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  • HB ARCHIVES: Honorbuddy Bug Reports--DO NOT DELETE!

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by chinajade, Sep 29, 2012.

    1. laria

      laria Well-Known Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      AW: Feedback for Honorbuddy Improvements

      BGBuddy is already listed, so I go with documentation.
      I have been around a lot and for a long time and know many things that I figured out myself.
      Most people haven't and really have a hard time figuring out how to use behaviours and xml.to write profiles.
      Some things are In the horribly outdated wiki. Those people that have the necessary knowledge don't need documentation and therefore don't write any, those that could need it, have no source to look at.
    2. nate8282

      nate8282 Member Legendary

      Dec 4, 2011
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      I know this isn't a high priority issue but, what i would love to see the following added as an option to Gatherbuddy2.

      An option to not collect any ore/herbs if an enemy npc is within a specific distance given by the user. ie, " [x] check to avoid node if enemy is within [10] yards".

      There is already an option to do so if there is an Elite, but to do so based on distance and non - Elites as well could not only increase
      the amount of herbs/ore per hour but also make profiles more stable, i think this would work best with MOP since the amount of nodes are no longer an issue.
    3. Immune21

      Immune21 New Member

      Nov 18, 2012
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      Something I thought up that would help BGbuddy quite a bit. Have an option for players to record rotations and have that translate to the rotation used in the bot. Could do it on training dummies


      My hunter just stands there while getting beat up on in bgs cant you have him strafe and switch to the melee assailant if my target isn't below 50%. and drop traps at this time.

      Would increase survivability and seem much less bottish

      Thanks for hearing me out!
    4. invalidx

      invalidx New Member

      Nov 12, 2012
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      Not sure if this has been mentioned before~

      Could we see a Combat Length timer added to Gatherbuddy (would be nice for QuestBuddy too)? Ideally combat time exceeds that of the limit the bot will try to run away from mobs to get out of combat. My bot frequently gets stuck in combat and just idles. I would prefer suicide over just sitting there if that can happen haha
    5. timotyman

      timotyman Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      A button you could press, that would send cords and relevant info to report mesh/navigation problems. Would make life easier. Open to people reporting stupid shit though.
    6. eddow

      eddow New Member

      Dec 7, 2010
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      Actually a button like this can't be bad at all. Have a REPORT ERROR button, automaticly parsing logfile, coords, and a screenshot and some general information to a Document file, or even to honorbuddy servers. Giving people who press the button, a link they can post on the forums, giving devs all the details they need to bug hunt.

      Give it some thoughts, make your life easier, so you can make more awesome stuff ^^
    7. Hell-Razor

      Hell-Razor New Member

      Feb 1, 2012
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      Add some way to message ALL the users. This could cut down a good amount of bitching on the forums (excuse my language). It could be very easy and text based. Have HB load notepad.exe with an important reminder (something that will blink, I know there is a way to do it) and it has to check the server every X amount of minute. If the textfile exists on the server, download it and display it on the users computer. This could be as easy as "honorboddy is going down at XX:XX" or "The Admins know HB is having issues, please dont post on the forums, expect an update at XX:XX". I know its a very little improvement BUT could be damn well worth it.

      Or also could do something like Kick does in his profile, have to click ok or stop or continue for an annoying message box to go away.
    8. kuiky012

      kuiky012 New Member

      May 27, 2012
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      In my opinion, dungeonbuddy, bgbuddy, routines
      BGBuddy I think is important, because it is a nice alternative leveling, and two because a lot of people use it to get your ilvl to the point of heroism. It's no secret how full of botters BG are currently with the bot a bit smarter to cap flags ninja move to logical points and not "larger struggle" would be very beneficial.
      Gatherbuddy2 could use a little help, it works great, but has a lot of problems with landings, trees, buildings, ect. An aide arrested there would be brilliant.
      Q I understand is being worked on again, but is still full of problems (granted many are being reported and fixed up)
      Pet Battles ... Interesting, but I put them in that low.
      Honestly, the main thing I'd really like to be improved is the Dungeon friend. It's a brilliant idea, great leveling and gear is nice. I have a 5-man team I run (usually with me as tank), and lately I can not even use it. Stops constant, not moving, and the bots are extremely hesitant to attack. Not to mention they have great difficulty navigating some cases as Wailing Caverns, All Blackrocks, and such. Mists support would be nice, and the few that are just heroics dungeons. I do not expect my bot to be perfect, but doing bad things and jumping to avoid firewalls and such obvious means is to not look like a bot (or be expelled for being partially retarded.)

