L'URL demand?e ne peut ?tre affich?e L'objet sollicit? ? l'adresse URL : http://www.thebuddyforum.com/attachments/ releases/37000d1330512558-arelog-simple- free-relogger-honorbuddy-arelog.zip.html Contient une menace : l'objet est infect? par Backdoor.Win32.Torr.rfj
I have a problem with Arelog, since the last update the antivirus goes crazy and remove Arelog from the computer detects it as "Backdoor.win32.torr.rfj" Trojian a virus, before updating the antivirus gave no problem, it is updating may be infected?
I'm trying to figure how to make Arelog to start my bot session upon booting. Arelog has been added to my startup list through MSConfig and it launches upon every boot, but it does not start my sessions automatically? My arelog account has "auto start" ticked, but it doesn't seem to auto start when launching arelog as the status just keeps saying "idle" until I manually hit the "start selected" or "start all" button. Am I doing something wrong? All other things seems to run perfectly, I have it configured with my honorbuddy session, it auto-logs onto my wow account, selects the right character, starts the right grinding profile and everything, it idles for four hours every twelve hours and all that, but I can't seem to figure how to get arelog to auto launch my account / profile upon launch without having to do it all manually.
Just figured I got the 132 error. What can I do to prevent that? Tried to remove addons and cache, still doesnt work.
when i try to install, it just says "A referance was returned to the server" ? wtf is this =p? please help
I tried to open Arelog yesterday and it started to update itself, then my Kaspersky antivirus detected a trojan in it and deleted it immediately, now I can't install Arelog either because it gets deleted by kaspersky every time. I know I can disable Kaspersky to run it but I'm not sure of doing that. Is there anything I can do about it? I also scanned a few pages before this and several people seem to have the same problem. Any help would be appreciated
Im using Arelog with a ezret profile. But when I dc and everything is reloging it gets stuck on using the profile So im in game, honorbuddy is on, but it gets stuck on selecting profile before it starts the bot.. Any ideas?
Bug report Bug apears randomly. Areloger sometimes instead of starting wow.exe, open launcher.exe (I'm not sure if this is true, but this is result). When this happens, its stuck, sometimes I weak up and my computer have opened only one launcher instead of 12 bots runing. My settings are fine, i can start wow and bots without problem. Its not related to one of my accounts, its totaly randomly. Today this happened when Areloger tried to log in first account, log attached.
Right click the arelog.exe, click properties, select always start as admin. Note: it is NOT the same as right clicking it and start as admin!