Crashes while zoning has long been an issue with Dungeonbuddy but there are upcoming changes in HB that might fix this issue once and for all, time will tell.
I'm using a Prot Paladin and Singular so the next group I level up in a couple days here I will try changing to Combat Movement. As for a follower logs here are all of them, I'm running two druids, one feral and one resto. These logs go from around level 67-72 so it'll be towards the end for Hellfire, and the end of this log is from a tree falling on the power line and the internet timed out.
Thanks for your report, however this is an issue with Singular so I'm moving it over to Singular thread. Here's the link
Line 7804 of log [05:48:32.685 N] [DungeonBuddy 660]: Dungeon completed. Leaving. [Reason: Group has members not in my follower list or one of my followers isn't in party.] This has been an Issue for a while and It gets annoying when the bots spend more time waiting on Deserter then running dungeons. A random dps Leaves, and as a result the bot will leave the dungeon. View attachment 7948 2013-12-25 22.02.txt edit: It is not the followers leaving the dungeon, it is a random dps. I have watched it leave many times. The followers leave right after the leader does because The leader is no longer in the party.
Any idea on how to fix Gate of the Seeting Sun --> final boss --> jump on the bosses back, and actually nuke / kill the Weak Spot? All it does atm is jump on its back.. face it.. but not dpsing it.. Any ideas?
The OP's main acct got banned, so it will take a while to not only get a new account up to 90, but got get the proper ilvl to be able to run LFR SoO just to even beging work on the script. That is causing the delay.
Which is EXACTLY why they need to hire more people to create new scripts or at least open up the API to talented script programmers so that your'e not relying on ONE person to create them.
you CAN script the instance.. check out the other scripts and i'm sure a programmer would be able to script it.. i know i could.. but just don't have the time to put into it..
lol, i don't think it's right.... i can share an account with him to finish script, just have to pm me.... he can also ask to dev team for sharing an account.....
In the dungeon "gate of the setting sun" all or some groupmembers except the tank fall down the elevator that leads to bomber ga'dok. they stand too close to the edge of the elevator platform. tank keeps on fighting the boss while the rest of the group spins around on lower level. always results in a group wipe
View attachment 3804 2013-12-28 10.50.txt Hi, bot can't make the botanica dungeon : Summary: The current dungeon script has no exit location. Please report to the developer. Class: Warrior fury CustomClass: Singular Role: DPS Queue Type: N/A, doing it solo Party Mode: Off Dungeon: La Botanica Can you have a look ? Thanks. Edit: idem for the mechanar...
View attachment 6040 2013-12-28 22.51.txt Another one... Orgrimmar, ragefire chasm (idem for wailing caverns) : bot do not start : [21:51:55.932 D] System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e) at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg) at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace() at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent() at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read() at System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContent() at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options) at System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(String uri, LoadOptions options) at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.Profile..ctor(String path, Profile parent) at Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileManager.LoadNew(String path, Boolean rememberMe) at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.AfterInitOnAuthSuccess() at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler) If you can have a look at this, Thank you.
Those dungeon bots are a real pity. 1. interface absolutely not user friendly enough 2. unclear error logs or no error logs at all 3. not enough controls on user input 4. you have to guess what is going wrong 5. you have to manually correct/adapt scripts you paid for. 6. not enough testing before release. Not happy.
In Temple of the Jade Serpent, just prior to the third boss there are mobs fighting friendly NPCs in the large room. The bot sometimes but fairly often fails to kill these packs of mobs. Failure to engage these mobs causes the Bot-Tank to just stand there doing nothing as the boss wont spawn until all the mobs are dead. Fix: Make the bot run around the room to be sure the mobs are cleared. Thanks again, wonderful bot for leveling
Hey! When the bot hit 60 will it change from vanilla dungeons to bc dungeons or do I have to do that manually? Moercke1
Dunguen Buddy Sitting their saying updating Scripts........... Nothing 30 minutes I waited and it just sat there doing nothing not even updating.