I was hoping for an early Christmas present release however due to a personal issue I am dealing with it has been set back to early January whilst I deal with the issue at hand.
Ow no it's fine I can add Rebirth in quite easily with the option to enable/disable on the next release.
Great CR, I just finished the gold proving ground with some minor tweaks. Do you think it would be possible to add an option for delayed dispel. Its kinda obvious that I am a bot when I dispel things as soon as they are applied. Other than that this CR is much better then others I have tried.
I just downloaded the trial. The CR seems to think I'm a Balance druid as it's casting all these offensive spells. Meanwhile, my team was getting torn up as very few heals were delivered. I love he idea of the CR doing damage when no heals are needed, but that wasn't the case here. View attachment 4248 2014-12-14 23.07.txt
How do I manually turn off movement and facing? It said it would do it automatically when combat bot was selected, but still moves and rly fks up the playstyle.
@fight cancer You can turn off the offensive spells in the settings. @jewhenlol Provide a log please or I am unable to support.
Hey hazard, currently the bot wigs out when I pop Berserk and Incarnation, you can see that its trying to do something as its using GCD's but its not actually using any abilities. Just ends up standing there not attacking anything, spamming an ability it cant use. Ill go replicate the issue and upload a log. 3 mins. Edit: Ive uploaded the log file. Also, from another look it looks as if it might be trying to reapply savage roar even though its got a 50 sec duration roar up already? Could that be something to do with Glyph of Savage Roar? Edit2: Might also be worth noting that I have only noticed this happening whilst both Berserk and Incarnation are active. The druid is Feral also obviously haha.
This routine spams rejuv only on 4 targets when I have it set to 5 and it renews it with half the time still left with rejuv and germination and will make the mana go poof. please add it to only renew at the very end of the hot please.
Hey hazard, is there any chance you could implement an option for us to stop the bot forcing forms? I'd love to be able to choose my forms and it adapt according. ie, Shift bear form and have it use the bear dps rotation or just switch out into human form to cast a clone without it forcing me back into cat form.
I've found something that can be a big problem in the way of making me look like an idiot during raids. On Brackenspore in Highmaul, the routine will immediately begin healing the rejuvenation/restorative mushrooms. I think these are targets that should probably be put on ignore for manual healing since we need to wait until he begins casting Infesting spores.
Hazard, Just supporting this. On a training dummy it keeps spamming the error "A stronger spell is already active". Mine also never popped Berserk either and there was all kinds of issues with rake a rip uptimes (obviously). Against the dummy in Org the DPS was 230k over ~5mins vs 280k for TuanHa and 291k for SuperBad. I'm sure it all comes back to that basic error at the start though I did want to ask, in your profile the default Rip stacks is set to 3 (as well as savage roar) - what's the reasoning behind this? EDIT: Forgot to attach log View attachment 7628 2014-12-16 22.50.txt
From me just trying all the paid CC's this seems to be the best for healing, wondering how it stacks up for feral dps compared to the rest of the CRs. Anyone could pm me or reply on here to let me know
Hazz please check this Found a bug (or a feature): HazzDruid is always casting "moonfire" on the target ... hes spamming this all day. Is this a bug or just a new rotation style I dont know? Log attached Best wishes for the new year and have a nice christmas
Please dont list this as pvp viable, its not. Goes through cd's even when you dont have them enabled, doesnt heal teammates when they are low, doesnt shift form to avoid cc or move.I am not going to use this routine again for pvp but just giving a heads up.
Im beginning to agree, I purchased this basically completely for the PvP aspect of it and its a pretty big let down.
"Against the dummy in Org the DPS was 230k over ~5mins vs 280k for TuanHa and 291k for SuperBad." ATM I am using SuperBad for Feral because there is a bug in Hazz. When it fixes I'll retest. TuanHa did surprisingly well given it's not optimised for PvE (or even PvP i feel sometimes.....). I have ranked with SuperBad, does well with Lunar Inspiration too.