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  • HB ARCHIVES: Cava?s Profiles--DO NOT DELETE

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by simon1123, Sep 12, 2012.

    1. Saif

      Saif Member

      Aug 10, 2010
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      What is the cost for the 85-90 profiles? Also are they 100% afk ready?

    2. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Now for the actual reason I came to this thread before I saw that lolcow's message.

      Cava, whilst ov4i's rage is a little exaggerated and over the top. Your free profiles are not remotely without their large flaws, inconsistencies, bugs/stucks and lack of gold profit.

      I'm going to explain them:

      1. Running this profile from 1-60 has netted me a measly 266g 12s 87c. That's with 4x 16 slot bags and after having sold everything. Plus I do have 'loot mobs' turned on + full Heirlooms. So the money isn't going into repairs etc.
      2. When running Kick's profiles I had almost 2,000g by the time that I had reached level 60 and I reached level 60 faster than whilst using your profiles.
      3. In addition to this, there are a lot of stucks like ov4i and many others have mentioned. Your bot likes to get stuck really easily. At this very second when I go to check my bot whilst writing this, it seems to be stuck AGAIN:


      4. Many of the paths that the bot takes are dangerous and result in a lot of stucks. The bot tries to fit between objects, or hug walls far too closely.
      5. Your bot seems to always be travelling when I am looking at it. It likes to run all the way from Blasted Lands to Western Plaguelands. All the way across the entire map of The Eastern Kingdoms... this is ridiculous. It's much faster to take a Zeppelin. Yet you tell the bot to run back and forth? Also after the bot got stuck many times around level 30 in Astranaar it seemed to always want to walk to the nearest taxi and fly back to Orgrimmar for NO reason. Just to sit there for 2 minutes near the taxi path master and then fly straight back to where it was? This also included when my bot ran TWICE from the Zeppelins at Brill to Orgrimmar, and then to the taxi path in Orgimmar, and then immediately after talking to him, straight back to wait for the Zeppelin to Brill again...

      Overall... 10x less gold output whilst levelling. Slower than Kick's profiles. More stucks than Kick's profiles. Far more travel time, like up to 20x more travel time than Kick's profiles.
      I get why some people are furious at you for asking for 'Donations' for these profiles as they are really buggy, and you advertise them like they are 100% AFK-able when they definitely aren't.
      Either way, I think you need to address some serious issues in your free profiles. First and foremost with the ridiculous travel times and amount that the bot likes to run from one place to another instead of using Zeppelin and Taxi (when paths do exist).
    3. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Exactly. You can quite easily use Kick's or another levelling bot to get the last 5 levels or whatever. Though I do think that he should do a bit of a clean up on his paths. The amount of stucks is quite annoying and doesn't make me feel like I want to pay for higher level profiles that could have me babysitting the bot as much as I am currently.
    4. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      I had to stop using this bot at level 60... Too many issues. He ran all the way from Hellfire Peninsula back through the portal and got up to almost Loch Modan whilst trying to 'turn in a quest' in Hellfire Peninsula that was right in front of him.
      Thanks for 1-60 I guess. But I am going back to Kick's profiles even if they don't auto-load the next profiles.
    5. Crosaider

      Crosaider New Member

      Jul 21, 2011
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      How can I use this for the Loremaster achievement? Every time I load a XML file it goes to the next area without to do any quest.
      Found there solution here. Sorry for my fault.

      EDIT: Does not work with the link from above. I changed IgnoreCheckPoints to True but it allways goes straight to the next area...
      It's something like this:

      [Profile Message]: Compiling Icecrow
      [Profile Message]: Moving to THE STORM PEAKS, Please do not stop bot
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    6. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      No you can't.
    7. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      you can manualy edit profiles for ignore level conditions and do all quests in profile
      profiles are scripted to do fast leveling, will not do all quests for each map, you will fail Loremaster achievement, because profile will only do part of map quests
    8. Crosaider

      Crosaider New Member

      Jul 21, 2011
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      I think I did this with gnoreCheckPoints=True. No profile does any quest. The profile loads and then changes directly to the next profile.
      This is not normal right? I haven't done any quests in this area.

      EDIT: I looked in your profiles. For example in Nagrand I have picked up the quest with the ID 10542. In your profile is this line:

      <If Condition="!HasQuest(10542) &amp;&amp; !IsQuestCompleted(10542)">
      which must be true but I think the line is never checked but I can't find an other if statement aronud it...

      EDIT 2: Ah I think now I know what you did. Sometimes you check for the LevelFraction (the XP to level up) and if it is great enought you move on to the next profile, right?
      I commented this out and now it looks like it would work. I hope I can help someone else with this.

      EDIT 3: BTW thank you for theses awesome profiles. I have never seen profiles before which only loots quest mobs. This is so fu***ing great and makes it so much faster.
      Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
    9. thsnosno

      thsnosno New Member

      Jul 18, 2014
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      I have to agree, i liked very much this profile, but i think it needs a review. i used it with no problem until lvl 40, after that i had to babysitty all the way to 80. Some parts i had to play my self cause it keeping getting stuck or the bot want to go back to orgrimmar then go to zeppilin, and then comeback.

      There is something wrong with the travelling.

      But the profile is good, saved alot of handwork, but it needs some Polishing.
      I tested Brodie and Kicks, and i liked Cava very much.

      I think Cave is on the right track.

      I'll level a new toon using Kicks to test Whatsmacroing theory.

