Dont know what im doing wrong but if i start this profile at the vendor, it will go into the inn at zangar and run into the wall.
*sigh* This profile should be removed from site. Notice in EVERY post he plugs his site and says this isn't up to his standards. Well if its so crappy, why release it other than to try to make people come buy ones from your site. I think you should have to pay HonorBuddy devs if you keep using their site for advertising. When people ask if they can buy private profiles I usually mention your site. But after seeing this thread it will be recommended no more.
Got a problem. When my char finds a bugged mobs that only evades, it wont blacklist it. it just continue trying to attack.
I'm running this in mixed mode as a paladin lvl 65. He's in Nagrand and just runs in circles. Doesn't mess with creeps. Mounts up and rides the path...
lvl 58 rogue. it is working nice for me right now getting 75k/hr. I started in Hellfire and it ran here. It vendored and ran back. not into walls.