If you use dungeonbudy to level 1-85...you're doing it wrong. Most players in this game are DPS vs. Tanks so that's why they want LFR to work. You are in the minority. LFR for most is the only way to get raiding type gear or using it to farm mini pets, gold, etc. at the top end.
And at the risk of provoking the forum troll again, if people would please read the summary section in the very first post. You know, that bit that describes the purpose of DungeonBuddy being to run dungeons. It specifically says "Later on support for raids might be added(no promises yet)" I have read this and I therefore consider any raid profiles a bonus. And thank you very much for those, Highvoltz. To anyone complaining, if you want a RAIDBuddy as opposed to a DUNGEONBuddy, write it yourself. As long as there are fundamental problems with the botbase due to changes in HB core, such as rezzing, targeting and role problems then fixing this MUST be the priority. Otherwise, even if we had raid scripts, those would be broken as well.
Again, ShortRound proves to us all he has no concept of a customer PAYING to expect a working product and the lack of a business to adequately responding to said customers needs. I bet ShortRound walks into a bar, tosses $30 to the bartender then doesn't complain when the bartender says "make the drink yourself, I'm busy cleaning this glass that's been dirty for a few weeks...sorry". Seriously ShortRound...could your lips be any closer to bossland's behind? Sad. Oh and this is a late addition to our friend ShortRound...if it's meant for DUNGEONS only, why does it have Scenarios and Raids installed in it? ShortRound 0, Logic 1.
After the latest update DB sometimes hangs on "loading tiles" and does nothing for hours. Earlier 718 was ok. What is wrong now?
Your join date says 13.04.21012. I'm pretty sure there was no dungeonbuddy (only broken instancebuddy) back then or maybe just a first version which had 0 raid scripts. So your excuse of paying for it doesn't fly. Dungeonbuddy is probably the only bot base I use outside of tyrael/lazyraider and I love it. Sure it doesn't have all SoO scripts, but I don't see that as a problem, it's just a bonus when we're getting them. Most bugs in DB are gone or are being resolved. The remaining problems I have with it are mostly CR related, since DB has very little control over what the CR does while in combat. I'd love to see a forum section where people could work together on development of scripts. Not just for scripts of newly added raids, but also for old stuff to farm mounts/achievement that can't be solo'd.
I'm in the minority because I want most of the scripts to actually work? Ok. I run a 5man group and don't care about raiding gear or pets on my bot accounts. To me it seems silly to bot raids but that's just me personally. Imo the only worthwhile thing in the game is arena, so even if you like raids why wouldn't you want to play them, if you enjoy them? Etc etc. I don't mean to turn this into an argument, I don't personally care. I'd be happy to write my own profiles for the dungeon, I just don't know how. Never had a use for honorbuddy until I knew about dungeonbuddy. There doesn't seem to be a resource listed for how to write dungeon profiles. Maybe it's the same as a quest profile, I don't know, haven't had any cause to use anything but dungeonbuddy. Don't have any desire to use anything else either. It suits my purposes, it just could do its job way better than it does. Atm there's some scripts that work really well, but most just don't work. I tried PM'ing a few people to get some information on Dungeonbuddy custom scripts, didn't get any replies.
I say we stop bitching now, we got our point across. Now it's just trolling. I think they are just giving up on this, who knows we could have some cool new version soon... I say let's keep our hopes up. COUGH... But it's been awhile. Make me eat my words PLEASE!
We just asking for ETA for SOO complete script . if there is no ETA . just tell us . dont give us hope . i think we are not asking too much. We like dungeonbuddy this save us lot of time doing dungeon/raid . i can doing my work when running dungeonbuddy. good work to the team.
pricehouse... I see it getting done so much faster now. I bet your near or already getting PM's about a private version they will make for just you! Anything to make money right?
My proposal is for dungeonbuddy developers only. I dont need a private version. Let it be public. May be someone else can make such a donation to stimulate the process.
The question is... If they use this as a selling point for their bot... WHY SHOULD you have to even think about paying this? I'd think they'd do it to support and remain with integrity with their customers!? I know in most businesses you always get the "lifetime" subscriptions and updates and that means they often update, and you get updates during the LIFETIME of the program. This includes any current and future releases. Now if they stop developing all together, then yes... The "Lifetime" is over. But during the progression, and the advertisement of the bot and using it as a selling point then it doesn't fully function? It's almost fraudulent in it's entirety. A good fix for this, would eliminate that concern with almost ANY customers. Including me.
Hi! So I was about to do LFR (SoO) and when i load dungeonbuddy with all the correct options it says: [DungeonBuddy 660]: No script found for dungeonId: 717 [DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}noNamespaceSchemaLocation' [DungeonBuddy-Warning 660]: [Warning] Line 2: Unknown attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/}xsi' And nothing happens. I know you said in the description not to post theese issues but your solution is not working. I have tried do to a CLEAN install and deleted everything but it doesent help. Even after the update that was released yesterday didnt help. I have tried it all and searched the forums for answers but nothing
Oh, well that's because there's no script found for the dungeon 717. Dungeonbuddy has a script just for LFR SoO 1st wing (which is buggy because it doesnt run correctly between protectors and norushen, among other things) If you want scripts for 2nd, 3rd and 4th wing, there is no estimate on when they will be done. Some people will tell you to make your own. Other people will tell you to stop bitching. But if you ask me, it's been 4 months, the developers said nothing and the situation is pretty grim right now. You got Lifetime Honorbuddy? Well too bad LOL
Soon enough you can all contribute and help make dungeon profiles. The tough part will be the logic and Custom behaviors/ Spell avoid and what not. But check this out. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...uesting-profile-editor-creator-generator.html
My excuse for paying for something that I expect to work doesn't fly? What world are you from? As you can see, the majority of the people on this thread agree with me and disagree with you. If you like to throw money at something that doesn't work and not care if it does, so be it...but I'll make sure to never have you take my car in for servicing. It'll probably end up leaking oil and missing a tire.
The point is, DB is still BETA as topic title says. So you cannot expect it to work like it's a release. I'm very frustrated with the situation too, because DB could work much better and be more complete, but it is BETA. So please stop now with bitching around and give this thread back a little more constructiveness.
BETA? BETA? This thing has been around for over six months officially as a part of HonorBuddy...it was a beta when it was part of the community-driven Addons. When HB put it as part of the official release you pay for, it's no longer beta. You don't pay for BETA items. Don't believe me...then stop playing Hearthstone. Wow, just wow.
I got all excited when I saw a "Downfall.cs" file in either the .719 or .720 HB release... only to see it appears to be essentially a shell of a script. Also, why has "Vale of Eternal Sorrows.cs" still not been revised to fix the two spots that are making it not be afkable? It's been months upon months and it still gets stuck in the same two places. Should be a pretty quick fix for someone that knows how to code a DB script. :/