I must say i did grind my druid on my main account for a few days at the same spot for 12hrs+ (lvl87-90). The profile was great and no one used it on my server, XP was good too. (Maybe that is why i am banned now however... lol)
To the original poster: The best advice that anyone can give is to bot for as long as you feel comfortable with. Everyone on these forums will offer a different interpretation of what would constitues the best timeframe for botting without getting caught. Take a serious look at what you feel comfortable with. If it's two hours then it's two hours or if it's 24/7 then it's 24/7.
Yay, a troll, but with grammar to boot! Welcome to the forums, sigh..... Srsly, he's not muted yet? Edit, China's link provides great guidance, look around on the forums and see what else there is as far as safety and precautions you can use. I take in all the information I can get and like the previous poster replied, come up with what I am comfortable with personally. I have a main account that I kinda "baby" and go easy on, then I have a couple farm accounts that, well, whatever, if they get banned, they get banned..... ;-)
Hate? I never mentioned that word, as I do not hate you in the least sense of the word. I just don't appreciate fear-mongering on these forums, it offers no benefit and can cause confusion to newcomers. In the interest of not hijacking this thread and staying on topic, this will be my last reply to you specifically. You know what you are doing, and it's not even remotely funny. Have a great day! =D
Fear-mongering? Wow, I'm preaching some really scary shit apparently; your World of Warcraft account may be banned when you use 3rd party programs who automatically grind things for you!!
Iko - you may believe what you say but you are misinformed. Can I suggest you get some experience of botting under your belt before devoting yourself to "educating" those who have been botting for years?