Trying it, cant find a single mob here, all is dead... Which empty servers are you playing on? :S Edit* Bot is not targeting mobs...
gets stuck alot on some stupid cart and its busy with people so easy for getting report but apart from that its good
Can you screenshot the particular cart, or if you know how to generate a blackspot on it? I'll try get this as good as possible
Scratch that - I haven't done the quests here, so I don't have the vendors/mailbox that is used :/ I've disabled looting so I can keep lvling
/facepalm Just realised theres a mailbox in the town right next door. @Inrego, there are now two mailboxes in the profile. Remove the one u dont want
How? I have the same Custom Class (The Saint) also ret with 85+ blues/old epic mix and can't break 2.500,000 xp/h
Since so many people are asking heres a horde version. NO mailbox and NO vendor. I need someone to go stand next to a horde mailbox in the area and go dev tool --> in the top left is local player info, press the refresh button --> double click the coordinates and they will be writted in your log--> copy them to me and i will put it in the profile Cheers
Whenever I start the bot, it just stands there and only defends itself, what setting should I change?