trying to offer a good price!

      Thank you for making my day! Words can hurt too........
      Last edited: Jan 5, 2015

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