I'm having "trouble" with dungeonbuddy in SoO. Everything works perfect but the bot always pulls Iron Juggernaut when trying to run to where the raid stands. This kinda results in flames and stuff. Am I the only one that this happens to?
died in Gate of the Setting Sun,stucked outside died in Gate of the Setting Sun,stucked outside, View attachment 5712 2014-07-05 20.49.txt
Safespot is invalid! Grabbing corpse!! another problem,when died in Temple of the Jade Serpent,stucked outside, View attachment 5580 2014-07-06 16.27.txt
I know i dont have a log but can we open up the Span: 40 to Span: 50 ?? [DungeonBuddy]: Moving out of cone area: [Angle: 0, Span: 40 | Angle: 180, Span: 40] on unit: Horridon
Chinajade, Is there any updates on the HB-963? I would like to test it again once the 2 issues I reported are fixed, I noticed one was already pushed into the beta as fixed just missing this one. thanks.
The Bot pull the Iron Coloss in SoO. It don`t walk right enough View attachment 5676 2014-07-07 19.15.txt
Perhaps this is a bug... perhaps it is just a setting. Was watching DungeonBuddy do it's run... and it skipped 100% of the shiny bodies ... aka... it did not pick up ANY of the loot. HonorBuddy is setup to Loot Corpses. So is this an issue in DungeonBuddy, or a setting in DungeonBuddy. Thanks. ** EDIT ---- Personal Feeling: This is so damn frustrating. It is unbearable. So much wasted cloth.
Hi using this for leveling and its working great but is there anyway to make it need on cloth healing gear when I am a leather wearer? I imagine its in the settings somewhere but cant find.
Just wanted to say this again. The bot pulles Iron Juggernaut in SoO everytime and for a friend it's them same. It happens when the bot tries to go to the group and he always get to close to the boss.. Everything works great tough!
Starting a day or so ago, when my bot dies in SoO and tries to run back, it flies ABOVE the entrance, on top of the little building, and throws "we are stuck" errors. I deleted the mesh folder and let it rebuild, didn't fix.
While in Vale Of Eternal Blossom and fighting http://www.wowhead.com/npc=71543/immerseus He stands on tank platforms and gets owned. Can we avoid tank 40 yards or something for that fight only?
Hello and thank you for this wonderful botbase, it has saved me countless hours on leveling! Here are some thoughts on possible improvements, after running many 5 man teams through 15-85 dungeons. All of the teams were alliance, RAF linked together with Honorbuddy at latest version (745). First of all, I would really like an option of "Complete the instance that character was in when the bot was started and then stop Honorbuddy / do nothing", alongside "Farm/Specific dungeon/Random dungeon" options. This is because quest turnin often does not work how I would like, and quests are a major source of experience with RAF and all heirlooms. Some mod/dev had said something along the lines of "doesn't matter, bot will turn in quests next time it does that dungeon". But because of fast leveling speed, ANY dungeon is unlikely to be queued more than once as random, leading to lots of missed quest turnin experience (3-4 dungeon quests easily give whole level until WotLK). Another reason is that as soon as chars turn 58, I would like them to finish whatever instance they are in and then manually queue Ramparts. Same with Utgarde Keep at 68, and the end of WotLK must be manually queued to avoid Oculus. But if I am not paying attention, bot might queue for random upon completion and screw it all up. Maybe the necessity of supervision with this approach is not for everyone, even though it does shave off a lot of leveling time (my fastest team has done 1-85 in 15 hours). But as an extra option I would like to see it in some future build. Otherwise if someone knows of a way for bot to complete current dungeon only, and then stop, please let me know. Next, quest item looting generally works great with few exceptions that sometimes fail: Arcane crystals from trees in Nexus (usually it's tank that doesn't loot them), Talisman from first boss in Azjol Nerub (everyone just runs past), Dred's tooth in Drak'tharon's keep, Shard from Sorrow lady in Halls of Stone. The Nexus and Azjol are a gauntlet so maybe tank is just scripted to rush it through ASAP, the other two are possibly because fights involve CC (fear on King Dread and repentance on Maiden), which perhaps screws with Honorbuddy's looting? Not a big deal though, I usually loot them manually. There is an annoying bug in Hellfire Ramparts script that causes half the party to teleport out of dungeon just before the last boss (Vazruden and drake), IF they have any completed quests. Log doesn't show anything, but digging though script revealed possible