You really should refer to honorbuddy support section. Your issue seems user input error. TLTR: CREATE A NEW FOLDER AND DOWNLOAD ZIPPED HB AND INSTALL IT THERE.
dont know but i think they refine a little more the fix example this: Selling to vendor on Tundra Mount no-longer fails when taxi map is open. (HB-1023) still have issues
Hey cava.. having problems logging in with armageddoner.. using the usa server 2? just sends me to the website any idea why? would be helpful!
I'm also having issues logging in via either server. Was in the middle of a run and threw the following error and stopped: "Err: Something Wrong, cant confirm you have registered access, opening browser to test access" I've gone so far as to create a new HB install and download everything fresh. This was using the 'Alliance And Horde (81-90) (testers/donators only)' profile. I have Armageddoner subscription. My ticket ID is #607.
Hey cava having some problems , i am recently constantly getting the "loading tiles" when i go to turn a quest in.. just sits there would be for hours if it could.. but i stop the bot.. hit start.. fixes.. any idea? i feelof course its not laoding but when i start it it auto loads again and starts questing again maybe after a really long time it will work again? not sure. was doing so good, now im on the quest the elder's instruments.. killed one monster in the swamp now its just standing here.. doing nothing but the bot is still active
loading tiles or mesh files its a needed thing for HB, thats how bot know how to move/travel bot can take up to 5 minutes dowwloading then, if takes more just shutdown and restart with time bot will have the mesh files and take less time downloading then
Hey Cava, Donated yesterday cause project is great. I experienced the problem that it kept flying back and forth to SW and IF <FLY MAIN CITY> or something, im at work so cant post an log. How ever i figured it out, it did that cause it couldnt find a way to the quest area. For example he did it this morning cause he didnt have a Flightpath to swamp of sorrows, had the same with searing gorge.. do you know how to fix this? or is it that i am levelling to fast with my heirlooms so it doesnt have the questlines to go there followed?
hb have an know issue with FPs, sometimes he blacklist npcs then need do walks, some times dont know how to move to destiny im rescripting files to avoid this,eventualy the fix for that issue will be released Problem on [Fire Upon the Waters] quest in Dragonblight, Northrend, Horde side. Bot keeps trying to toss the item on boat when mounted/flying thus resulting in dismounting and rinse and repeat. Log Attached.
EDIT: also bot should be throwing item on this position, would always work.
Cava, First I'd like to say what an amazing job you've done on your profiles. I will be donating to support your efforts soon. Just recently, as of today, I started experiencing this bug. Essentially, my guy is just getting stuck on walls now. I'm unsure how to enable the anti-stuck through the options. Also, wasn't sure if it was a Felwood problem. Thanks! EDIT:: I restarted the HonorBuddy client and it has resolved the problem.
My bot just randomly stops during questing. I have discovered that it happens everytime i touch the mouse or keyboard. Is there a way to keep it going without stopping when i use the computer?
QUEST: The Last Line Of Defense HORDE QUEST: [The Last Line Of Defense] SIDE: HORDE Problem: Bot will find the vehicle, mount it, and even aim with it but will never ever press 1 to build energy for using 2 ability. Sadly. You need to register and have one post to see spoilers! I passed the quest just manually pressing 1 and 2 sorry for no full log =\
Honorbuddy doesn't recognize the profile as a Quest Order and will not load it. I've re-done everything perfectly according to the directions on the main page and nothing seems to work. How do I fix this?
Hey Cava or anyone. I just found your profiles. I been useing the buddy team ones i found on the store. CAn you or some one explain to me what makes using your profile / plugin better. or what it does exactly. I dont quite understand the OP Also running it now with not problems. And have you considered the buddy store?