is this for the login problem? where does this go? If it works - awesome i tip my hat! However, this is something the dev should be doing no? >><
I have setting everything and y press start button in hbrelog then it dosent log in dont do anything anyone know wath can happen ? i no have mumble no team viwer
[21:28:36] HBRelog Version [21:28:36] ******* Settings ******** [21:28:36] Auto AcceptTosEula: True [21:28:36] Auto Start: False [21:28:36] Auto Update HB: False [21:28:36] Check Hb's Responsiveness: False [21:28:36] Check Realm Status: False [21:28:36] HB Delay: 15 [21:28:36] Login Delay: 1 [21:28:36] Minimize Hb On Startup: False [21:28:36] Set GameWindow Title: False [21:28:36] Wow Start Delay: 0 [21:28:44] n: ********* Tasks *********** [21:28:44] n: ********* End of Task list *********** [21:28:44] n: Starting C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow.exe [21:28:45] n: Waiting for Wow to start [21:28:48] System.IO.FileNotFoundException: No se puede cargar el archivo o ensamblado 'fasmdll_managed.dll' ni una de sus dependencias. No se puede encontrar el módulo especificado. Nombre de archivo: 'fasmdll_managed.dll' en GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader..ctor(Process proc) en HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowLockToken.StartWoW() en HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.States.StartWowState.Run() en HighVoltz.HBRelog.FiniteStateMachine.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse() en HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse() en HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse() en HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork() Something happend with fasmdll_managed.dll'
I have a problem: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'fasmdll_managed.dll' or one of its dependencies. The specified module could not be found. File name: 'fasmdll_managed.dll' at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessReader..ctor(Process proc) at HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowLockToken.StartWoW() at HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.States.StartWowState.Run() at HighVoltz.HBRelog.FiniteStateMachine.FiniteStateMachine.Engine.Pulse() at HighVoltz.HBRelog.WoW.WowManager.Pulse() at HighVoltz.HBRelog.TaskManager.Pulse() at HighVoltz.HBRelog.HbRelogManager.DoWork() What I have to do? Thanks!
Honor buddy will only open now if I open it through HBRelog. Ive looked around and didnt see anything about this. Any ideas? I tried a fresh reinstal of HB didnt work. Opens fine when i run HB relog but when i just try to open HB it gets stuck on Logging in...
You're not supposed to remove anything, you're only supposed to add "//", which marks the line as a comment rather than a statement/command, and thus is not run. Basically this edit just removes the logging done on that line. So just add two forward-slashes, ie Code: Logging.Write(Colors.Red, ex.ToString()); to Code: //Logging.Write(Colors.Red, ex.ToString()); The reason why it does not show up in your list when your removed stuff is that the plugin no longer compiles, as it is not full / valid code anymore, and HB then doesn't load it. There should be lines that detail the compilation problems in your HB logs, should you ever encounter problems with some other plugin not showing up. As for a simple replacement for notepad when doing basic editing of code, Notepad++ is usually a good alternative if you're on windows and want something that feels familiar! Final note on updating from SVN: When you've made an edit to one of your local files, and try to update from SVN, it will keep your local copy as it detects your changes, and possibly ask if/how you want to merge it with the SVN version.
I loge HBRelog. Latly I have been missing one feature though. It is to set the position and size of the Honorbuddy window (Or minimize it) It would be great to have this feature when leveling 2-3 bots What Samuel / C# file would I find the Window code / Design? Keep up the good work...
I got this issue too. I think it has to do with how HB Relog start and log into HB. Probably writes a config of some sort...
How do I Fix this ... Gyazo - 2c41f7a5e43253c46c887137f36c774a.gif [01/26/2015 14:38:51] Timber 3: Wow is ready to login. [01/26/2015 14:38:52] Timber 3: Setting Window location to X:1345, Y:802 and Size to Width 1024, Height:768 [01/26/2015 14:38:53] Timber 3: Sending letters to AccountLoginPasswordEdit [01/26/2015 14:38:56] Timber 3: Pressing 'end' + delete keys to remove contents from AccountLoginPasswordEdit [01/26/2015 14:38:56] Timber 3: Sending letters to AccountLoginPasswordEdit [01/26/2015 14:38:58] Timber 3: Pressing 'end' + delete keys to remove contents from AccountLoginPasswordEdit [01/26/2015 14:38:58] Timber 3: Sending letters to AccountLoginPasswordEdit [01/26/2015 14:39:00] Timber 3: Pressing 'end' + delete keys to remove contents from AccountLoginPasswordEdit over and over..... Password is 106 bits (20char) no special chars, upper and lower with numbers. EDIT: Update on this one... it does not like passwords greater than 17 chars ... HV please fix
New version on SVN. * Only the first 16 characters of password are now used. * Fasm.NET( is now used in instead of fasmdll_managed.dll. Possible fix for the 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'fasmdll_managed.dll' or one of its dependencies' error.
First, download and install TortoiseSVN Then make a folder called HBRelog in your Plugins folder, right click it and press SVN Update. Enter the URL below in the Source link and press OK. Simple. EDIT: The .exe can be located in "\HonorBuddy\Plugins\HBRelog\bin\Release"
Is there any way to have HBRelog click through certain types of error popups that I get? Right now I get two types: 1) Windows error message: "Honorbuddy has stopped responding and needs to be closed" or something to that effect. If I'm at my computer I just click okay and HBRelog will try to start up Honorbuddy again. Unfortunately when I'm afk, the entire process gets stopped at this prompt. 2) Starting up WoW on 32-bit sometimes gives me the message that: "The CAS system was unable to initialize: Client Handler: initialization error: failed to create storage component Error downloading versions data from patch service: DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT. URL: Error downloading CDN data from patch service: DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT. URL: Error downloading CDN data from patch service: DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT. URL: Error downloading versions data from patch service: DOWNLOADING_TIMEOUT. URL: Error downloading CDN data from patch service: DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT. URL:" I am still in the process of figuring out why this happens (random occurrence). But at least right now if I'm not afk, I can click okay on the error message and HBRelog will try to start WoW again, which 90% of the time will work again.