Tried, didnt work. I tried the 1-90 alliance profile and it seemed like it was going to work but I stopped it to give your idea a shot. Should I just let it run on the 1-90 profile instead of the 85-90? EDIT: Im gonna try an clear the plug in and reinstall it. Maybe it will pick it up where I left off.
Deleted the plug in and all Cache and reinstalled everything/updated everything and it is still giving me the same error. I just started running it on the 1-90 alliance pand profile and it seems like it is working just fine on this profile. Ill let it run and see if this one will work. EDIT: It has gone to the next zone and has started picking up the quests when I started using the 1-90 profile.
hi.. im new here, IĀ“made an account on your page and made the login in armageddon but it says [LoadProfile-v1085(fatal)] Does not have access to Profile '10-armageddoner79-80sholozarbasin'. Please check if you have Armageddoner access works fine with new startet char but it will not work here :S. please help.. regards
can sombody help if i lauch it it says:there is an error with the cava quest behaviors or profiles ? i dot not know what i need to do just got HB for a week
Hello again Cava! I just wanna say that before i only used the profiles, didnt have plugin or quest behaviors (Because the plugin failed during normal install) I just re-installed HB and used your automatic CMD-installer and now the plugin loads and i used the starter profile. But now I'm having this wierd bug. * After almost every kill my hunter stands still for couple of seconds with the console message: '[17:41:08.580 N] [PullMobs-v719(warning) @line 1269]: Taking too long to engage 'Carrion Grub'--blacklisting' *When i click my click my mouse on game to look on something my bot stops (But says running still) & wont be able to start until i restart everything: [17:42:15.127 D] System.Exception: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: InjectionFinishedEvent_was_never_fired at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout) at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout) at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame() at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock) at Styx.CommonBot.TreeRoot.() I've got no clue if this is cause of your plugin but I can click ingame with a clean HB-install! Thanks in advance your plugin & profiles seems awesome otherwise! -M4RTY
this: [17:41:08.580 N] [PullMobs-v719(warning) @line 1269]: Taking too long to engage 'Carrion Grub'--blacklisting' = bot take too long blacklist (for some reasons, npc is bugged bot cant reach etc) that npc and will keep killing other mobs for other part just upload log
When i go into cavaplugin and click install commad promt loads says hit any key to continue i do they it says this cant be found tortiseproc.exe...Is there something else i have to install the guide mentions nothing of it?
I'm having the problem that nothing happens except mounting. ([Singular] info: Pull Distance set to 100 yds by Questing, Plug-in, Profile, or User [Singular] PetManager: 'Growl' Auto-Cast Already Enabled [CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed [CavaPlugin]:CavaPlugin Disposed [CavaPlugin]:Armageddoner Access Tested and Passed [CavaPlugin]rofession Owner Access Tested and Passed for Mining/Blacksmithing 1 to 600 [CavaLoader-v369(info) @line 19]: Loading profile 'Next[Cava]' Changing current profile to Next [Cava] $Rev: 210 $ [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile '[H-Quest](44-47)Tanaris[Cava].xml' Changing current profile to [H-Quest] (44-47) Tanaris [Cava] $Rev: 218 $ [LoadProfile-v1085(info)] Loading profile 'MovetoMainCity[Cava].xml' Changing current profile to Move to Main City[Cava] $Rev: 215 $ [Profile Message]: Compiling Move to Main City Mounting: Black War Wolf)
Hey there, I would like to say to you that i'm very glad that somebody want's to put so much efford in us to make this. Buth the problem is that i can't get the bot to work ... alot of quest don't get accepted en keeps flikkering untill i accept them myself, it's stucks most of the time and the 85/90 bot profile is everything accept working . Am i doing something wrong ? i use every setting correctly ... i have no addons on and still gives me alot of fails plz help me out bro
Can not start bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! Hello Cava, I was using this profile for leveling 2 alts, one horde and one ally and it was working perfect for both until 88 / 90 lvl. But than I made a Human Lock, and lvled him with your profile from lvl 1 until lvl 42 and than its just bugged, showing me message: " Can not start bot - this profile does not contain a quest order! " Tryed everything, and on end I deleted whole HB, instaled new HB, new SVN, downloaded your profile and everything like I did before, but again when I log its same " Can not start bot "... I deleted all quests, my bags are empty, I come to region where I should do quests, but nothing help. Than I tryed to lvl up with dungeonfinder, to pass that 1 profile (39-44 lvl) but its all same now on 49 and 50 lvl. HELP PLEASE! P.S. I dont have a log, since it can't eaven start. And when I go and select a exact profile from Cava folder, it show me error in line 127 etc etc...