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  • [PAID] GoldBoss - Unlimited BotManager - Full Bot Automation! [known as GarrisonBoss]

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Store Botbases' started by @alisha, Dec 29, 2014.

    1. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      in upcoming version there is will be Survival helper, checkout in some page ago there is info about it :)
    2. Jetnix

      Jetnix New Member

      Feb 17, 2015
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      So, that's fix on the Beta !
      Thank's you Alisha !
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
    3. Deathsmind

      Deathsmind Member

      Jun 14, 2013
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      So i dont know if anyone else has a problem but the bot keeps getting stuck in the Barn. Is this a problem on my end or something that needs to be fixed still?
    4. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Daily News on upcoming Next release build Stace

      Change Log:
      *NEW* GUI Multi Language: Chinese Translation added
      *NEW* GUI Multi Language: Greek Translation added
      *NEW* Stack Helper: Use Item Parts\Containers in Bags to Create\Open Item (like Leather scraps to Create Leather)
      *NEW* Do not Sent Follower, If his Level < Mission Level GUI Option
      *NEW* If our Mount if Big Mount: Yak or Mamont, change it to normal one to prevent stuck
      *NEW* Restart Profiles Queue When All Done
      *NEW* Addon Compatibility: LUI Addon not Compatible cause it change Bank Frames. GarrisonBoss will disable LUI on Start (it its loaded) and enable back on end (when GarrisonBoss stopped)
      *NEW* Survival Helper - Use Eat to restore Health / Mana or to Gain Food Buff
      *NEW* Survival Helper: Use Grilled Saberfish \ Saberfish Broth to Restore Health \ Mana
      *NEW* Survival Helper: Use Best Food to Gain Food Buff or Restore Health / Mana
      *NEW* Survival Helper: Choose Min HP% till which We need to wait to Restore health
      *NEW* WarMill Horde Prequest: Pickup, TurnIn when Ready
      *NEW* WarMill Alliance Prequest: Pickup, TurnIn when Ready
      *NEW* WarMill Horde Daily: Pickup, TurnIn when Ready
      *NEW* WarMill Alliance Daily: Pickup, TurnIn when Ready
      Fix: Barn Preq Quest #1 Turn In
      Fix: WarMill check for we have at least 20 Garrison Resources to start
      Fix: Check for Space when open Salvage Boxes
      Fix: WarMill vendor wasnt blacklisted properly, cause stuck when try to go to this vendor in Garrison
      Fix: Check if do not have more Active Followers than we can Handle
      Fix: Trading Post lvl3 Alliance Navigation

      *drumroll* Next version coming: Grinding & Questing Module - other BotBase and Profiles Support! :cool:


      Usage Example

      We have lvl 90 toon, which we need to lvl up and also farm some leather for WorkOrders, and get some Gold, and run some Dungeons to get more gear.

      1. Setting up Profile #1 as Questing via Free Kicks Quest Profiles, Run time: 1 hour
      2. Setting up Profile #2 as Grind via Grinding Profile for Leather, Run time: 1 hour, Items need ID: 110609 [ Raw Beast Hide ], count 40
      3. Setting up Profile #3 as grind via Gold Farming Profile, Run hour: 1 hour, min level to run 95 (as we know we cant do it successfully in 90 lvl for example)
      4. Setting up Profile #4 as DungeonBuddy random Dungeon run (Checking GUI tab to setup DungeonBuddy queue for Random Dungeon as we need)

      Profiles Setup Done. Ready to GO! :)

      GarrisonBoss will do usual Garrison stuff, and when have nothing else to do -> Start Profles query with requirement we setup.
      After all profiles done, it will check again for Garrison works, and then will try to start Queue again.

      Potentially can be run with any BotBase, tested and supported QuestBot, GrindBot. Other BotBase compatibility not garantee, but can also work :)
      Also you can run it only for Leveling till u are not 90 and have Garrison -> Can be started even on Lvl1 toon :p

      So we can easy do Leveling up our toon, run Dungeons and Farm needed Mats and Grind for gold - all with GarrisonBoss management! :cool:
      Module Stace:

      • *NEW* Option to choose any BotBase from available to user [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to set count of Completed Mission to go Back to Garrison when running Profile [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to open Profile BotBase GUI to setup settings if needed [ done ]
      • *NEW* Restart Profiles Queue When All Done [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to load Profiles for chosen BotBase from Local Machine (your computer) [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to load Profiles for chosen BotBase from Store (by pasting store link) [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to set Activate/Deactivate Profile [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to set Time how Long Profile will be executed [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to set Minimum Character level to run profile [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to set Maximum Character level to run profile [ done ]
      • *NEW* Option to set ItemID and Count in Bags until which profile will be running [ done ]
      • *NEW* QuestBot Compatibility Supported and tested [ done ]
      • *NEW* GrindBot Compatibility Supported and tested [ done ]
      • *NEW* DungeonBuddy Compatibility Supported and tested [ done ]
      • *NEW* BGBuddy Compatibility Supported and tested [ done ]
      • *NEW* BGFarmer Compatibility Supported and tested [ done ]
      • *NEW* Queue for profiles -> Run next profile when current done [ done ]
      • *NEW* Profiles priority start run [ in work ]
    5. Scotts01

      Scotts01 Member

      Oct 6, 2012
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      Thanks for the reply.

