Thanks MaxMuster Next Character with a new Problem. The Toon got the Quest to Upgrade the Garrison to lvl2. He is staying behind of the Town Hall and is waiting for spawn of a chest with Garrison Resources. She have already have enough resources available, but still waiting. I’ve stopped the questbot, clicked on the architect table and upgraded and restarted qb. Now it's running fine again. If required I deliver the logfile later on this day when returning at home.
Normaly this should not happen because the InteractWith for the Garrison Resources have WaitForNpcs="false" so normaly the Bot should skip this IW when there is no Garrison Resources available for pickup. Would be nice if you can attach the log when your at home.
Looks like when HB comes back up ill be buying another account. Is this power 1 to 100 now? I was an original purchaser.
Not yet. I'm working on it (when HB goes Live again) but it will take some weeks until its complete. Because there i need the Intern Dev Tool i cant continue my work until HB goes Live again ;-(
Version 0.1.5. is now Live ;-) ------------------ The required Plugin for the new "Switch Profile when possible" function can be found here: But its still waiting for approvial. When the Plugin is available please read the Plugin Store Description and dont use it AFK because its still in Beta Phase. ------------------ Tomorrow i will submitt Version 0.1.6 to the Store which only contains some small improvements to the new "Switch Profile when possible" function. As soon Version 0.1.6 goes Live, i will reset the Trial for all Non-Customers ;-)
something wrong with my bot Hello there, I am trying to use your profile but somehow my bot is stuck and doesn't move. I have to move it to quests manually.
This comes from the Bot when calculate the path. You stopped the Bot before the calculation was finished. PHP: [12:18:52.264 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Cure ( : From - Igrim die Entschlossene ( [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1205] [12:18:52.330 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp [12:18:53.486 V] Loading Draenor_20_18 [12:18:54.147 V] Loading Draenor_23_20 [12:18:54.997 V] Loading Draenor_22_21 [12:18:55.963 V] Loading Draenor_22_20 [12:18:56.524 V] Loading Draenor_22_22 [12:18:57.189 V] Loading Draenor_23_22 [12:18:57.984 V] Loading Draenor_24_21 [12:18:59.216 V] Loading Draenor_23_19 [12:18:59.384 V] Loading Draenor_24_20 [12:18:59.652 V] Loading Draenor_24_19 [12:19:00.329 V] Loading Draenor_21_20 [12:19:01.501 V] Loading Draenor_22_19 [12:19:02.969 V] Loading Draenor_21_19 [12:19:04.292 V] Loading Draenor_23_18 [12:19:04.921 V] Loading Draenor_24_22 [12:19:05.497 V] Loading Draenor_21_22 [12:19:05.993 V] Loading Draenor_21_21 [12:19:07.052 V] Loading Draenor_20_20 [12:19:08.490 V] Loading Draenor_22_18 [12:19:09.459 V] Loading Draenor_20_19 [12:19:10.000 V] Loading Draenor_25_20 [12:19:10.608 V] Loading Draenor_24_18 [12:19:11.291 V] Loading Draenor_22_23 [12:19:12.455 V] Loading Draenor_25_21 [12:19:13.586 V] Loading Draenor_25_19 [12:19:14.726 V] Loading Draenor_21_18 [12:19:15.452 V] Loading Draenor_20_21 [12:19:16.270 V] Loading Draenor_23_23 [12:19:17.366 V] Loading Draenor_22_17 [12:19:18.028 V] Loading Draenor_25_22 [12:19:18.994 V] Loading Draenor_23_17 [12:19:19.854 V] Loading Draenor_21_17 [12:19:20.525 V] Loading Draenor_19_20 [12:19:21.770 V] Loading Draenor_25_18 [12:19:22.446 V] Loading Draenor_19_19 [12:19:23.259 V] Loading Draenor_19_18 [12:19:24.041 V] Loading Draenor_21_23 [12:19:24.682 V] Loading Draenor_24_17 [12:19:25.382 V] Loading Draenor_24_23 [12:19:25.960 V] Loading Draenor_20_22 [12:19:26.519 V] Loading Draenor_26_21 [12:19:27.445 V] Loading Draenor_26_20 [12:19:28.448 