well you are right ... kind of I could get around the 0,80-1$ per 1k from private buyers but keep in mind that most of the time they don't really want to buy that high of amount on the same time. and saying that you get 0,30$ is "safer" because it's more likely that the price is more then 0,3 then it is 0,6
using a level 90 to farm The Botanica. ive been doing this for about a month now and no ban yet. i run it about 6-7 hours a day, then for the rest of the day I play the character.
But there have been bans for use of the Botanica profile, even Echo Tiger did not recommend to use it.
so do i, mailing 2500 gold to my farmers and then looting it an hour after.. seriously tho, can't belive that people still can't figure out how to make gold -_-' you MUST have some kind of understanding of what sells on your realm, then either look up a profile on the forum.. pay somebody to make it for you.. or make it yourself does it really matter that some people are making 100-200g more an hour than you? no, your not playing.. so quit crying about it and consider it as free gold.. and as mentioned above, you could sell gold to private people for 1 dollar pr. k.. but they won't buy 1m at a time i've sold plenty to the chinese, i've always gotten a fair price.. i don't care about them making 3 times as much, i don't have the clientel to sell off a million a week.. it's cut down to 3 ways; 1) the person who spends it on his main acc, for mounts and whatnot.. 2) the person who sells to everybody.. even the chinese (!) and doesn't care about the low price.. 3) sells off a good chunk, but stocks up on gold for the next expansion = gold sinks = better gold prices. selling gold is the same as selling any other item irl, supply and demand..
Doing enchanting or JC will make you at least 2-3K an hour on a medium to large sized server. I restock my enchants manually using TSM every few hours when Im near my comp and I make like 5-10k a day and spend half an hour in total. JC i hear is even more. Plus I have over 1k in TMog/MoP blues/pets/etc auctions up at a time that I buy for pennies on the dollar and then flip. Usually get like 5-10k a day from those.
Hey guys im like brand new to the whole botting thing and was looking for something to possibly get me gold? Im not that worried about getting thousands an hour or anything, 500G - 800G is good for me. Could somebody possibly direct me to something like that??
Try skinning profiles, dungeon farms, or farm some pre lvl 60 transmog gear. Has gotten me around 700g-1500g/hour depending on drops.