      So just for clarification. In the upcoming update (this is soon right?), you are changing the selling feature? When using salvage yard it fills my bags so fast. In WOD bagspace is like impossible now, with all the daily cd stuff my bags are like 10 free spaces so it fills so quickly. Anyways, the only crap I care from salvage yard is 100 epics. Most follower items stack so its good. I like to sell all greens/greys, greens sell for more than DE so its easier to sell. I DE the level 100 blues and sell the rest. The thing is I usually am fine when the bot just sells all greens/greys every time it gets close to full bags. Some reason its not selling after using salvage yard. Is there a feature or way to have it talk to the salvage guy? (I have an addon that also auto sells green/greys) so just talking is fine.
    6. Rezlol

      Rezlol New Member

      Oct 29, 2012
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    7. julien

      julien Member

      Nov 13, 2010
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      that looks awesome well done Alisha!
      can we use that with multiple characters?

      for example have char1 do garrison stuff, then load profile to farm sumptuous furs, then do apexis daily farm, then switch to char 2 with hbrelog to do the same stuff?
    8. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      No exceptions on log, you need to be sure:
      1) leather WorkOrder is checked in GUI
      2) you have mats to do it
      3) you know craft recipe to craft
      you need to setup queue for each character, than you can use HBRelog to relog to needed one. Queue is individual as other settings and connected to each Char independently :)
      So answer is yes :p
      Last edited: Mar 12, 2015
    9. y2krazy

      y2krazy Community Developer

      Jun 21, 2011
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      This is just ONE of the MANY reasons why I support all the products you release. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G work!!!!!!! :D :D :D
    10. lve2raft

      lve2raft New Member

      Jan 28, 2010
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      I hope someone puts out a good tutorial on how to use this new feature.
    11. Eitron

      Eitron New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      Hi Alisha,

      When i use both mailing items to alt and disenchanting option for enchanting it sends the mats to alt before disenchanting and that causes bot not to disenchant any mats. Is this normal?

      What i want is to use the bot to disenchant some armor for "Needed for Craft" option then send the rest to alt.
    12. magickman

      magickman New Member

      Mar 6, 2015
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      ok a few things.. 1. is it normal for garrisonbot to only mount up on way back to town hall? does not mount up to any other spot just walks to mine, garden, prof bldgs... 2. its not vendoring items, I have the boxes checked for white gray and green but its not vendoring any of them. 3. I multi box and have 7 accounts running at the same time, is there any way to switch between accounts without closing and restarting the garrisonbot ? 4. any way to make followers that do not need experience to be put on missions? want the chance at the salvage. 5. is there an option to just stay in the garrison to fish for the fishing daily. 6. after opening all salvage crates and salvage bags use Hennick Helmsley to vendor off items.
    13. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      if will
      1) get all mail if exists from mailbox
      2) do all other work
      2) send mail what configured

      so, if you getting wrong result you possible configured something wrong (de for example). Also please you "Add Issue Ticket" in FAQ thered there is a link :) So i can help, and attach log + description.

      No, GarrisonBoss always mount when needed, if you have problem, please check FAQ about clean install, disable all wow Addons, HB products streaming and also how do issue report :)
      Also please use "Add Issue Ticket" in FAQ thered there is a link :) So, than we can figured out your problem. If it do not gone after those steps i mention above.
    14. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Also coming next build:
      • *NEW* Enchanting: Option to set Min Item Level to Disenchant
      • *NEW* Use Treasure Hunter Follower Only in Mission With Gold Reward option in GUI
    15. Eitron

      Eitron New Member

      Oct 26, 2011
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      One of the reasons i bought this product is your being active so much.

      Thanks for the interest. Really nice work. This botbase is more than 50€ if a questing "Profile" itself is.
    16. vcreation

      vcreation Member

      Nov 17, 2013
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      having purchased this botbase and used it once with HBRelog to do 22 characters. no doubt it has great features, but the stuck chance is just too high. out of 11 alliance toons, 6 were stuck, one stuck in mine (hair got stuck on lamp), stuck on herb garden head stuck on lamp. 3 stuck inside bunker (trying to go up stairs), 1 stuck in tailoring building..

      on horde toon 3/11 were stuck, one on warmill and 2 in salvage yard.

      I've seen most of them stuck but I don't correct it just to see if it will in the end unstuck, but they do not. after a full run I log back in each toon to check and those toon were not standing in front of the command table would have the garrison tasks incomplete. there must be a lot of pathing issue. plus the mail do not work when u have addons running.

      I also have another similar botbase, although it has a little less features, but it has a fixed task order which is good, and the stuck chance is 0.0001%, I've been using it for 2 months and I can't even remember once my toon was not in front of the mission table.

      is it just me getting all these stucks? cos it seems like nobody has got stucking problem
    17. x037leox

      x037leox New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      I purchased this, but I cannot find the instructions on where or how to install this.

      I have GarrisonBoss enabled in "my purchases"
      Last edited: Mar 13, 2015
    18. @alisha

      @alisha Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Sep 29, 2012
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      Hi! After you enable streaming for GarrisonBoss, start Wow & HB.
      In HB GUI -> choose GarrisonBoss from BotBase List -> Top Right Gui Corner list (there Questing chosen by default)
      Than do needed changes in Settings (Bot Config) and push Start -> Done :)
    19. x037leox

      x037leox New Member

      Jan 11, 2013
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      Thank you for the help but my problem is "GarrisonBoss" is not showing in the BotBaseList. I have even tried reinstalling HB.

      I can send you my purchase paypal info in a private message.
    20. fernir

      fernir Member

      Aug 31, 2010
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      I'm having an issue with with the Herb Garden on Alliance. It seems a lot of my characters get stuck on the lamp posts all the time. Not sure why, is there any way we can get them to path around them or some kind of unstuck handler instead of running into it forever.

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