Mirabis just curious if this has boss behaviors for SoO, such as single target dps on Paragons fight? I know I get a lot of "grief" for topping dps charts with a certain warlock routine in that fight for attacking multiple bosses.
It does have boss mechanics, but t will not switch to single target in that fight. But you can disable multi dotting by hotkey.
Am i missing something? I claimed my buddystore key after it went live here and i dont see an svn link anywhere.
There's no svn link, no download either. You have to stream it: BosslandGmbH:Getting Started with the Buddy Store (as a User) - The Buddy Wiki
Sorry to keep posting questions here and there but Im starting to raid as boomkin next week and was wondering what/when is the logic for incarnation? On target dummy it seems to cast it late into the rotation. Also it seems to blow cds on combat, is there a way to check/uncheck when this occurs like boss or player only or should I map it to hotkey.
You can turn them off by Hotkey, I'll show u the code /requirements for Incarnation tomorrow.. it's 02:00 came from a party.. too tired to fire up Visual Studio. ( Believe it's a mixture of SimCraft T15/T16 Requirements for Casting Incarnation).
In BG's: Could we get a setting for dotting hunter pets or not. Also With auto targeting turned on, it is targeting the Venomous Snake from a hunter snake trap. Not sure it should do that. [15:52:23.961 N] [23:961]: [Moonfire][On: Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet] [HP:95.6%][Reason: Multidot] [15:52:24.437 N] [24:437]: Added new Moonfire(8921) Damage: 9.5 - Ticks: 9 - Frequency: 1.4824652671814 [15:52:25.099 N] [25:099]: HealEngine.GetAutoRootUnit: Found Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter at 26.4097919464111 ft from us [15:52:25.149 N] [25:149]: [Sunfire][On: Lvl 90 Alliance Hunter's pet] [HP:90.8%][Reason: Multidot] [15:52:25.672 N] [25:672]: Added new Sunfire(93402) Damage: 6.2 - Ticks: 9 - Frequency: 1.4824652671814 [15:52:26.029 N] [26:029]: Removing Dot: 17384423117237003003 [15:52:26.029 N] [26:029]: Removing Dot: 17384423117237087484 [15:52:26.296 N] [26:296]: ActiveEnemyCount = 1 [15:52:27.341 N] [27:341]: ActiveEnemyCount = 7 [15:52:27.573 N] [27:573]: [Starsurge][On: Venomous Snake] [HP:100.0%][Reason: Shooting Stars] [15:52:27.718 N] [27:718]: [Starsurge][On: Venomous Snake] [HP:100.0%][Reason: Shooting Stars] [15:52:27.858 N] [27:858]: [Starsurge][On: Venomous Snake] [HP:100.0%][Reason: Shooting Stars] [15:52:28.022 N] [28:022]: [Starsurge][On: Venomous Snake] [HP:100.0%][Reason: Shooting Stars] [15:52:28.354 N] [28:354]: ActiveEnemyCount = 5 [15:52:28.380 N] [28:380]: [Starsurge][On: Venomous Snake] [HP:100.0%][Reason: Shooting Stars] [15:52:28.512 N] [28:512]: [Starsurge][On: Venomous Snake] [HP:100.0%][Reason: Shooting Stars] Thanks for all the hard work on your routines.
It indeed should not, will blacklist them in next release. https://trello.com/c/tNSxjE2k If u want the setting for the snakes, then probably not. If u have a good reason to exclude hunter pets from dotting, please elaborate
I do not see a need for a setting for the snakes. I did see it try to target a rat in Arathi Basin at the farm today as well. Could it double check in BGs to not try to target non hostiles [16:13:57.578 N] [57:578]: Unit.CanAttack Failed -- Rat out of range [16:15:34.625 N] [34:625]: Unit.CanAttack Failed -- Rat out of range For hunter pets setting. Typically in a BG you are not worried about a pet and damage to it, so it is just wasting GCD's. In an arena it can be advantageous to try to kill it. So a setting allows you to choose what you want. One other thing I keep seeing, when auto facing is enabled. Even if nothing is targeted, it still tries to face something and makes movement very strange sometimes.
When Targeting is enabled and it has a pet as target, it scans for the owner or another wowunit ; O For multidotting, the pet(s) are a nice win for procs. Can u tell me which botbase u were using?
Tyreal latest from the buddy store. I was just in strand of the ancients and it would not let me target a Demo. I would manually target it and it would change targets. Also it was trying to do astral communion while I was being attacked even though I have in combat turned off. Just noticed in the log I am seeing this. Buddy.Coroutines.CoroutineUnhandledException: Exception was thrown by coroutine ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I am attaching my log for you to see. View attachment 3212 2014-09-08 11.58.txt
Thanks for log, will check it tomorrow.. time for homework.. damn Uni... Also, Auto Targeting with Tyrael is a strange combo.. why auto target when u manually play ?
Oh I target manually, but the routine is faster than I am to switch when needed. Especially when they use abilities to block damage. As you can tell I am primarily pvping.
Anybody want to upload their settings for pvp? Idk what i'm doing and it doesn't seem to be hitting as hard as I imagined.. :/
PVP Hotkeys not right On the Hotkeys tab: Duplicate Labels - Typhoon Target Keys don't match labels in the log. Vortex Focus shows as Vortex Target. Here is a screen shot showing the problem.