      I think a lot of people who want your bot to do your work without constant supervision. (And fear ... paranoia is rampant with BGBuddy now)
      I have no speech is nothing but what he says is summed to all
    9. decerte1

      decerte1 New Member

      Dec 17, 2011
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      i think HB need an app for IOS or android , that allow us manager our bots when we cant sit at computer .

      just need chat from phone to game , show some information , like kill/death , ojb/h , honor/h . . . . .

      and allow us turn off the bot .
    10. Mindmyself

      Mindmyself New Member

      Oct 7, 2012
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      Most Important issue to fix would be BGBuddy. Right now, its pretty much useless because its so obvious, that you are botting. Not the behaviour of the bot, thats awesome. But there should be better profiles which comes with it. Right now, it sometimes get stuck for a few seconds on certain spots and it takes a few 10 seconds until it keeps on going. Also, there should be more routes, since right now, everybody who uses Honorbuddy runs the same path. A few days back, my character was running around in AV and there were like 10 other bots which was running the same path, stopped for the same enemy and mounted at the same time. Thats way to obvious.

      Also, a nice add on would be a little sound notifier if your character name was mentioned in the chat or when your character got whispered. Sure there are plugins for that, but these little features already build into HB would be great.
    11. joelib95

      joelib95 New Member

      Jul 10, 2012
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      and plss add some thing to dungeon buddy when player enter dungeon let it get the dungeon quest head it in back not just leaving dungeon
    12. Xelper

      Xelper New Member

      Dec 3, 2010
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      A small quirk that annoys me...

      The bot obviously has logic for selecting the best target, and it mostly works... the only annoying part is that if the mob becomes tagged by someone else between the time the bot targets the mob, the bot will keep tunneling that mob, giving the tagger a free kill and potentially being noticed as a bot because it is helping kill mobs for no return.

      So: If a mob gets tagged between the time a target is selected and before the first hit is dealt, blacklist that target.
    13. Batman

      Batman New Member

      Apr 17, 2012
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    14. koean

      koean New Member

      Mar 12, 2012
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      More BG profiles with randomized waypoints EG, adds a randomized interger of X to the set coordinate of Y to get to new point Z and if Z is unreachable go to Y
    15. lynar

      lynar New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      It's very odd that there is no built-in profilemaker. It's thugh for many, including myself (can't add mailboxes etc).
      Think back couple of years, and we had a program with the built in funtion. :)
      Last edited: Dec 27, 2012
    16. webhond


      May 23, 2011
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      Hello lads...wich bot... bg buddy... class : any cc: any

      You have to admit, you seen this question before, multiple times yet you dont see the urge to fix something that
      is 1. really really broken and 2. in its current state for a long time. Might be a good idea to make this a prio tbh cause
      everything you tried to fix on it so far, only made it worse x 10? Can we conclude by seeing the above, that you 1. dont
      care or 2. dont know how to fix it?

      People always said, it takes a bot to spot a bot, but thats long gone, 12 yr old kiddo down the street can tell if your botting now.
      The way they move is just retarded. Settings like refreshment detection just shows your botting since people stick a hs on the other side of the room and all bots run simultaneously. The amount of errors by just opening a bg are plain retarded.

      For example, all bots always stand on same places when a bg starts. You can tell in a blink who is botting and whos not since you see all scattered and then one big pack.

      When a bg opens, for example :

      -eots, all stand on each other on MT.
      -IoC, they use the effin portal on open keep door, and this after they ran retarded trough the keep door, back and forth a few times and then take the portal Before you attempted to fix this they actually only took the portal.
      -Gilneas, run trough the door, back and forth a few times until, in the end, they continue they're route trough the other room and then that gate....

      Its so obvious, not a botter is seeing it now, but a lot of people are and it has become a standard chat issue in bg now making the chance you get reported x10 bigger.