      Please Cava don't be offended, its just a constructive view.
    10. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      i dont
      what you all usualy dont know its allmost 99% that bugs you report arent profiles bugs
      in profile comand MoveTo X,Y, Z will tell HB core to move bot to X,Y,Z, if bot stuck under door, at wall,or anyplace inst profile bug, its because HB core bug

      profile side bugs its when bot try turn in incomplete quests, try kill mobs at rong place, try kill diferent mobs to do one quest etc ( quest related issues)

      TBH the main diference from mine or other profiles are the Quest path, where each dev force bot to farm mobs/itens, if the profile have special behavior to do some particular quest etc,
      all that bugs with can not move, stucks, run big distances not using FPs are all in HB core
    11. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Most of the travel times that I explained (such as the travel times before where as both thsnosno and I talked about the bot going back to Org for no reason) have nothing to do with HB itself. As you stated the main difference between your profiles and others are the quest paths and etc. There's not actually so many 'stucks' in your profile as there is issues where it doesn't speak to quest givers, and/or just runs through 9 different area/zones instead of flying or at the very least using taxi map (when connected paths do exist).

      The reason why I stopped using your profiles are as follows:

      1. The actual hours the bot was always 'in transit' from one area to another, much of the time for absolutely no reason at all. Ex. When I said that the bot turned around from Hellfire Peninsula and ran back through the portal and up towards Dun Modr for absolutely no reason when the quest turn in was right in front of him the entire time. I figured he had a reason to do that so I let him do it, but then he simply wanted to mount up and run all the way back... Another time taking Taxi from Felwood to Orgimmar just to look at the taxi NPC there and then simply flying back, having done nothing. Lastly, taking the Zeppelin from Brill/Trisfall Glades to Orgrimmar just to click on the taxi NPC and then straight back to Trisfall via the same Zeppelin for no reason.

      2. Your 'paths' from one area to another through objects like I previously stated downed logs, hugging walls, trees etc. that result in more stucks than other profiles that use a much 'safer' pathing system. I'm sure of course not all stucks are your fault but many are.

      3. Lack of raw gold from questing and vendoring items. I cannot explain why it was so much lower than other people's profiles but something (even with looting on) was causing me to get so much less gold than other profiles. Whilst it doesn't matter so much, I can use other profiles for making money and I can transfer lots of money that I already have. It was still a downside.

      4. Bot stopping for absolutely no reason. Again, may not be because of your profiles but I get much less 'Bot stopped' errors on other profiles.

      5. General need to babysit the bot due to all of the above issues.

      1-40 was very smooth and very fast. It took only a few hours. I don't think much revision needs to be done there, at least not from Horde side. Otherwise the final parts of Vanilla (40+) and it seems TBC definitely need an overhaul. Can't comment on WotLK as I haven't been using your profile for that.
    12. hero5mil

      hero5mil New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      I followed your instructions on how to set up everything but I get an error message everytime I try to click "Cava Profiles" in the plugins menu while HB is running.

      System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Please be sure a sound file exists at the specified location.
      File name: 'F:\Honor Buddy\Plugins\CavaPlugin\Sounds\Open.wav'
      at System.Media.SoundPlayer.ValidateSoundFile(String fileName)
      at System.Media.SoundPlayer.LoadAndPlay(Int32 flags)
      at System.Media.SoundPlayer.Play()
      at CavaPlugin.CavaForm.CavaForm_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in f:\Honor Buddy\Plugins\CavaPlugin480\CavaPlugin\CavaForm.cs:line 195
      at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
      at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
      at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
      at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
      at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.WndProc(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WndProc(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
      at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
    13. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      cavaplugin isnt well instaled
    14. hero5mil

      hero5mil New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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      I finally got it to update and allow me to select the stuff and hit start. But when I click start it gives me,
      'Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!' in the HB window. Is that something with the install? I restarted HB after it did it's updates upon loading.
    15. Cava

      Cava Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Aug 15, 2012
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      addme at skype will assist you there
    16. hero5mil

      hero5mil New Member

      Jan 19, 2013
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    17. Ginkohana86

      Ginkohana86 New Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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      yeah i don't know. can't confirm most of waht you posted.
      i had once a problem with traveling back but that was cause i started the profile in the middle of nowhere, it flew to IF, ran to the gnomes and then headed back to the starting location to work fine after it.

      the path problem was mentioned earlier.
      you say go there, hb renders the path.
      But i really can't say that this problem is so big in this profile, had tested other but i stucked much more often.

      i had every flightskill + 8000 Gold when hitting 90.
      i don't think its verry less money.

      i normally babysit the Bot through teamviewer but since using this profile i just look 1 or 2 times during the day and its runnig like an Durcaell bunny.
    18. Polito

      Polito New Member

      Sep 10, 2014
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      Hey sorry but i got a problem, (sorry it may look noobish but it's my first bot, second in fact) all in the installation is fine, but when i try to load a profile (i'm 82) i can't load on the normal but have to load on the armageddoner which have an problem and stop the bot :( sorry if you alreaddy explained, i don't think the prob is on the installation, i'm pretty sure it would work with a level 1 character will test it soon like 1 hour can't now

      And sorry for my bad english and i've probably misspelled 1001 word i'm on a very old computer now (that's why i can't test)
    19. fofos

      fofos Member

      Nov 27, 2012
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      'Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!' in the HB window. Is that something with the install? I restarted HB and tried again but nothing , Installatio n is perfect since i was using it on the past also :D
    20. Regret

      Regret New Member

      Oct 11, 2012
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      same happening to me

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