COMING NEXT UPDATE [*=center]Full ARENA support re-added. (Tested) [*=center]More FPS throttle issues fixed. (Tested in 25man @ 60FPS, High settings.) [*=center]Mushroom placement system replaced. (Tested)
Just bought your routine and saw that their are shared profiles But non mythic settings, would you upload yours or not ? sorry for my bad english
sounds nice... got a special job in my raid... feral, balance and resto as well does this routine has a auto face function ?
It will only use auto face on bot bases that require it. Enyo is for manual play so it will not hinder your movement but for example questing requires that you face a target before interacting. Auto facing would becoming seriously annoying in raid if you where trying to run away from a target and kept facing it?
You should add these configs . - Mythic dungeon ( all specs ) - Providing grounds > endless ( all specs ) - Raid HC ( all specs ) 10-25 - PVP ( all specs ) Add those and its easy buy , the main reason people bot is for do the less possible ( configuration included ) , adding those on the custom BY YOU as " official " would make this much easier choice than other routines. We all want 1 button click + click start to pewpew.
I am going to clear all the old settings from the server and upload fresh new ones with the new upload menu Edit: Improvements done and uploaded. Awaiting approval for public release.
I have no control over movement in dungeons. I have to fight the bot with the WASD keys to keep it from autofollowing. It has no options for stopping auto move. No shapeshift options either when you are out of combat or outdoors inside a dungeon to increase movement speed.