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  • [PAID] GoldBoss - Unlimited BotManager - Full Bot Automation! [known as GarrisonBoss]

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by @alisha, Dec 29, 2014.

    1. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      There is no such info in this log. But there is info, your toon do not have such profession. Thats why it do not craft it. Next time please be more attentive and do check your side before making issue report.

      As for Send mail it will be always proceed last after all other jobs done.
    2. gnjaxxx

      gnjaxxx New Member

      Apr 26, 2016
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      Well, you checked the wrong log, idk why it joined two logs. The good one is 52588 2016-04-29 07.33.txt
      Would be nice from you that you do not consider people as retarded, I know which profession my character have ...
      Doesn't matter anyway I won't bother you more, thanks for the "support"
      Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
    3. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      I checked file you attached, why you attaching wrong file and asking for support?

      From you second file:

      Mail was sent after check for professions. I do not see any issue here.

      p.s. if you again attached wrong file - feel free to attach right one :)
      Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
    4. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Release version @ approved and now Live! :cool:

      Change log:
      *NEW* Sell Items Manager shared settings and toon personal settings
      *NEW* Customization list of items to sell by ID and from bags
      *NEW* Protected Items Manager shared settings and toon personal settings
      *NEW* Customization list of items to Protect by ID and from bags
      *NEW* Character Switch Manager improved - now should work also for those few users, which have issue HB loosing WoW client connection on WoW loading screen
      Fix: WarMill Daily Quest pickup
      Fix: Items stacking for inventory optimization
    5. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      You have many errors not from GoldBoss, i can recommend you clean install.
      If BotManager do not starting some task - meaning you have error in it, you can check in log what exactly.

      p.s. do not attach not full log file, only full not edited file acceptable.
    6. julien

      julien Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      same problem here it's not finding my tuanha routines and stops the bot when switching char
    7. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Hi there!

      First of all, if you want to get help, please always do attach full log file.

      All actual Tuanha CR from BuddyStore works fine with Switch Manager.

      Unless you have changed name manually settings in file. Which should not be done. In this case i can recommend remove setting and let GoldBoss generate new one.

      There is nothing related to name you see in CR choose popup (btw there is no Special word in it) and what BotManager use. It use class name (type) which have CR Product.
      And Tuanha CR from Store have this particular one name. The only time it can't find it - if you disable streaming for product (cr) which you want to use.

      p.s. can be you are using some outdated version he is not support any more?
    8. ss4noval

      ss4noval New Member

      Dec 26, 2011
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      Hey Allisha, so i also am experiencing the same thing and i will get you a log when i start it up again here soon. but i will also explain a few things on what i see

      when i setup for it to switch char / realm and i put it say to a hunter combat rotation that i have through the buddy store and then i save it and then i close out of HB and i reload it when i go back in to make sure that it has everything saved correctly it no longer has the correct combat rotation selected instead it has like my Deathknight Rotation selected so when i fix it and do it again to make sure it's setup correctly it says the same thing. what i have seen cause i normally sit here and watch it 90% of the time is that when it switches to another character the combat rotations will come up and it will say that it can not find the rotation i have selected even though i see it on the list. i let it sit there for 5 mins before i just said screw it and i click it manually. all of my profiles that i use come from the buddystore and goldboss detects the profiles rotations when doing the setup not sure what is going on.

      also one small thing that i see also happen and it's nothing big is that when exiting buildings my character will try to mount (mainly lunar inn) and when he trys to mount he is barely inside and outside and it instantly dismounts him because he can't fit inside the doorway on a mount and makes him run to another check point location before trying to mount.

      also i have a problem when it trys to switch between just 2 of my characters it gets stuck on the character select screen it's really odd but i will get logs for everything

      again i will try to get you a log of everything by the end of today

      also if you like i have no problem with you team viewer into my system and watching what it does for yourself......

      and last but not least i want to say thank you for everything that you have done and provided to us so far your profiles are amazing and i wish i had time to learn how to do it myself =)
      Last edited: May 1, 2016
    9. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      You meaning DeathKnight Rotation from same Tauhna or ? If yes, this can be the thing if he have all his CR class named exactly same, tho it will be very odd approach.

      p.s. waiting for log ;)

      p.p.s sure, feel free to PM me your skype name to test online via TeamViewer
      Last edited: May 1, 2016
    10. ss4noval

      ss4noval New Member

      Dec 26, 2011
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      i sent you a message with my skype info =)

      here is the log. and i think you are correct because the first part of the name of all his profiles are the same might be the problem

      but it is also odd because it states that it is trying to find the death knight profile he made. but when i saved the settings i picked the one that says druid not the death knight. goldboss keeps defaulting to the DK profile each time

      View attachment 8728 2016-05-01 15.40.txt
      Last edited: May 1, 2016
    11. carguy

      carguy Member

      Jan 21, 2010
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      I give up.

