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  • [PAID] GoldBoss - Unlimited BotManager - Full Bot Automation! [known as GarrisonBoss]

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by @alisha, Dec 29, 2014.

    1. incognitto

      incognitto New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      No idea why it was in nagrand but my horde priest was running directly into a alliance town.

      Attached Files:

    2. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      For meshes issue in Alliance mine the answer was given not one time, so take a time to search on support thread for it.

      Be aware, when you run any Profile from third-party developer by BotManager, you should ask support to profile Developer.

      Tho, most likely it want to repair and got not right faction Npc.

      For this you will need to use profile which can navigate from one continent to another or this should be built-in in profile you are using.
      If i remember correctly EchoTiger made such Azyle have such profiles:

      For bank store at current moment you can use StoreHouse building at Garrison, you will need GarrisonWorks module for this - checkout Bank tab in GUI - it have option to deposit all reagents to Reagent Bank.
      For any craft you will need Profession + Professions Module, you do not need Garrison building for it.
      For disenchant you need Enchanting profession.
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2016
    3. felipewarms

      felipewarms Member

      Nov 27, 2015
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      Thanks Alisha, i'm getting a problem with your bot with "halls of lightning profile", when i'm with full bag, your bot insists on trying to loot (not getting this problem with the profile alone) . How do i turn off your bot to loot when i'm using this other profile?
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
    4. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      If you have an issue and want to get, please make a proper issue report, checkout FAQ for HowTo.
    5. frozzon

      frozzon New Member

      Sep 15, 2014
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      Hey guys, i´m looking for a bot that can send followers on mission, recruit followers with $ trait, do all the work orders, and if i do not have the mats to do them the bot will start farming them. take care of the shipyard, farm mine and herb garden. this seems to be the bot im looking for, but i want to be sure what mods i need so i don´t buy the wrong one, and how do set the priority list.
    6. dudegetrekt

      dudegetrekt New Member

      Dec 4, 2015
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      how do i get to make me things other then savage feast
    7. Rangitotonz

      Rangitotonz New Member

      Mar 21, 2013
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    8. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Disable all wow addons your have and run again - most likely some of them rewriting wow Frames

      it's on Cooking tab, which available when you have Professions module
    9. dudegetrekt

      dudegetrekt New Member

      Dec 4, 2015
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      i meant for work orders at the barn, how do i get to order fur or leather
    10. frozzon

      frozzon New Member

      Sep 15, 2014
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      is there any reason for this bot to think it´s done with something on a character just because it has done it on another character? happens sometimes. Sometime it does nothing when there clearly is stuff to do, problem might be connected? any obvious things i´m doing wrong?
    11. Jaxxon

      Jaxxon New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      The Durabillity Setting for Auto Repair under "Vendor & Misc" isn't saved.
      Have to change and save it everytime I start the Bot.
    12. wellborn2012

      wellborn2012 Member

      Mar 10, 2012
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      Anyone have an issue where the bot doesn't/won't fight back when they are out doing professions? For instance, gathering lumber and getting attacked and just standing there?
    13. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Why I gave this a rating of terrible!

      I have used this product almost every day for a couple of months now, when I first trialed this it worked flawlessly and I thought it was absolutely amazing so I had no hesitation in spending money on it. That feeling of amazement lasted all of a week before it turned into frustration, and that frustration continues to grow the more I use this. I have given up all hope of this product being bug free and gone back to using GarrisonBuddy.

      Let me explain why ....

      Right now I'm sitting at my desk watching one of my characters swim back from Ashran. After using their garrison hearthstone inside the mine, only to use their main hearthstone immediately after that. So my character hearthed to SW, then proceeded to fly to the dark portal. Upon going through the dark portal and entering into Ashram it them decided to swim all the way back to my garrison where it will continue any outstanding garrison tasks. EDIT: Just watched 3 characters do the same thing in the space of 30 minutes.

      On another account I'm watching a character stuck inside the mine, its trying to run through a wall, god only knows where its trying to go.

      Another character has left the mine and is continuing with other garrison tasks. Whats the problem you ask? The mine still has ore in it!

      A new character recently hit level 100 and is working on building a garrison is currently stuck turning in a quest, its been here for all of an hours or so.

      I have a character making its way to do the shipping dailies, I won't stop and doing them! Instead it will continue to swim out into the harbor for god only know hows long!

      I had 2 characters stuck in an infinite loop trying to add a toy to their collection but because I had the maximum number of toys already they just sat their trying to add it over and over. I noticed this after about 30 ish minutes.

