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    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Feb 27, 2013.

    1. buntcake72

      buntcake72 New Member

      Apr 13, 2012
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      Finish scripting in LFR has been there since inception. Oh you want a pat on the back for fixing two small dungeons AND a holiday event so fast that it seems a waste of time to even create it. Seriously, killing Direbrew or the Horseman takes like 5 minutes tops. So while it's a cool little addition, you're ignoring the issue. Do you not READ?! Everyone here wants to see where LFR is....it's been months with ZERO updates. And so sorry a PAYING customer is pissed off at the lack of effort into a tool that is OBVIOUSLY very popular. And your callous, arrogant response just goes to show the lack of respect the HB team has for it's bread and butter. So sorry you can't handle upset PAYING customers (see where I'm going here?).

      "Either help the community or shut up." Wow, that's a smart thing to say to people who gave money to you. Way to keep customers happy....(looks inside your skull and sees empty space). Most have offered to help but the HB team has all but locked it down to outside developers to make scripts of their own for LFR. And if you're an outside dev, then I'd say your priorities are a little out of whack. LFR is what everyone wants, not a holiday boss that's been gone for weeks.

      So in conclusion, stop trying to defend the minor things you've done (which are minuscule at best) and fix the big albatross in the room or at least allow other people who can help do it!
    2. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      And in case your delusional ranting blinded you to the fact: I am NOT part of the HB dev team. I get paid squat for my offerings, they are freely offered. So whining at me will do precisely bupkis.

      My priorities are projects to benefit me. If they benefit others as well, all luck to them.
      If you want an LFR script, like I wanted scripts for those dungeons because LFR isn't a priority for me, get in there and do it yourself.
      If you look in the posts, I gave what I could manage at the the time and Highvoltz (the grand high pooba of DB) kindly gave me some pointers that increased my understanding. Those holiday events are good starting points to learn the scripting.
      If you want to learn how to make your own scripts, start by looking at the ones already coded. If you don't, then you can wait like everybody else until some kind community member deigns to grace you with their offerings. Or Highvoltz returns.

      In my case, while I'm looking at LFR, you in particular will redirect my efforts more to my own priorities. Those being AutoEquip and dungeon fixes. I might even resurrect my Loremaster project. Tough luck everyone else.

      If somebody is polite, patient, and gives the information needed (description of problems and appropriate logs) then I or others will be inclined to help them.
      If, on the other hand, I see a stream of abuse directed at me, the devs or others in the community, my desire to help you will be severely curtailed.
      I'd imagine this much is also true of the HB devs.
    3. Anax

      Anax New Member

      Aug 4, 2013
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      Hah seems like my question has been answered in the past 20 pages here.

      Anyone wanna point me in the direction of a "how-to LFR script guide"?

      Or got any tips on setting up LazyRaider to work better?

      Got 14 90's that all need to run SoO would greately appreciate a DB that works like ToT, that was EPIC, great work!
    4. exolaris

      exolaris New Member

      Apr 23, 2012
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      I'm having an issue with Dungeonbuddy in a leader/follower setup. Everything seems to work fine, but in instances where the group wipes, the leader will get back to the dungeon and zone in first, and then immediately detect that the follower is not there and leave the dungeon, getting deserter. This of course prompts the follower to leave as well, and I'm stuck waiting 30 minutes to be able to queue again. I don't see any settings related to this issue. Can anyone provide some help?

      Attached is the leader's log.

      Attached Files:

    5. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      There is no scripting guide. This is a source of some aggravation to the community, both to those who want to contribute and more particularly to those who want others to contribute but can't be bothered to contribute themselves.

      Sorry, the last few posts have really been getting on my wick.

      I'm roughing a basic guide out from my script kiddie antics but it won't usable anytime in the near future. My limits are just about at minor bug fixes and kludged together holiday events at the moment. And until I drop back down to a normal working week (hopefully in the new year), that's about where it's going to stay. Sorry people, don't expect great things at any point soon from me.
    6. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      How are you setup? Are you running as tank/healer and picking up 'real' players from LFD? Are you running in farming mode? More details are needed.

      For setting up DB I would suggest a look at this post I made previously for another thread, it's about setting up an all-bot team but you should be able to adjust it for your purposes:


      The key is to set the party settings up correctly. The Leader role (usually a tank) is the one who invites specified players and queues for instances. Followers accept invites from their named leader, queue and leave instances with them and follow the leader at a set distance while in those instances.

      Hope this helps.
    7. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      And now for the post I intended to make when I came back in here.
      I'm going to try something new here and I hope it works. It's not actually been tried yet in this thread. Now watch carefully...

