I had problems earlier, and since then after using your hb profile from 16 at 2pm-9pm yesterday while I was at work, so more like started at 1:40ish and turned off at 9:20-30ish, the bot went from 16-36. You work wonders with this bot! TYVM
lol I don't know if I did something wrong or if there is something screwy going on, but turns out at some point he destroyed the boa gear I had in his bags...did he own me? Edit: Is there anyway he would have stored them somewhere smarter than just destroying them?
BAGS/ITENS/MAIL/SELL/DELETE. If you dont send bags, bot will buy then. From time to time bot will mail all itens and sell others, and sometimes bot will delete ALL itens in bags and delete all quests in questlog, so be sure you have an assigned alt to mail green/blue/purple itens or they will be deleted and avoid use heirloom itens there is a small chance to profile destroy then. login at your account and use the system "Item restoration" to get the itens back
cava 49-52 just uses flightmaster flys around uses vendor sells all and never does anything. just does it over and over
there are 2 FPs at that Map bot dont fly from left to right one, because that bot must run inside profile there is one rotine for that, and at end , learn the FP mail sell buy food etc if you interrupt before bot finish that routine, then bot will start same routine over and over and over
Hi, I have an issue when I'm beginning the Kunlai Summit. HB spams me [LoadProfile-v241(info) @line 1224]: Loading profile '[A-Quest]Kun-LaiSummit(WL)(87-88)[Cava].xml' I tried to check in the .xml about the line 1224: <RunTo QuestId="30575" X="2135.57" Y="1457.69" Z="487.8856" /> but I don't know which quest it is,
Left the bot running the other day and scheduled my computer to shut down since I was leaving for vacation. Came back today and the bot was dead at the GY, checked the log and there's a bunch of errors at the end.
yeah that's what I got out of it. It was in the cave in zangarmarsh, I'll get you some coordinates in a bit.
Please report that at [Bug Reports] Honorbuddy Bug Reports its always better if you explain the problem add some pictures etc, if the devs know the problem, they can fix that path issue for all HB users
Hey, I've run into a small problem when running the bot in Vale of Eternal Blossoms. It wont choose the right questreward. This is what it says: "Selecting first reward as the QuestCache seems messed up and contains no questreward choices but we have questrewards to choose from." Probably easy to fix but i don't know how, can any1 help?
hi cava firstly dobregado. i am a 60 H pally, in Hellfire Peninsula, when i watched your profile run, i was leaving hellfire, running thru to zangermarsh, and then flying to netherstorm where i walked through a bunch of lvl68 npc's dying. attached is a log and a screenshot. i stopped hb, deleted my quests in hellfire, stopped wow and restarted. again i ran from hellfire thru to zangermarsh and then flew to netherstorm. hb said [22:20:20.706 D] Activity: Moving to hunting ground waypoint 'hunting ground center' cheers
Hi Carlsson I never got that problem/error and probably isnt an profile issue, please post that at Honorbuddy Support Forum, if some dev reply its an profile issue, please let me know and will try understand and fixit
Maybe yuo can add a some check that checks if you have enough money to learn the skill, and else skip it? My bot was low on cash and comes in a loop at level 40