The script is right. I just had my bot run Temple of jade Serpent on Heroic with that XML file it didn't have any issues. Heres the Log file of my Jade Run:
Ugh, I just finished Jade Serpent Heroic again, right after I kill Lorewalker Stonestep they consider the dungeon to be completed. :/
Seems like your setup is corrupted. Please pull a fresh copy of HB and try the fix again. EDIT: For those following this certain issue we resolved this over PM with the new HB he pulled and the fix he was able to successfully run the Dungeon he was having issues with.
huge issue! im botting dungeonbuddy on a pvp server and the other faction keeps murdering me when doing a vendor run, what do u guys suggest...
I would just level engineering and write a Jeeves plugin to do it inside the instance. you can also get like 22 slot bags meaning it would only vender once every 2-3 hours meaning its going to bore them waiting forever you could also write a plugin to force you to hearth after killing the last boss while you were running to the entrance when you reached a certain condion such as low armor durability or only 3 slots left in your bags
30 slots bags wow that must take a full two minutes to dump. I can't believe they're that intent on killing you though lol thats a long ass time to wait for those to fill up.
in Shado-Pan Monastery Heroic dungeons the tank warrior does not call the mobs and goes straight to the first boss, and the group dies fixes all that lol.
my horde chars dont wanna do halls of reflection instances? i know its a 3 instances 1 after the other but it doesnt wanna start them when i click specific dungeons and then forge pit and halls and it says no valid dungeon. Says that even when i just click ust forge of souls
Bot stopping! Reason: The current dungeon script has no exit location. Please report to the developer. [DungeonBuddy]: Entered Trial of the Champion dungeon and using default script [DungeonBuddy]: Successfully loaded default profile for Trial of the Champion [DungeonBuddy]: Left dungeon: Trial of the Champion
its a very simple fix just neeed to fix the " public override WoWPoint ExitLocation { get { return new WoWPoint(1819.533, -254.8778, 256.6878); } }" part the coordinates are barly off. I had priory fixed it but it got overwritten when i updated the bot and since i Don't have access to the botbase release files I would have to re-release it every single hb release. it just makes fixing things on this bot base complicated
No, just save the file if you changed it and it will reload it in like 15-30seconds while running after it detects the change automatically. Give me a minute ill drag a toon up there to get the correct exit coordinates. EDIT: So the correct exit coordatinates are public override WoWPoint ExitLocation { get { return new WoWPoint(1812.533, -252.8778, 256.6878); } } You can Also just use this CS file to overwrite your old one in your "HONORBUDDY\Dungeon Scripts\Warlords of Draenor\Dungeons\Bloodmaul Slag Mines.cs"
had already updated the script and continues the same way, the tank goes straight to the boss and let the group die in mobs