just wanted to say. blacklist healing on players option made me LOL pretty hard. can't wait to try that out to some dbag
I like this CR! Thanks for it! Is there any way to tell my resto druid to move in stealth until it's time to heal? Thanks!
It's not moving toward targets or facing them and it's wasting resources, sitting at 100 energy a lot and not using finishing moves hardly at all.
Alright I fixed the movement issues by checking Use Targetting and Use Movement, but it's still not using abilities like it shoudl be.
When I attack mobs in MoP while doing dailys, it switches to bear to swipe and thrash when I'm feral cat spec. Also, it doesn't swipe and trash in dungeons with there's multiple mobs,
Release 4.3.1 . Fixed rotations . Fixed movement Remember to delete your old settings file or it will cause errors!
Cool, will try it these days maybe you can say which rotations you worked on, or did worked on all of them because of latest 5.3 patch?
Doesnt work for me as Balance Druid: [12:05:43.873 D] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an i - Pastebin.com Its a part of my log. Its a completly fresh install of HBs latest final release
This used to be imba for healing, now it doesn't seem to prio things and use things correctly Would somebody kindly post there 25man/raid settings
@Hazard, you have to change some lines of code... there is a very very big mistake. You/your CC let(s) write charnames into the log, thats not good. Here look into this link: Click Me! I recommend all hazzdruid users, who uses/used hazzdruid to delete their logs online, because there are your Charnames in.
Using the default settings for Resto (unchecked movement in general) with 506 ilvl, only doing 13-16k HPS with LazyRaider. Any tips on the settings?