Hi, the bot is working fine, but he only sells like gray items, any way to sell the white and green ones too?
this: [10:21:33.069 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Can Vardar\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Quest Behaviors\Cava\10438-Netherstorm-OnNetheryWings.cs(28,18) : error CS0234: Der Typ- oder Namespacename 'QuestBehaviorCore' ist im Namespace 'Honorbuddy' nicht vorhanden. (Fehlt ein Assemblyverweis?) [10:21:33.069 N] Compiler Error: c:\Users\Can Vardar\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Quest Behaviors\Cava\10438-Netherstorm-OnNetheryWings.cs(45,35) : error CS0246: Der Typ- oder Namespacename 'QuestBehaviorBase' konnte nicht gefunden werden. (Fehlt eine Using-Direktive oder ein Assemblyverweis?) means HB/cavaplugin not well installed to fix: make new hb folder install new hb to that new folder install cavaplugin test it
did you follow my guide to install cavaplugin? im sure not this: c:\Users\Can Vardar\Documents\Honorbuddy\Plugins\Quest Behaviors\Cava\... its totally rong if you follow my guide its impossible have this
Yeah i followed your guide now the third time - but what i found is I got no "questing" - option like on your screenshot --- only archeology,grindbot,combatbot,raidbot,mixed mode,partybot etc. - cause its the german version right?! no way to got the questing mode in germany anymore?
I just got the plug in and loaded the 1-90 Horde profile but my character doesn't seem to be working right. He will continually talk to a NPC over and over. I cleared the wow and HB cahe files and ran it again, he procedded to pick up 3 quests and do one of them, he then died and I had to res him. Once he ressed he turned the quest in and stood there forever. I'm not sure how I can make this work without watching my wow client to make sure that it's not messing up each minute. What can I do here?
Hope this works. Please help, I'm getting very upset with myself that I can't make it work. View attachment 3084 2014-08-21 07.59.txt
i understand it stops at 90 but i want it to do the quests for the achieves at 90, is there a way to do that