cause at line 130, replacing it with "return false" solved the problem. The encounter actually starts by pulling two trash mobs before boss, followed by half a second period of out of combat, after which boss comes running towards the party. It is in that short period that half the party teleports out (and constantly tries to teleport back but can't because boss is engaged). For them the conditions at line 130 in script are all true. Finally, there's quests that aren't picked up, even though some of them are completed automatically along the way or are really easy to do. Currently I do them by hand but if some day you find the time to code them, that would be wonderful. - Quest at the start of Deadmines is not picked up (maybe just for alliance?) even though it is completed automatically, just as all followups (and they give a lot of exp). http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27756 - Same with quest at the start of Shadowfang Keep: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27917 . The turnins are not automatic like in Deadmines but are easy to do along the way and also give a lot of exp. - Scarlet Monastery: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=31513 is not turned in at the pool, even though the sword is picked up. - The quests in Uldaman are not picked up (yes, I have done Platinum Discs manually for whole group many times). - In Zul'Farrak the quests from two goblins at right side of entrance are not picked up: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27070 , http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27076 - In Stratholme: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27230 , http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27192 , http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27352 . At least do the Black Guard Swordsmith one, it's right there :-( - In Ramparts and Utgarde Keep I remember the time when the two gathering quests (supplies and weapons) were not picked, and then you added them. So thank you for that. - Slave Pens: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=29563 would be really easy to do. - Underbog: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=29570 bot doesn't speak to Claw after he is defeated. - Nexus: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13094 (alliance) and http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13095 (horde) , also http://www.wowhead.com/quest=11905 are not completed which is a shame because the gear they give is a huge improvement over Classic/TBC that most toons have at that point. - Azjol Nerub: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=29808 is not completed. Here it also occasionally happens that some toons decide it's time to teleport out of dungeon and turn in the quests right before final boss battle, but less often than in Ramparts. - Drak'tharon Keep: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=30120 might not be worth doing because of the long wait required, but please use Kurzel's blouse scrap on second boss for http://www.wowhead.com/quest=13129 And that's all I have to say about that.
Happening for me as well. 5x chars ilvl 232, they are close to killing it though, before they wipe If the running part would be longer, that would work out I guess.
Entering raid problem Hi, I'm having an issue with Dungeonbuddy when I enter/accept LFR queue. As soon as I enter the instance, I get the normal message "Do not afk...etc..etc", and inmediately I get the "Tanking is not supported on Last Stand of the Zandalari..." message, with the timer, and after 30 secs without accepting of course it leaves the instance, and I get the 30 mins debuff. If I queued as a tank and for that particular instance, I guess it would be my fault, but I'm queuing for Terrace, Halls of Flesh Shapping, Vale of eternal Sorrows, etc., as a HEALER. So, the botbase is wrong about the instance it thinks it is, and because of the role it thinks I'm playing. The log file says clearly that I'm queing as a healer, says Tank:false, and shows I'm entering "halls of flesh shapping" (but also on the previous line shows I'm entering LSotZ, at 14:53:08.011, so you don't have to look for it). Just to be sure I even removed from the rotation "The Last Stand of the Zandalari", and double checked in game that I wasn't queued for it. I even put the role manually on Healer instead of auto, but didn't helped. Hope the log shows something useful. Tried this on fresh installs on different computers before posting. This does not happen everytime it enters, not really sure but it seems it does it the first dungeon of the round. Thanks in advance.
Needing on loot is handled by the AutoEquip settings in the HB core. DungeonBuddy does not handle that task.