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    Discussion in 'General Discussion Forum' started by Zclutter, Nov 6, 2010.

    1. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      guys, find private buyers... then you won't have to worry w/ drama. :)
    2. Breyna

      Breyna New Member

      Sep 8, 2010
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      ^^ very true.....EXCEPT...that works for mats like herbs and ore but not for produced items like cut gems, flasks, etc. No way to move a ton of cut gems thru only private transactions. Unless you wanna spend 15 hours a day hawking them on trade chat. But a person can make a lot of gold on the AH being reasonable. Example...If I open up the ah to sell a flask which has been selling for 20g and there are 5 single flasks on the AH for 20g and one flask for 7g...well that just yells noob/idiot and I buy it out and post my 5 or 10 flasks at 19g. (I have 100 of these flasks in the bank and enough herbs to make 500 but I only post 5 or 10)

      But if I open the ah and the same circumstances except there are 175 single flasks at 7g by the same player.....well that screams botter

      I would much rather sell to private buyers and do every chance I get. But I still make most of my gold on the AH....just NOT by flooding it with ridiculously low undercuts
      Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
    3. Kickazz006

      Kickazz006 Well-Known Member Moderator

      Jan 15, 2010
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      if you have a private buyer that buys your ore (massively) they probably have a JC, too (most ppl prospect the ore, maybe sell some bars, but not all)

      so you can also sell the gems to that person if that's what they're using it for. and you can prob pawn off some eternals to them, or all of them.

      I used to have ~15 private buyers that would buy bulk and super bulk depending on what I had / what they needed.

      I had a few guys who would say "CoD me 300 stacks of saronite ore @ 15g /stack" or "CoD me tita ore @ xx/stack"

      I had one guy who would buy all of my herbs at the end of the month (for darkmoone) and someone who bought all of my ore every weekend, what I had left.

      Heres the trick to getting (a) private buyers:

      /2 WTS xxxx in bulk, PST. they will always say "how much is bulk" you state "more than you need" ... if they say like "500 stacks?" then thats when you /friend them and offer them some deals... if they say like "i want 4 stacks" ... well, tell them to /friend u or mail u when they want something else

      another way is to post a bunch of stuff (like 200-300 stacks) of stuff on the AH and look to see who bought a LOT of the stuff, (manually look through the mails) -- if someone's name popped up a good 50+ times, send them mail with an advertisement / deals on it and see if you get a bite

      theres lots of ways, think outside of the box

      -- Kick

      oh yeah, an elixir / pot master loves herbs, too. a lot of them also have inscriptionists. The best thing is to go out on a limb... and some ppl u can trust (ie: gbank to withdraw goods and leave cash).

      Note: find the guy who has like 5-10 level 80's on the same server that you're on and offer him a deal, if he's smart, he'll take it and make some cash (come cata, of course)
      Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
    4. Breyna

      Breyna New Member

      Sep 8, 2010
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      ^^ Good info. Thank you
    5. Zclutter

      Zclutter New Member

      Sep 17, 2010
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      Love how every one is jumped the gun on bashing me, i never claimed how much i posted to sell, and i dont sell in the masses like the botters i see on the server. at most 4-6 gems of that color (normally the ones that go 100+) while they spam over 15 sales at full price.

      not my fault people depend on auctioneer too much with there 10% pricecut posts.
    6. Zclutter

      Zclutter New Member

      Sep 17, 2010
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      its not that i want less gold, things dont sell for shit on my server regardless even with my discounted price.
    7. lostsk8r

      lostsk8r New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Yeah, I dont advertise in trade chat. I list AH bulk then get names of buyers and send them PMs. My buyer buys all my ore everyday, my titanium too and my eternal earths, sometimes he'll ask for fires/shadows, but my ore guild is always empty.. my herb buyers arent as needy though but I can get the things moved, I might move to two miners though cause I know my pvt buyer would still buy two chars worth of farming each day lol.

      But yeah definately great way to find buyers through mass listing AH then checking who bought how much etc.. then I send them mails. Its actually how I've gotten all of my pvt buyers. My ore buy says he transmutes my saronite and prospects
    8. beefcake

      beefcake New Member

      Jun 8, 2010
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      ANOTHER example of someone that bots and doesnt understand the ingame economy and ends up wrecking it for everyone. I agree with the above quote. If you dont understand how to work the AH then stay off it because all you do is mess it up for everyone else. There are people like this on my server that slash prices by so much i want to rage and drive to their house and beat them. Its dumb to undercut that much just to get your gold. Your stuff will sell regardless. I was selling whiptail at 300g/stack and people would undercut down to 200g/stack and MINE would STILL sell at 300g a stack. Its just plain dumb. Right now people are undercutting on darkmoon decks by 50% so a 30k deck they are selling for 15k which is absolutely obsurd seeing as if you buy all the mats on the AH it costs around 1300g per attempt at a card and the cards are random so you you get a bunch of junk cards trying to get the ones you want.
      Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
    9. lickalime

      lickalime New Member

      Feb 8, 2010
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      People like you destroy the AH and literally ruin the game for everyone else. Maybe if you weren't so quick to jump the gun you would post for 118g make more gold and not ruin the AH.

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