I am getting all sorts of weird problems. Some times it just stops working correctly. Some times it will no longer use treants. Typically will never throw down a wild mushroom no matter what I make the settings. Not sure what the issue is. Just purchased a few days ago.. thought it was because I was on the trial but nothing seems to work right. Also, there are some settings grey'd out, is that suppose to happen? When I chose automatic mode, it says in HB that Leaves is using manual mode anyway...
That is weird indeed. If u could zip multiple logs I can have a look. The text saying manual mode doesn't mean it's in manual healing mode. It says that because the botbase you're using requires manual movement etc. Dungeon buddy would trigger automatic for instance.
I think there's a little mistake in the interface, it says "Save mana on units" above the language settings Edit; Just a little question also: Will checking Save mana on unites above % help in mana management or does it have nothing to do with that?
Nah. When ticket it will try and save mana by not healing targets above that percentage. If they take more damage then healing it will heal though. Yes it will, e.g it will not rejuvenate a dps at 83% when he gains more health then he loses if set at 80%. That way y save 3k mana on a rejuvenate on a target not in danger of dieing. Now multiply that by raid count etc and it starts counting. But for HPS - if u got the mana - turning it off boosts ur output.
I'm confused first you say "Nah" and then you say "Yes it will", Unless you mean "Nah..there isn't a mistake in the interface", although I'm pretty sure it isn't supposed to say "Save Mana" above the Language setting. Also, is there a preferable setting for the two slide bars or is it just your own preference? I see alot of people using around 85 and 30 % in most of the uploaded settings. I have also noticed that you HPS gets boosted quite a bit if you turn it off indeed, but you lose mana so much faster and your Overhealing skyrockets.. I personally prefer doing a bit less HPS and keep my overhealing on the low end..It's always rather funny if you people starting boasting about their HPS and they are at 80+% on the overhealing meter.
The naming is correct. If set to Save mana on units above 80%. It will consider mana saving if the unit is above 80%. -- 81% mana saving = on 79 % mana saving = off 40% mana saving = off 97% mana saving is on
Will push an update tonight to fix the regrowth issues.. Will ask for quick approval before heading to bed
Release Pushed out a new version, awaiting store approval before it goes live. Changelog: You need to register and have one post to see spoilers!
Switching back to my druid full time (YAY!) I used leaves all through SOO almost always top 100. Anyways I loaded up leaves and its SOOOO different.. can you not customize the spells as much as before? Or is it just in different places as before.. in the past the spells and all their settings were in a single box.
Are there any basic heroic/mythic presets? Manually I'm healing intuitive, but with the bot I can't really say, what the average setting is. Tweaking a bit more or less per fight isn't a problem.
Had some issues last night with trying to get into Tree of Life manually. Is there an easy way that I am missing? It felt like the rotation wasn't feeling the user interaction and just kept on going.
Logs are attached. Also, aside from the ability to use it in enyo (which I find to be obnoxious because it won't let me bind it to tilde (~), is there a way to pause leaves on the CR level rather than botbase?
I think that's the wrong log There's no pause key for leaves because almost every botbase supports a pause key already.