V] Loading Draenor_20_17 [12:19:28.547 N] Stopping the bot! [12:19:28.547 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button [12:19:29.176 V] Loading Draenor_19_21 PHP: [12:21:25.142 D] Goal: Picking Up Quest - The Cure ( : From - Igrim die Entschlossene ( [Ref: "Pickup" @line 1205] [12:21:25.278 N] Moving to Type: QuestPickUp [12:21:26.382 V] Loading Draenor_20_18 [12:21:27.855 V] Loading Draenor_21_19 [12:21:28.959 V] Loading Draenor_21_18 [12:21:29.611 V] Loading Draenor_19_19 [12:21:30.664 V] Loading Draenor_20_20 [12:21:31.458 V] Loading Draenor_19_18 [12:21:32.178 V] Loading Draenor_21_20 [12:21:32.809 V] Loading Draenor_19_20 [12:21:33.987 V] Loading Draenor_22_19 [12:21:34.828 V] Loading Draenor_21_17 [12:21:35.823 V] Loading Draenor_20_17 [12:21:36.584 V] Loading Draenor_19_17 [12:21:38.177 V] Loading Draenor_22_18 [12:21:39.193 V] Loading Draenor_22_20 [12:21:39.753 V] Loading Draenor_18_19 [12:21:40.798 V] Loading Draenor_22_17 [12:21:41.537 V] Loading Draenor_20_21 [12:21:41.688 V] Loading Draenor_18_18 [12:21:42.165 V] Loading Draenor_21_21 [12:21:42.882 V] Loading Draenor_18_20 [12:21:43.623 V] Loading Draenor_19_21 [12:21:43.944 N] Stopping the bot! [12:21:43.944 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button [12:21:44.758 V] Loading Draenor_23_19 [12:21:44.775 D] Path search from {6754.56, 6012.54, 250.0268} to {7121.45, 6019.884, 133.888} was aborted due to HB stopping (time used: 19.486 seconds) [12:21:44.775 D] Activity: Waiting for object to appear to pick up quest from [12:21:44.778 D] Removed hook [Combat_Only] 5e988e32-761c-48bc-8577-7aefcd3ba63d [12:21:44.778 D] Clearing POI - Reason Quest pickup completed. [12:21:44.779 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped
This cant be possible. When the Bot is Grinding Mobs is almost for getting a Quest Giver Item. Pls attach a log (or is it the same?) And what say the Info Tab?
Good News, the Fast Leveling Profile Changer Plugin is now available via the BuddyStore -> CLICK ! If this Plugin is enabled (in the Bot) the Char switch to the next Profile as soon the required Level is reached. The Plugin and the function is still in Beta so please dont use it AFK. Within the next 1-2 Days i add a detailed Description ;-)
Wow, what an amazing profile. I had a few hiccups at the start, but they were core HB issues. Other than those issues very early on this thing has run like a charm. I have a few followers that I don't have on my main (leveled by hand at release). Just had to deactivate one because I'm over the cap of 20 and I'm not even into Nagrand yet. As far as the speed of leveling, it's great. Knocking out the bonus objectives as a "built in" feature is really nice. If you're wondering if it's worth the money, the answer is yes. I haven't tried any of your other stuff Max, but if they're anything like this I'm sure they're great. Very nice work!
Next Version submitted to the Store: This Release will only Fix the Issues coming with patch 6.2 and Quest changes. Bugs like the Avoid Missiles or the ActionBar returning null for Buttons (which will maybe break the Vehicle Quests) must be fixed by the Buddy Team.
Version 1.07 is Live now. The Bot PickUp Quests now from the new Adventure Guide instead the Leader Board in your Garrison. With the next version will be more improved.
Good News, The big ActionBar issue will be fixed with the next Stable HB Release: Then everything should work Perfect and without Problems like befor Patch 6.2 ;-) //Edit: Honorbuddy v2.5.14151.793 is available now:
Quick News: At the moment i level a new char to 100 (should be done today) and then i will take a look at the Level 100 Tanaa Djungle ;-) P.S. Does anyone have Problems with HB and PickUp Quest from the Adventure Guide?