      Not to sound like a dick here, but i think this bot gets worse literally every time i try to use it. Whether it gets stuck at the fucking mailbox, stops doing missions altogether, or just spams trying to find mission info, it just doesn't work enough to be useful. I have fought with this thing for literally WEEKS to try to get it working, but every single time there is a new issue that comes up. I have re-installed fucking honorbuddy from scratch five times, deleted endless caches, disabled addons and reset my fucking profile to default more times than i can count. THe bot just isn't solid; it should be a beta at best.

      I'm sorry Alisha, this has potential, but it's just too big of a time sync to baby sit every day.

      Oh and for good measure, this is what i'm hit with today; over and over and over, until it idles and gets to char selection screen.

      Rotation paused (passive pause)
      [GoldBoss Engine 09.301]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 09.301]: --------------------
      [GoldBoss Engine 09.839]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 09.839]: --------------------
      Rotation paused (passive pause)
      [GoldBoss Engine 10.387]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 10.387]: --------------------
      [GoldBoss Engine 10.923]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 10.923]: --------------------
      Rotation paused (passive pause)
      [GoldBoss Engine 11.487]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 11.487]: --------------------
      [GoldBoss Engine 12.034]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 12.034]: --------------------
      Rotation paused (passive pause)
      [GoldBoss Engine 12.583]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 12.583]: --------------------
      [GoldBoss Engine 13.138]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 13.138]: --------------------
      Rotation paused (passive pause)
      [GoldBoss Engine 13.699]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
      [GoldBoss Engine 13.699]: --------------------
      [GoldBoss Engine 14.246]: Done check for <Shipyard Master>
    12. nuhll

      nuhll Member

      Nov 29, 2014
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      Try with singular!

      He very good at fixing and trys to help where he can. But provide full log.
    13. ss4noval

      ss4noval New Member

      Dec 26, 2011
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      so what i have seen is sometimes it sits and keeps trying to do a naval mission and what i do is a pause it really fast and then put whatever remaining ships i have on whatever mission i can and then unpause and it will continue to go. next time i see it happen i am going to get the log i just get so busy with my 4 kids that it's a pain sometimes for me to get things done
    14. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      1: Sorry, but as you have never provided full log, but no help to you can be given at this stage.
      2: If you have problems with ShipyardMaster, please make a proper issue report to it's own Support thread, instead of using GoldBoss. It is separate product, which you can enable \ disable to use via GoldBoss.

      If you have issue with ShipyardMaster, please use a proper support thread:

      This is GoldBoss support thread, not ShipyardMaster.
      Also do not forget to attach full log file, or help cant be given.
      Last edited: May 1, 2016
    15. ss4noval

      ss4noval New Member

      Dec 26, 2011
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      alisha sorry if you thought i was reporting a problem (i was responding to the other person that was having a problem) i wasn't going to post anything on your shipyard thread until i had more intel to provide. i did post a log up above on the problem i stated for switching chars and i did send you a personal message with my skype info for the teamviewer idea if you still wish to do that.
    16. carguy

      carguy Member

      Jan 21, 2010
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      log, can't get passed it. Its shipyard yes, but launched through this central hub.

      Attached Files:

    17. nuhll

      nuhll Member

      Nov 29, 2014
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      As far as i can see this is shipyard related, so you should post it in correct thread. Also try with singular!
    18. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      if it's Shipyard: try to:
      1) Disable it there, run it from BotManager as usual task.
      2) Do you have log manager active or not? If yes, which settings you have there?
    19. carguy

      carguy Member

      Jan 21, 2010
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      I got past the shipyard issue, i have no idea if anything changed but i got past it. New issue - bot doesn't do any of the tasks in botmananger (fishingmaster).

      Set it to run for 300 minutes, put toon level < 101, 115, 110 (*in attempts to troublehsoot), min level to start 1. Bot says "[GoldBoss Engine 08.954]: --> Queue Item#1 via Profile#1 will run - Toon Match Requirements" yet it logs off and goes to the next char before executing the task at all.

      Mind you, i haven't touched this setting for weeks; it used to fish just fine then all of a sudden it just stopped even attempting to fish.
      Last edited: May 2, 2016
    20. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      You need configure Botbase you want to use in BotManager - in your case FishingMaster, GoldBoss do not manage it only run it, what exactly will be done by BotBase is it's own deal.
      Checkout info in Log where BotManager starts - there is info how Taks was proceed.
      be aware if tasks not in Repeat - once it already finished (success \ failed) it wont be proccedd again as cycle.

      More info please check in logs of your run, if should be descriptive enough to understand what and if you doing something wrong

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