can i create dungeon farming profiles with this? looking to suicide bot some MoP dungeons, but idk how to make profile to do so
Check several pages back in this thread, we extensively discussed the mythic farming with wingsta just 2-3 months ago.
I don't see any mention of gear other than a 710+ geared tank and "overgeared" dps. What exactly would "overgeared" entail? Also, I see no mention of dps numbers either.
The bot jumps into the instance and says preforming proximity behavior for hooded crusader (ID:64738) and does not move? Any help this is for scarlett halls
can i make it so when i put farm mode on it uses instance timer so i don't cap on instance runs an hour?
Why is the Timewalking stuff not merged yet ? Also, while on Lord Ahune, tanks completely ignore the boss mechanics an instead zerg into him even though he hasn't gone underground yet, resulting in being knocked up in the air and back -- and in some cases, off the side ledge into the water. Please adjust this so that tanks don't keep trying to stand on the boss slippery area unless he is in the weakened state.
I had problems with toons getting stuck at bonfire in the Ahune event instance. After experimenting with blackspots which didn't seems to work I ended up in avoiding the object instead. If anyone experiences the same, just put add the following line to "Dungeon Scripts/Holidays/The Frost Lord Ahune.cs:199" Code: AddAvoidObject(ctx => true, 6, 188073);
using a fll 5/5 man team, sometimes tank dies but the team wipes the enemy mobs, and rather than waiting for the rez the tank will release. how to stop this?
You do need to search for the correct therms too. The gear is important but not the most important for running Mythics. The group synergy is more important than 10ilvls more geared group. Having Dps Legendary ring boost can make the difference between fail or defeat on certain mythic encounter too. The default scripts must be adopted with the changed mythic difficulty mechanics for some encounters, while for other, the defaults are working well. The discussion with wingsta starts here: [Bot] DungeonBuddy - A Dungeon bot - Page 34 and continue for about 9-10 thread pages.
Just wrote untested workaround for the UBRS stuck-in-combat bug: >>> View attachment Upper Blackrock Spire.cs <<< Replace the default script with this one and share the experience, please! The first feedback received already:
Tried it today and it looks like that the problem is solved. After my group defeated the last Boss in UBRS the "in combat" bug appeared. Then the Groupleader disbanded the group and Dungeonbuddy kicks in with joining the random dungeon queue. Thanks for this Aion.
Thanks for the feedback! Now the reverse question applies: Could you monitor your toons, if the bot would leave the group properly if the in-combat bug do not appear? And would it leave as supposed, if queued solo (not in 5 accounts premade teams)?
I didn't have much time to look at it, but the one time I saw my tank (leader) wasn't in combat after UBRS, it took a while before doing anything. I think honorbuddy reset itself due to inactivity when not in combat. Sorry I was drunk last night when I saw that so im not 100% too confident on which action I took XD And if i test in 1 person solo que ill let u know.
Doesn't seem to work, they're standing afk at the end of UBRS right now with the combat bug, hasn't tried to leave group or anything. After 15 min dungeonbuddy said that it would leave in 10 seconds because of inactivity, but nothing happened.
Yepp, same here. I have to correct my Post. But well, the first time it worked. Found my group still standing in UBRS last Boss, complete group "in combat". The inactivity timer from Dungeonbuddy doesn´t work properly and it looks like that the disband routine for the leader doesn´t kick in.
I've also encountered the same thing with my 5man team, I'm very unsure what/where logs I can submit to assist. All I can really offer is what's been reported - the bot appears to be stuck in combat following the end boss in UBRS, tested the revised script and have found it to have occured twice.