      Characters stuck at the Trading Post with the vendor window open, not doing anything of cause, just sitting there with the trade window open. And if you close it, up it pops again.

      Harvesting trees for the Lumber Mill is might as well be called "Sending your character out to grow old and die". If this is done on characters with flying mounts they will sometimes get stuck in the trees while trying to land. Once this happens you have to manually unstuck yourself. Or better yet when your character is trying to path through one some of the elites fighting with each other, sure, the character does appear to avoid running into/through these fighting mobs but at the same time the character will sit there for ... well, forever. This is no less frustrating than seeing your character arrive at a tree and just sit there making no attempt to harvest it.

      A couple of months ago this product was so amazing I didn't hesitate in purchasing it, but that is a distant memory and I have finally given up all hope of this working 100% as it is advertised. It fells like there is ZERO testing before a new release is pushed out.

      I am not basing my comments on a set of characters on a single account, I have 8 accounts used over 2 different computer with each account having 2-4 characters trying to manage a garrison.
      Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
    14. Ragoza

      Ragoza New Member

      Aug 24, 2013
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      I gotta agree with fpsware. Not sure what if any testing goes into this before releases.
    15. incognitto

      incognitto New Member

      Aug 15, 2010
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      Agreed with FPSWARE it was bad enough before the goldboss conversion but not its almost completly useless. It doesnt trugger HBRelog to change tasks when complete either.
    16. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      GoldBoss is same by logic as GarrisonBoss, it's renamed. If have issue with it, make sure you have GarrisonBoss disabled in your purchases.

      First of all checkout FAQ, for HowTo do proper report (you need to disable wow addons and other thirdparty products) and which can help to solve some common issues.

      Secondary, you didn't attach any log, no proper report to any issue you mention was provided, as for that - there is nothing i can help you with. As looks like you do not need any help and just like to post your not satisfaction.

      Such post won't help in anything for products to be better. And as you also Developer - i am quit surprised to see such useless report.

      Most likely you have messed up with settings on HBRelog, checkout them again, as many people use HBRelog fine. Also please always attach at least log files to get help.

      I will check this out, thanks for report. Which language Culture you use on PC?

      It can be if you didn't restart (mean close program and launch again) Honorbuddy, after switch toons manually when Honorbuddy was stopped \ paused. You should always do close and launch again on new toon. Honorbuddy can't detect you changed toon and it can go to problems. If you need auto switch toons, use Arelog or HBRelog.

      If you not own All in One pack, you need to have Farming Module for this. By default without it it will prioritize cages by type:
      Elite ones, than normal ones. If you need to start only one type - just have only one in bag \ bank.
      Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
    17. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      If you took the time to look at your logs you would see its not a issue with the bot base but with hb meshing in garrisons..

      Its been reported many times..

      Alot of testing is done, I'm one of the users testing it, issue is the tests are done with one build then another hb build comes out, each with modifications to the way bb meshes garrisons.
    18. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I am aware GarrisonBoss and GoldBoss are the same product/logic.

      Yes I have read the FAQ and I'm more than familiar with how to properly report a fault/bug, and yes, in that case attaching a log would be the proper thing to do. But, in this case, I'm not reporting a fault/bug but I am more voicing my concerns and disappointment at a product so full of bugs I personally feel it should not be sold. While that may sound harsh please don't misunderstand it as a personal attack, it is not, I am merely verbalising my frustrations at paying good money for a product that I - and others - feel is far from 'retail ready'.

      As I mentioned in my earlier post, when I trailed this product it was virtually flawless and I was thoroughly impressed with its capabilities and future potential. As a developer, I know how small bugs can slip through the testing process, what I don't understand is why this product can be so full of critical faults that it is becoming unusable.

      I'm more than happy to spend some one-on-one time going through all of the issues I raised - and those I didn't - in order to make GoldBoss the Garrison 'king' it could be. This has the potential to be amazing if everything works the way it is supposed to.
    19. fpsware

      fpsware Community Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Of the issues I raised maybe 2 have the potential to be caused by HB meshes. But, in all cases when GoldBoss fails - for whatever reason - I simply use another botbase to complete the task. If it were mesh related the same fault would present, it doesn't.
    20. Thecamel

      Thecamel Community Developer

      Aug 8, 2012
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      Why dont you post your logs so I can show you.. Cant really blame a product if you have not asked for assistance ?

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