      How come, so long, this has been the same, over and over. You have to be a moron to run bg buddy, even av, cause you get stuck on so many occasions, its not even funny no more. I dont care about my account anymore, so i bot 24/7 every cgar to 90, if i get banned, tough luck. But the lack of updates on this, even when this issue has been addressed many many times before, with logs, pics, detailed description.... still remains.

      So legit question here. Can we xpct an update soon on the one thing this bot started out to be big with? Or will this remain broken as is...and in the end, is there no use for this bot no more then lazyraider and endless farming?

    17. AknA

      AknA Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Feb 11, 2012
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      Which Bot? (Grind, Quest, Archaeology Buddy, BGBuddy, etc) :
      Any bot
      Character Information (Class, Level, Race, Spec) :
      Any char, level, race, spec
      What profile were you using? (if applicable. Please provide a link, or an attachment for the profile) :
      No profile (or any profile)
      Date the bug occured (please be as specific as possible, eg; Weds, 12th of October, at 5:36 AM EST) :
      2013-01-03 ->
      Please explain, in as much detail as possible, what the bug is. (The more detail, the better) If your report has no information, or we can't determine what you're talking about, the bug will be ignored. Please be concise with your report.
      Please explain any steps to reproduce this bug. If the bug is not reproducible, we may not be able to fix it. :
      I'm developing a plugin that uses WoWGameObject.Interact(); (ObjectGatherer under Uncataloged Plugins).
      The "bug" I found out is that when I'm best friend with all Tillers factions, you can't loot Dark Soil anymore, you still see them but you can't rightclick them at all.
      Now, if you use WoWGameObject.Interact(); on the Dark Soil anyway, it will instead try to loot the nearest other WoWGameObject.
      Don't know if I want to call this a bug or strange behavior from HB, I notised this when I attached a blacklist timer.

      Please list all plugins currently enabled (as well as links to any plugins not packaged with HB by default)
      Which Custom Class are you using? Please include the version, and link if applicable. :
      Only ObjectGatherer
    18. bobsgettingthere

      bobsgettingthere New Member

      Aug 1, 2012
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      Hey Honorbuddy team, love your great work and been using your product for several months now, its effin awesome! keep it up!
      But i've encountered a problem currently using Kick's questing profile(s), so now i got redirected here, and here's the problem:
      taken from the other thread
      "Hey Kick, love your profiles ive been using them from 1-80 but now i've run into some issues. I'm questing in Hyjal and upon arrival it skipped all the introductionary quests and just flew right to Jadi Falaryn - NPC - World of Warcraft, where it compiled nordrassil quests, wolf run quests and another place i couldnt remember. And i can't really quest there since i havent unlocked the other quests. It also started to loop and fly between several spots to pick up quests, then returning to Jadi Falaryn - NPC - World of Warcraft, which is quite weird lol, cause even if i picked up other quests it didn't do them, just fly on. Is this a bug or are the profiles just poorly scripted? pls help"
      edit: fresh log

      Attached Files:

      Last edited: Jan 12, 2013
    19. alpha2twin

      alpha2twin Member

      Oct 18, 2011
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      HB improvements for BG buddy and in general.

      Hey guys here is just something I have noticed while doing BG's lately. I have recently seen a lot of players setting their roles as soon as they join a BG in order to pick out any bots that are there and then they report the rest for botting.

      I have seen this being done nearly every BG now and especially late nights, the reason I know this is that I supervise nearly 100% of the time and I will usually set my role upon entering.
      If it would be possible to implement automatically changing the role a few seconds after entering the BG, this might make the bots fit in a little more.

      Also another thing is that after a certain time, you automatically receive a <Away> tag before your name even if the bot is moving etc and it might be a good idea to implement something to remove that because it's a big flag over your head screaming BAN ME!!!

      These are just 2 small things that I have noticed but in general BG's buddy is starting to look a lot better in regards to randomness then it did before.

      Hope this helps!
    20. Hariberu

      Hariberu Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Should improve the hotspots for archbot and add an auctionhouse bot that sells for X percent less than the current item (can be specified in the bot settings) <--- Just a suggestion.

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