      Highvoltz, can we PLEASE have an update as to the current state of DungeonBuddy?
    8. exolaris

      exolaris New Member

      Apr 23, 2012
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      It's just two characters - Resto shaman set as leader, frost mage set as damage, queueing for LFD and picking up real players. Most of my settings mirror the ones you listed in the other thread, but I tweaked a few. The important stuff (proper party/leader setup) I'm fairly certain I have correct. Should I be using leaderplugin for this, or is it redundant?
    9. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      The only plugin needed is AutoEquip. Turn any leader/follower plugins off. All that is handled by the botbase.
      Be warned: you are taking a substantial risk by queuing with non-bots. Non-bots can report you for botting. Especially if the script you are using has problems.
    10. Anax

      Anax New Member

      Aug 4, 2013
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      +1 pretty please
    11. WoWuser123

      WoWuser123 Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      In that 5-bot post you opt to set the 'Combat Movement' option to True on your healer. Last I read was that it didn't do anything yet, that it was just a placeholder for a feature that was gonna be implemented when HV got around to it. Does it actually do anything right now?
    12. ShortRound

      ShortRound New Member

      Jun 14, 2011
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      With the Combat Movement option, I'm not aware of it causing any problems on healers but it does seem to have an effect on line of sight for my tank druid's growl in Scarlet Monastery. Disabling the option fixed the issue so clearly there is something there. Combat Movement was meant to handle line of sight issues so maybe Highvoltz put something in and it's conflicting with the pull changes in HB core. Healers shouldn't be pulling so there should be no problem with that one.

      @Highvoltz, are you still around? We've heard nothing from you in weeks.
    13. dubs

      dubs Member

      Dec 7, 2011
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      Summary: Leaves dungeon after 2nd boss
      Class: Paladin
      CustomClass: Oracle
      Role: Healer
      Queue Type: Random Queue
      Party Mode: Off
      Dungeon: Normal Shado-Pan Monastery
    14. Deva13

      Deva13 New Member

      Apr 24, 2012
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      Wow, well... heh, didn't mean to start a flame war just trying to ask for some help here. I'll at least follow the bug report format, as I was in a hurry and forgot to in my previous post.

      Class: Paladin, Priest, DK
      CustomClass: Singular on Paladin and DK, Oracle on Priest
      Role: Tank/Healer/Damage
      Queue Type: Farm
      Party Mode: On
      Dungeon: Normal Halls of Origination
      Expected Behaviour: At the end of the dungeon (after killing Rajh) it is expected that the characters will run back to the elevator, take it back to the first floor, and run to the exit of the instance to reset.
      Actual Behaviour: They just stand in Rajh's quadrant and do not attempt to move out.

      I actually did attempt to fix this myself, but wasn't quite sure how to do it properly. If highvoltz is unavailable, and someone else wouldn't mind taking a look and letting me know what I should change, I can update the file myself.

      Class: Paladin, Priest, DK
      CustomClass: Singular on Paladin and DK, Oracle on Priest
      Role: Tank/Healer/Damage
      Queue Type: Farm
      Party Mode: On
      Dungeon: Normal Lost City of the Tol'vir
      Expected Behaviour: At the end of the dungeon (after killing Siamat) it is expected that the characters will jump off the platform, and run to the exit of the instance to reset.
      Actual Behaviour: They just stand on Siamat's platform and do not attempt to move out.

      Once again, this is probably a simple fix, I just don't know what the code is to make them jump down, or where to insert it.

      Other than that, sheesh, lay off guys, with only minor issues (usually involving LoS/movement more HB related than DB related), I have leveled 2 sets of 3 characters using pretty much only DungeonBuddy. I don't think it's necessarily fair to complain that you can't just AFK LFR the day it's released, or even long after it's released... it's not called RaidBuddy or LFRBuddy, it's called DungeonBuddy. I realize raids are supported, but you must also realize that its primary purpose is dungeons, and I think it does that quite well. If you want an LFRBuddy so bad, why not write one yourself? ;)
    15. buntcake72

      buntcake72 New Member

      Apr 13, 2012
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      Hey short round, I don't contribute, I donate and pay to those more talented people who can script these things and when you only have 1-2 people working on what seems a very popular item, it's boneheaded. So attack me all you want, you'll still be serving my kids on our way to a ski weekend in Vermont. How do you like them apples?

      FINALLY I WAS ABLE TO USE A GOOD WILL HUNTING REFERENCE! All is well with the world. By the way, do you call him Dr. Jones or Indy?
    16. Macatho

      Macatho New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Yes donating 10$ surely covers all costs...
    17. Macatho

      Macatho New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      Indeed, the only difference between you and me is that I don't give a shit about other people. I don't share my private profiles at all.
    18. buntcake72

      buntcake72 New Member

      Apr 13, 2012
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      Too bad, you just lost out on a good $200. And yes I'm serious. Sucks to be you doesn't it. So sorry the people developing for this shitty tool can't take it when customers get pissed when they expect a product to work properly or at least get the attention it deserves. So in closing, both you and Short Round can go lick Lindsay Lohan's taint for all I care and come up with dysentery. I deleted the program weeks ago, I just feel bad for the others on this board who desire a working product but seem to be hindered by those creators who are content in taking people's money and not giving them their money's worth.
    19. buntcake72

      buntcake72 New Member

      Apr 13, 2012
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      Who said anything about donating? If someone gives up some good paid profiles, I'd toss them a $20 per LFR profile, maybe more. No one is forcing anyone to donate, they paid for a product that's bundled together. They expect it to work. You two nimrods seem to be the only one's defending it's lack of support. If you worked for me with that attitude, your asses would be fired.
    20. unmomento

      unmomento New Member

      Dec 23, 2011
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      I use to farm in dungeons using custom profile and Quest bot.
      Sometimes my toon die inside dungeon and can't find the path back.

      Any ideea about how to make my toon get back to dungeon from graveyard?

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